This was posted 12 years 4 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

World of Warcraft Battle Chest USD $5


WoW Battle Chest incl Wrath expansion for $5 digital download from Blizzard store

incl a Free month of game time

Say goodbye to your real life!!

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Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment

closed Comments

  • +1

    Yay! cheap Multibox

  • +11

    This game singlehandedly made me swear I'd never play an online game again. I'm glad to be free of it's clutches.

    • +5

      Truth be told; it's not the game(s), it's you. Too many people have their priorities out of whack. I'm sure you are able to play another online game without it killing you.

      • +7

        Yep: my friends have been hopelessly addicted before, but I can't get into it.
        Lucky me, I guess.

      • +5

        Well of course it's me, so I took measures to ensure I wouldn't be in the same position again.

      • This is exactly right.

        Most people that quit WoW just replace it with another addiction.

        Those who can play WoW and not get addicted generally won't get addicted to most things.

      • Semantics. "Guns don't kill people… people kill people". Give a prone person a gun, and it'll tip the odds hard & fast.
        The game brings people to ruin their priorities. It's not called WarCrack for nothing. It's a backhanded compliment… The game's the best of it's breed, but it's the worldwide gamers aspect & 'never ending' nature that's the killer. There's always the next wave of people logging on, and more massive missions. It's geared for gluttony. Awesome but dangerous.

      • +4

        It's a game designed to be as addictive as possible. Blizzard have used metrics and iterative design to reach their goal of designing a deliberately addictive product. Stay away at all costs.

        There's a reason they can spend so much on user acquisition and giving away the product for 'free' or $5 - it's because they know it's addictive and they can raise the price when you resubscribe. It's no coincidence that they're using the drug dealer's model of 'the first hit's free'.

        It's only fair warning to advise people before hand, as AlanHB and others have. It's not 'weakness' or the individual's fault that they get addicted to a product designed to be addictive, it just means that a large corporation has achieved it's aim of creating a drug-like product with endless novelty.

  • Havent played in a year or two, and before that another year long break. great price considering it includes a month of gametime.

  • +8

    This really is a sign it's the beginning of the end for WoW… $5!

    • +4

      of they have realised they cant charge $40 per expansion when there are now 5 or so games u need to buy for it

      • +12

        the game and expansions should be free considering there is a subscription fee

    • They've sold it for $5 previously. Game still has a truck load of members. The first real test for the game will be when the annual passes begin to expire - the number of people that will not resubscribe when they're not locked into a contract.

      • You're actually not locked in to the annual pass.

        • No, but they held a big promotion whereby you get a free Diablo III key if you subscribed to the annual pass which a lot of people capitalised on. Once they're done with Pandaria, they'd probably unsubscribe until the next carrot comes along.

        • Yeah, I know. I was just saying that you don't have to pay for the full year even if you subscribed to the annual pass.

          I'm on the annual pass, but I still pay tri-monthly. I can cancel the sub at any time despite being on the annual pass. You just lose the in-game mount if you do…

  • damnit, the wife already went crazy due to the amount of time spent on borderlands 2, I've already blown my (PC time) budget :(

    • It's only $5, no one will ever know.

      • +3

        He's talking about time, not dosh.

        • Oh yeah, time is money anyway.

        • +1

          not when you got kids that need attention!

  • -1


    • +11

      lmao I hate WoW but it does amuse me whenever a new MMO is released and everyone is certain this will be the one to knock WoW off the throne.

      Does okay for a few months then subscriber numbers drop dramatically before it going completely F2P before shutting down, or just skipping the F2P bit and shutting down completely.

    • +4

      I played RIFT for several months (pretty much a full year). The game is a buggy mass of boredom. One of the worst MMRPGs ever created. It sincerely gives both Star Wars MMRPGs a run for its money. I too love how whenever a new MMRPG or expansion is released that everyone clamors and suggests "This is the game that will take WoW's crown" and it never happens.

      • +6

        Why in the name of hell did you spend "pretty much a full year" playing a "buggy mass of boredom"? How boring is your life?!

        • +2

          He's an Ozbargainer.
          He paid for the game.

    • +1

      IMO the only MMO that's had a hope of defeating WoW was SWTOR - it's the only one that genuinely improved on WoW in certain areas (story telling in SWTOR's case) and had enough of an existing fanbase in the lore to pull people in. The only problem was that SWTOR's end game sucked and so people stopped playing it after they completed the story lines.

