7/11 Fuel Lock Capped at 25c Per Litre

We heard it was coming - just received this email.

We’ve changed the way Fuel Price Lock works by introducing a maximum saving of 25 cents per litre (see section 16).
If the difference between the pump price and the price locked in by Fuel Lock exceeds the 25 cents per litre maximum discount, the price will automatically adjust so that you receive the maximum 25 cents per litre saving.
You will still pay the lower pump price if the price at the pump is lower than your Fuel Lock price.

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  • +43

    Expecting choppers for sale at Gumtree from today.

    • +1

      I never got around using them :(

      • Lucky you with your Learjet landing strips at all destinations.

      • +10

        Bro is acting as if he managed to lock fuel greater than 25c within his vicinity.

        • +4

          Well 40c is usually the average price jump at the end of the cycle here in WA so not hard to go over 25c if you lock on Tuesday and buy on Wednesday.

        • fuel greater than 25c within his vicinity.

          I usually do 🤷‍♂️ around 40c for 95 ron.

          This is by checking the fuel cycle on motor mouth and planning ahead and on most occasions it’s around 35-45c mark by the time I do have to pump.

        • 50c differences available across Sydney right now, some within 2km (Ashfield-Haberfield and Yagoona-Chullora)

        • Pretty common in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney from the bottom to the top of the fuel cycle.

        • How do all the neggers for my comment feel about this change now :-)

          Just today noticed my locked price is 198c/L from 2 days ago. But when I rocked up to my nearest 7/11 the pump price is 245c/L 🤷‍♂️ (whopping 47c difference wtf!). Ditched it and drove to costco for 199c/L.
          When you pump 55-60L in a go, the change really matters.

  • +6

    We will honour all Fuel Locks locked in prior to 6th February 2024 to the full extent of the saving. However, if you redeem that Fuel Lock after 12:01 am on 6th of February 2024 and the saving exceeds the new maximum saving of 25 cents per litre, for technical reasons the saving that exceeds 25 cents per litre will not be processed at the time of your purchase. We will honour the additional saving by reimbursing you the amount in accordance with section 16.25, if you fill out the missed fuel discount form under the contact us tab of the My 7-Eleven app.

    • +6

      They dont say how they are going to do this ????

      Biggest saving happens when you lock in at the lowest cycle price and price jumps up 40c-50c

      Today in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs local price is $2.20
      (Best Sydney price is $1.64 @ Yagoona)
      Fuel lock price is $1.62
      Saving/L = 58c

      So 25c maximum under these circumstances is a bummer!
      They are basically giving me a best price of $1.95 if applicable today

      • yagoona is my local n is always pretty cheap

        • +1

          Lucky person.
          Lost of cheap servos in yagoona area to choose from

        • +1

          Reading into the 7/11 app - More / Help & Support / Contact us / Missed fuel discount……

          They will "send you a gift card if eligible for the discount"

          How do they determine if eligible?
          …..And there is nowhere to confirm your locked fuel price
          How long will that take to process?
          And then how long before it arrives in the mail?

          And have they worked out the potential loss in thier convenience store sales? …. which is what 7/11 mainly relies on for their profits

          I can see them pissing off a lot of customers with or without chopper discounts.
          And they will need to put on a team of customer service people just to process the claims.

          This is not going to work out well for anyone

  • +20

    The dream is over

  • +15

    25 cents is pretty slim… taking into account petrol price ranges around the 40 cent/L mark, wouldn't a 40 cent limit be reasonable while filtering out the interstate choppers?

    • +30

      Legit had $1.69 locked in and filled up with it being $2.19 at the bowser the other day. It's very easy to go over the 25c limit

      • +14

        There are places and times in Brisbane where I can drive a suburb over and save 48c a litre on advertised pump prices.

    • +2

      I think they have done that too

      Now getting an A01 error when locking in interstate prices.

      Seems to work fine when locking in home state prices.

      Further ttesting required

      Workaround might be to change the local time zone on your phone to target state

      • Running into this myself.

