Does Extending Fine Due Date Extends Licence Suspension Start Date?

Hey everyone,

I have been notified that my licence will get suspended due to excessive speeding (completely my fault and happy to serve suspension time). It was supposed to start today but my licence status is showing "current" online in Vic Roads profile page. I had requested for extension of fine payment due date on Friday and was given a new due date (sometime in Feb).

Does requesting fine due date also extends the suspension start due date? Anybody else had experienced this before?


  • +5

    I wouldn’t be driving until you confirm it. Vicroads site is probably slow to update.

  • +9

    Race down to Vic roads as fast as you can and ask them. :)

    • -5

      Oh yeah, sure, cause they are open on a Sunday!

    • -4

      It doesn't help the OP when:

      It was supposed to start today but my licence status is showing "current" online in Vic Roads profile page.

      Today is a Sunday.

      • yes it is…

    • +1

      Will call them tomorrow.

  • The website is usually up to date, but could take 24 hours to update (like most Gov websites). If you do drive, I would take a screenshot of it being active not long before you started driving so you could say that you thought you were still okay.

    However, depends on the copper you get. Might not get away with it.

    • Or better still don’t drive until you’ve confirmed it.

  • Meh. It only comes with a possible maximum prison sentence of 2 years.. surely you can handle that.

    • Not thinking of driving, but just wondering if the suspension date is extended I would be serving the term longer than needed.

    • Look how many absolute menaces with life time driving bans still hit the road and get caught and never see the inside of a cell.

      Fine and suspension extension is worst case scenario for OP.

    • You just need to be on drugs and show up to court in some wrinkled Kappa shirt. The judge will give you compassion and suspend the sentence. Also you'd may as well do a bit of shoplifting on the way to court to complete your big day out.

  • Be happy to live in Victoria.
    Purchase a faulty product from the QLD govt and get a lifetime suspension from them in return.

    • ?

  • Which model commodore do you drive?

    • Nah, I reckon OP might have an SUV.

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