      I think it's safe to say that Rift's expansion probably won't even show up in WoW's subscription graph.

  • -5

    good way to make profit on ebay :D

    • Yeah, that won't happen. You can easily get cata accounts for $20.

      • link? cheapest is about $100 with no free game time :L

  • +1

    How large is the download?

    I see under PC System Requirements it states "15 GB available HD space"

    Would the download be larger?

    • +1

      it could be larger, got patches and stuff.

    • IIRC, it's significantly larger. Say 4GB per expansion + vanilla alone should be that 15GB. Throw in all the content patches and it can easily double.

    • -2

      and i believe that 15gb is per expansion too

    • +1

      A full fresh install to Cataclysm was 21GB, add on a bit more for MoP content.

      The download is slightly less, but not much.

    • +1

      It depends entirely upon your computer settings. If you don't set it to high it can be as little as around 15 all up I'm pretty sure.

      I'm running everything on ultra on a new computer and redownloaded the client not too long ago. I have every expansion installed includeding mists of panderia and it's 19.4gb.

      • +1 thankyou RI4V4N & to all re the DL size

        I wish I hadnt missed out on the Physical Box ver

  • +14

    I read it first as "Battle Chess". That game was awesome.

    • True, but I wouldn't pay $5 for it in this day and age.

  • +4

    Note that you will still need to buy 2 expansions to play the latest content.

  • hmm isn't the panda expansion out now - I assume that would be extra, so will they offer a free trial of that from WOTLK.

    I could go a panda for a couple of weeks, thankfully I broke my WOW habit a long time ago and I can actually go back as a casual once a year without getting hooked.

    Too repetitive now to be attractive long term

    I think I might have up to cataclysm, but I forget.

    • +5

      Thankfully I broke my heroin addiction a long time ago and I can actually shoot up as a casual user once a year without getting hooked.

  • +1

    Does the free month game time start when we buy it or can we activate it at a later time?

    • +1

      you have to buy it thorough blizzard store to just get a key i.e. op's link. if you buy it through it will activate on your account

  • You would still need to buy Cataclysm and MoP after I would assume?

    • +1

      You will if you want access to those contents.

  • +1

    Duncan's Toychest

  • -1

    Just got this email from Blizzard - "Save Over 40% on Cataclysm / Mists of Pandaria Digital Bundle"

    Tried to log in to check the pricing but remembered I've got an authenticator on my account, and have since changed I'll have to do something about that :/

    Honestly, I'm leaning more towards trying Guild Wars 2. WoW is just far too stale for me, and throwing some pandas in isn't going to change that. I need something new :)

    • +3

      Guild Wars 2 is great, it just doesn't really have a ton of lasting/gripping content to keep you playing. But with gw2 of course there's no sub so it doesn't really matter if you only play it now and again.

      • +1

        Found the same. Made it to 80, finished the story line and now I'm a bit bored of it. Made some new chars, but its all the same… lol

        But as you say, it's free, so I can leave it for now and play it at any time in the future!

    • +2

      I got the same email. It's $39.99 for the Cata/MoP bundle. MoP is $39.99 by itself from the Blizzard store.

  • +2

    Good for those who want to do their own recruit a friend (RAF).

  • +2

    Run away OzBargainers this game will suck the life and money out of you.

  • Damn… store doesnt accept paypal and I dont have a CC :(

    Just need someone to post a deal on a prepaid visa card now

  • i am over this game i had a lvl 83 druid got a 7 day pass.

    logged on
    looked around
    killed a mob
    Exit game
    Never Looked back :D

  • +1

    This is like the local dealer giving you a free sample.

    Still a deal though!

  • this is a great price …at least for 1 month subscription!!
    Lucky I have Diablo3 now to keep me occupied and still have a life!
    WOW will get u divorced I recon!!

  • +1

    haters gonna hate, i too gave up WoW and moved to GW2 needed something to fill in the addiction.

    GW2 has little to none end game content (PVE) you have 5 buttons to press… dps is slow.

    moved back to WoW, how i missed you so much Blizzard. this expansion is awesome, there is so much new content.
    for $5 battle chest is cheap, add another $40 for cata/mop, still a great bargain.

    i think if you recruit a friend, they get a free character from 1-80 instantly and free cata, or is that scroll of ressurrection?

    • +2

      I've got some cocaine to sell if your interested….

  • +1

    I have some dry cured honey smoked bacon - almost the same thing!

    • Sold! Rack up a line and I'll snort it right now!!

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