Mobile Porting Advice Please, Failed ID Verification

Update: I tried again with Boost chat, initially got told to get lost but tried a different tactic and was given a case number then told to call customer service. They made it a torturous experience that lasted 30 minutes but in the end they transferred my number onto the new SIM and all is well for another 12 months.
A solid $70 saving so worth that time spent.
The DOB issue remains, I dont care about that for now.

TLDR: Can anyone tell me what mobile providers are not currently demanding ID verification against government docs to port number?

Currently with Boost on 12 month plan that expires this week. Already purchased new discounted Boost SIM with 12 month plan but this time Boost refused to transfer everything over as they have done in the past. They told me my new SIM is for new customers only.

To get around the now enforced Boost rule, I decide to temporarily port to Vodafone.

When activating Vodafone SIM, I was asked for usual personal info and then for either driver license, passport or medicare details to check ID.

I went with Medicare

Ive never been asked for those ID docs before when porting.

The thing is, in 2000 when I got my first Optus mobile phone and the number that I still have, I thought, I dont trust them with my info so I gave a fake DOB.

Ive always just used the fake DOB when porting.

Of course this time the port has failed because my ID verification failed, obviously because the DOB didnt match.

While I was asleep, a new law came into force in December, The Identity Verification Services Act 2023​. This allows businesses to verify my identity against government records, allegedly, to protect me from crime.

Right now the only options I can see are to let Boost auto-renew my 12 month plan at greater cost or I send Vodafone 100 point ID documents to get my DOB changed, which I am not going to do, well, I dont want to do it.

Can anyone tell me if any mobile providers are not currently demanding ID verification with official gov. docs?


  • +2

    hope the savings was worth it…..

  • +1

    when I got my first Optus mobile phone and the number that I still have, I thought, I dont trust them with my info so I gave a fake DOB.

    Did you make any other predictions around that time? The Powerball numbers this week would be greatly appreciated but I’ll take anything really.

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    Reminds me of the dude that recently used a fake mobile number to claim canon cash back. Problem was he needed the number to confirm his identity and receive the cash back.

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      Reminds me of a comment yonks ago on OzB from someone complaining a freebie was a scam because they never received anything but they were safe because they only provided fake address and details.

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    TLDR: Can anyone tell me what mobile providers are not currently demanding ID verification against government docs to port number?

    Hopefully none as they can be fined big $ for it. This is what they are wanting to avoid… same sort of thing also not that long ago.

    The whole point of the law is to stop people being able to port from provider A to B or get a replacement sim with out any checks done to see if the person actually owns it.
    Which is from what your post have been doing happily over the years. The law should have brought in over 10 years ago so consider yourself lucky you have been able to get away with it until now.

    I was caught out I have been using made up expiry dates for my ID number 123456789012 expires the 23rd of March 2020.
    So when I attempted to use it with a newer made up expiry date I was told nope it's expired. I had to get a new form of ID which passed the new restrictions to get new sim cards or port out etc.

  • +1

    Coles mobile uses a Visa/MasterCard for verification - weird approach

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    While I was asleep, a new law came into force in December, The Identity Verification Services Act 2023​.

    There are laws made earlier that required ID.

    For example on ACMA website currently is referencing Telecommunications (Mobile Number Pre-Porting Additional Identity Verification) Industry Standard 2020. You weren’t caught out by something recent.

    Can anyone tell me if any mobile providers are not currently demanding ID verification with official gov. docs?

    So just based on the 2020 law, any provider matching your requirements will be acting against the law?

    Suggested solution:

    Go to Vodafone store in person and get them help you to port your number. Provide them your valid ID.

  • +1

    I gave a fake DOB

    So many posts recently have this vibe.

  • This is why the law was implemented in the first place, people were activating mobile numbers and using them for nefarious reasons.

    Using a government document for verification holds you accountable for what you do with it.

  • +1

    fix up your account with boost, and then port again

  • +1

    Can anyone tell me what mobile providers are not currently demanding ID verification against government docs to port number

    None. Its a regulation to combat terrorism.

  • It seems like Boost is really trying to crack down on existing customers porting their number to a new SIM. The first time I ported a several years ago they ported without issue but the last time I ported they were really resistant and kept telling me the deal was for new customers (they did it in the end anyway).

    In terms of the ID thing, I think all telcos require it now so you won't be able to get past that now.

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