  • +3


  • +2

    Darn, just read that email. Just started my chopper game with iFakeLocation ;)

  • +19

    It begins….

    Next year it will be 15 cents or they will add some sort condition, maybe you generate locking credits by going to a 7/11 for fuel once a fortnight so they can average your savings from the times that you go elsewhere for fuel (when they have those multi week high fuel prices)

    • +7

      Fuel locks from the same state only I'm sure would be on the drawing board…

      • +3

        I got error A01 on two accounts trying to lock a WA price recently (haven't locked any prices on these accounts in weeks, so it can't be the 24 hour thing). Went back to NSW and it locked in straight away.

        • Same problem here :(

          • +3

            @superuser: Been looking through the other 7eleven thread, people have had success using a VPN based in the same location as your fuel lock. E.g. WA VPN for a WA lock. Gonna try it out later.

        • +1

          Thx for sharing as I experienced the same thing on my Phone 7 running iOS15.8

          But still works using iFakelocation on my iPhone SE 3 running iOS 16.4

        • Same A01 error for me but same workaround worked for me as well.

          iFakelocation doesnt get around this either as of Australia day

          So OBers take note

          You now must now lock in best price in your state.

          I havent tried manually changing local time zone on my iphone yet to see if that gets around this restricdtion but worth a try !

        • I am finding some VPNs are not working. I think they are starting to block some VPN IP address's too.

      • +3

        Yeah but a same state restriction would be kinda fair at least, it stops people using a fake location but you can still use it legitimately.

        The 25c difference limit just sucks - there can easily be 40+ cents different a couple of suburbs over in Brisbane.

        • +2

          7/11 Price in East Sydney today is $2.20.
          7/11 Price in West Sydney is $1.64
          Thats like 55c difference in the same city in the same day.
          If they can sell for $1.64 then why not allow that anywhere in Sydney?
          This 25c discount cap is ludicrous!

          • @Dr Phil:

            7/11 Price in East Sydney today is $2.20.
            7/11 Price in West Sydney is $1.64
            Thats like 55c difference in the same city in the same day.
            If they can sell for $1.64 then why not allow that anywhere in Sydney?
            This 25c discount cap is ludicrous!

            Two 7/11s at Emu Plains each @ $2.20

            7/11 Kingswood $1.69.

            Blaxland $1.79

            Penrith $2.20.

      • +4

        Seems a bit extreme when we have cross-border cities like Gold Coast-Tweed. Maybe a distance restriction like 150 km.

        • They already have a distance restriction - scans your 5 local 7/11s when done legitimately

          • @Dr Phil: It seems that would be overridden by restricting the lock to the same state.

    • +7

      Lol rather get fuel somewhere else if it ever comes to that, fk 'em.

      • +1

        Yes, time for plan B
        Find a good local independent

        Personally I had issues with fuel quality at mine which almost cost me $500 to fix.
        So its a bit of a risk

    • it's been a good run bois😭

  • +7

    The good old days of cheap motoring in my Reliant Robin are over.

    • +13

      It’s a conspiracy by Big EV to make you scrap your Robin…

  • +4

    7/11 Fuel Lock Capped at 25c Per Litre

    I looked at the type thinking you've actually locked it in at 25c litre!
    But disappointed when I read further that it's a maximum discount cap of 25c litre! lol

    (Not that I ever use it…)

  • +6

    No loss for some of us without a 7/11 😉😭

  • +2

    The backlash is going to be fun.

    Going to be some mental maths involved.

    • +25

      They ended the friendship when they hiked the coffee prices.
      Now they are putting up not welcome sign.

      • +4

        50c off on the app? I got one with oat milk for $1.50 which is pretty good considering other places charge extra 50c for oat / soy milk.

        Get a coffee once in a while and get your rewards the go elsewhere :D

        • The ice coffee was my go to. I prefer coles express hot coffee which is still $1.50 :)

        • +2

          Oat milk? Where?!

          • @bananabendera: 7/11 near Healesville, Victoria.

            There is 1 of the 3 machines that did only plant based milk. I asked the attendant because I thought it was the only machine.

