Hey Gang, found this deal today at Amazon 56% off.
1.5 ltr is also on sale 59% off
Decor Microsafe Round Storage Container, 1.5 Litre Capacity, Red
Hey Gang, found this deal today at Amazon 56% off.
1.5 ltr is also on sale 59% off
Decor Microsafe Round Storage Container, 1.5 Litre Capacity, Red
I agree, but worth noting that most rice cookers and kettles are anywhere from a small amount of plastic to almost entirely plastic. Different grades of plastic are better for higher temperatures - this will be PP which has a relatively low melting point
Yep, would be fine.
Personally I cook rice in a stainless steel pot. Works great, and no plastic/non-stick coating.
I cook mine in bamboo, fully biodegradable.
Especially as normal rice cookers are only about $10 from Kmart. I just checked the instructions and this thing takes 17 minutes to cook rice. Great way to become the most disliked person in the break room.
Who would be dumb enough to waste their break cooking rice?
Why else would you buy a microwave rice cooker?
@Diminuendo: To occasionally cook rice at home. Not everyone wants/needs a rice cooker. Seriously who would do that on their precious lunch break?
@Diminuendo: For sure, any container will do but you'll need to keep a constant eye on it to prevent burning. While I have a rice cooker, I know of people who do use microwave cookers with great success.
Especially as normal rice cookers are only about $10 from Kmart.
Normal rice cookers use a plastic cooking surface too (PTFE) instead of the microwave container (PP).
They are a discrete device rather than taking up the microwave.
@Diminuendo: Sorry, I confused your comment with the original comment in the chain, you weren't really commenting on the plastic of the microwave cooker.
Pricematching big W
Unker Roger would put his leg down if you cooked rice like this.
@Uncle Roger
Rice paddle. Lol
I hate that this worked on me but i told myself maybe it can double as a noodle soup maker, ice cream bowl or porridge maker also.. Eh i have spent more 4 worse
Mmmm, micro plastics
These work great, I have the small red one and it cooks fluffy rice in 12 minutes. It does tend to bubble over a bit though.
Yum, rice with added micro-plastics :)
I used one of these for years when I lived on uni campus. Perfect rice every time.
What microwave wattage and times worked for you?
I have been doing 15 minutes for just under two cups of rice pretty safely.
I don't recall the wattage of the microwave in the common room, but 15 minutes was about spot-on, followed by fluffing and resting. The instructions are 1000w at 17 minutes, so 15 sounds right for a 1200w, and 20 minutes for an 800w probably.
Those disliking rice cooked in plastic should probably not look out the back of the asian take away shops when pickup their order.
The one cup measuring cup alone is worth the price, they are really useful, little handle and microwave safe.
Also soup version on sale for $4.50, 56% off : https://www.amazon.com.au/Decor-Microsafe-Noodle-Litre-Capac…
for those here saying microplastics risk or shouldnt use these in microwaves, can you please provide me with some credible evidence of this in regards to this product.
You have the concept, and there are troves of data out there, so why not your own research if you are curious?
A bargain website is hardly the place to look for proper science.
well.. as some here have said it as fact i thoight theyd have sourced it themselves and coukd share.
honestly dont know why you would use a response like this that could easily be taken as derogative and/or a poor taste attempt at humour.
for you to not realise that i already did try to sesrch for this myself is also an assumption of condescension.
so as people say 'if you cant say anything nice…'
I certainly dont intend to come over as rude, sorry if I did. I honestly don't think OzBargain is the right forum to debate, that's all.
There is a ton of credible data available. The main problem with Polypropylene is the release of plasticizers (plastic softeners) into the food when heated. https://www.jstor.org/stable/44540143
@King Tightarse: You could also say that it's not a place to voice your unfounded opinions.
But hey.. that's what you did.
There is a ton of credible data available. Just Google it.
Ironically I did before forst commenting here asking for info.
But with the a,ount of misinformation about this tyoe of subject it is naive to think a simple google search will result in an answer for this.
The main problem with Polypropylene is the release of plasticizers (plastic softeners) into the food when heated.
Correct. But that doesnt doesnt mean that this object will resukt in these releases.
Cmon.. We already have a history of misinformation that existed long after it was proven wrong. Just take the 'dont buy products made with aluminium as it causes you alzeimers'. Heck.. there are still people out there that swear this is true.
