So I did the Hungry Jacks offer last night and it arrived late because the driver was at the store for like 40 minutes waiting and got a $5 voucher. I thought about letting it ride and ordering the same time today but I got hungry and ordered earlier and it didn't arrive late. Just wondering if it is possible to strategically place your order at a certain time at a certain store to keep getting the $5 voucher..
Deliberately Ordering Food When a Restaurant Is Rushed to Get The $5 Late Delivery Voucher from Uber Eats

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That makes 500 cents. Cheers.
the driver was at the store for like 40 minutes waiting
I wonder how much this driver got paid for that delivery. Surprised they didn't just bail!
In my area, I find any order during peak times in my area is guaranteed to be late. I've had 3 or 4 credits over the past few months. Personally, i'd prefer to get the food on time.
late because the driver was at the store for like 40 minutes waiting
Chances are they were running another delivery for a different service.
$5 or cold soggy takeout .. hmmm
You know what, I never get that $5 voucher, for some reason they just never give it to me even when all the conditions are met.
Are you actively applying for it? They don't give it out automatically anymore.
Or advertise it. I've never had an uber eats delivery on time.
I make a dispute, and they just give me inane response that makes no sense.
Weird. Did you go direct to live chat? From memory when I last did it, I just had to select the late delivery option from the help menu and it just handed me the credit.
Sounds like a good way to get a $̶5̶ ̶v̶o̶u̶c̶h̶e̶r̶ cold burger
/$$5 isn't enough compensation for expensive cold soggy burgers.
time to preheat the oven
Why stop there, turn up the heat by taking a photo of intentionally ripped bags, missing items and spilt food to get a refund and sorry credit.
Spend ~$30 to purposely receive a cold whopper cheese meal in order to receive a $5 voucher. That math ain’t mathing
With the offer it's ~$15, so with the $5 voucher it's $10.
go to the restuarant you want to order from. before you place the order. make a massive order in store (like for 55 burgers, 55 chips, 55 drinks, 55 ice cream cones)
get 5 dollar voucher
freeeee moneyyyyy
:) yeah that popped up on my facebook feed before hehehe
So this is what they do for fun over there when the churches close…
Go get yourself a salad and give yourself an uppercut - in no particular order.
i feel like getting fast food like hungry jacks delivered whilst the delivery driver gets $2 is the pinnacle of "start again"
because the driver was at the store for like 40 minutes waiting
That sounds like your order had somehow fallen through the crack. Have you ever seen a HJ/ Maccas/ KFC so busy that you'd have to wait 40 mins for your food?
If you Google the specific restaurant it will show a graph of popular times and a live feed of how busy it is currently. You could use that to your advantage.