        • +1

          TIL there's a 7-11 with alternate milks. All my locals only have full-cream or skim.

          <cries in lactose intolerance>

        • Thats a rort

          Soy milk is only $1.15/L
          Normal full cream milk is $1.70/L

          Time to call that one out

      • There get Hason in next tell you (profanity) off were full

      • Well said.. I hope the new master franchisee suffers in their jocks

  • +84

    Well now instead of automatically going to 7/11 like I have the last ~7-8 years. I will have to start thinking about where I shop. Good job team.

    • +14

      Plenty of places in western and south western sydney which offer similar to the lowest prices available on 7/11

      • +14

        Lower than 7/11. Metro, Speedway are usually lower than 7/11.

        • +5

          Only use 7/11 at the end of the fuel cycle to get the extra week. Now requires some mental maths.

      • It's the same in Newcastle speedway and Pearl Energy Mayfield West have cheaper E10 than the lowest price on 711

        • +1

          I haven't used the 7/11 app in a long time for this reason. It is usually cheaper just to fill up in Mayfield West on my way through, although E10 was $1.54 at the airport when I drove past at 6:30 yesterday evening!

    • yep, more likely I'll look which 711 I'll use the lock at. There's currently a 30c difference within 20mins of me.

    • Yes haven't figured out the loss in "shop sales" as a result of this move

  • +1

    Time to buy a Tesla

    • +21

      With what money.
      Why can’t we have same cars as we do now - just electric. I don’t want huge console and everything touch.
      Just a safe, basic EV that is sub $20k and takes me from A to B

      • -2

        Model 2 is your friend

      • +4

        If they quit with the battery capacity and range arms race we could have $25k EVs. Many would snap up a 150km range city runabout as a second car. Who really does more than 100km in a day in the city on a regular basis? Other than business use of course.

        • +3

          I wouldn’t want to pay more than $10k for an EV with sub 150km range since that would necessitate a second car.

          A $25k Wagon with 400km range would be sooo good.

      • +6

        $20k? Good luck even finding a new combustion car for that. Average new car sale price is now over $50k. Some of that is skewed by chromed out tax write off Rangers and Hiluxes, but a poverty pack non-hybrid Corolla now starts at $33k, and can be specced up to $45k. EVs are more expensive, and the cheapest, non-shit one, the MG4 starts at $43k with the tiny battery.

        • MG4 is about 20k, in it's home China

          • @Leonard0880: More like $25k after the last round of discounts. Not an insignificant difference, but it's the cost of selling and operating in Australia.

      • +2

        @MakkhiChoos - You'd be hard pressed to find a "safe" basic A to B brand new petrol car for sub $20k. You're not going to get sub $20k EV for at least another decade.

      • +2

        With all the money your chopper has saved you over the years. You've been putting it aside, right?

        • +1

          I never had the time to setup and use chopper.

          Planning to win tomorrows $150m lotto to make up for all my sins.

    • +4


      Tesla Model 3 drive away price: $67,142 (as per tesla's website)
      2023 Mazda CX-5 drive away ~ $45-50,000 (check carsales for a specific model).

      Let's drop the difference to 15k for simplicity.

      For $15,000 you can buy 7500 liters of petrol ($2) which will give you slightly over 90.000 kms traveled. And if you ask me, CX-5 is much nicer & practical car compared to Model 3.

      • Because it’s bad for the environment.

        Nice try trying to sell me a Mazda though. Got a good laugh out of it.

      • Novated lease makes it about the same price

      • why CX5, a top of the range Mazda 3 is enough to win this competition

      • Why CX-5? I just checked the website, and the poverty pack version is pretty bare-bones. For a like-for-like comparison, you'll have to pick the CX-5 with heated seats/wheel, power adjustment, 360 monitor, sunroof, LED headlights, power tailgate, etc., regardless of whether you want them or not. This 'Akera' model pushes it up to $57.6K, which closes that gap significantly. With salary sacrifice and novated lease, the Tesla will come out cheaper.

        • Bingo!

        • time to introduce the 37k Haval h6, with all the features you mentioned

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