Many sensibke people, when they present a controversial statement like you did here, they aid in people comprehending such a risk by providing hekpful information about it.
But hey.. you do you I guess.
@FredAstair: Yep, pretty much though you were looking for an internet debate on the subject.
My respectful suggestion is to read as many credible sources as possible and reach your own conclusions but not here - it's pointless.
@King Tightarse: Really…
So now you are diggering in your heels and instead of providing anything worthwhile in yiur replies you are doing what you made a false assumption of what you said I was doing..
So… you provide a negative view of an ozbargain posted deal.
You dont provide any proof of your claim.
And now you just keep on creating a debate about it instead.
Huh.. Even though I was open minded enough to read your comment. Then do a search about it last night. Only to find that it wasnt easy to find a definative answer. I post asking if anyone had an info about this subject. Only to wake up today and have one of the commenters stating this claim of microplastic risks having a go about someone wanting to learn.
Well…. It is Sunday morning..
Maybe your replies are emotionally based after a big Sat Night.
Who knows.. As unlike yourself, I dont make assumption about people so flipantly.
Have a nice Sunday champ.
@FredAstair: Yeah, I knew you were looking for an internet debate but I am not interested, sorry,
The truth is just don't really care what you or anyone thinks. I do my own research and reach my own conclusions.
You should try it sometime.
@King Tightarse: Again.. Outright Assumptions bud.
In a single reply to make the claim that:
-I don't look up things myself.
Can you not see how naive such a comment like this is.
So.. instead can you tell me why you posted your comment here about microplastics here.
Did you do it in an attempt to inform people of the dangers of microplastics¿
@King Tightarse: So you took the same time to type a comment like this that provide an a simoke reply to a question.
Using your form of assumptions:
Is that becuase you cant provide evidence of your claim¿
If so, that's a shame as it sort of makes your original comment here void and the time youve spend here wasted in your plight to inform people about your concerns.
So.. sure.. You go for that walk 'Tiger'.
Touch some grass while your are there.
@FredAstair: Hey Fred,
Despite the fact that I truly do not care what you think, I politely provided a relevant journal article about ten comments up. BTW I see you are a bit confused. It's plasticizers, not micro-plastics that are in contention here, but that's OK.
Thus I conclude that you either:
Did not read it.
Do not understand what a journal article is.
Do not have the ability to understand it.
Did not comprehend it.
It's quite relevant as it discusses the transgression of plasticizers from plastics into food when microwave heated. Please have a thorough read.
OzBargain commenters are not here to provide you links or do research on your behalf.
As always, do your own reading from multiple sources and reach your own conclusions.
I won't be discussing this any further as there is truly no point :)
I agree with the King. If you want to know about microplastics you have to do your own research. I'm not going to bother because all I find is a bunch of sites using text copied from some AI story generator.
My advice, check the A B friggin C first, then Reddit.
Try Google Scholar (or similar), not news websites or social media.
Thank you :).
At least a helpful reply to a question.
Some other people here are like:
Stranger: can you direct me to the nearest toilet.
Certain Ozbargainers: google it yourself (even though the know about one just around the next corner).
@FredAstair: I find much of the "do your own research" crowd tend to just parrot heresy from facebook or news sites and won't provide sources because they themselves have no actual scientific sources to give. Others just can't be bothered to share I guess.
Most of the people warning about micro plastics here probably haven't done the research themselves and are just mimicking something they heard on a podcast (fair enough, I don't research every little thing either), or have superficially read a few articles and have determined it's bad—which is a logical conclusion to reach after observing microwaved plastic vs glass… but actually getting the data oneself vs going off a gut feeling is a university assignment worth of work.
For example, these articles (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S00139…, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S03043…) present that consuming foods stored/cooked in plastic exposes one's body to micro-plastics. As a layman, you'd need to further research practically everything said in these papers to further understand (is the amount of micro-plastic (MP) mentioned significant? What effects do MPs cause on the body? What level of MPs is harmful? etc etc). You'd also need a working knowledge of biology and chemistry to fully understand all this research. Honestly it's hours and hours of work, so I'm not surprised people here can't really point you towards any concrete conclusions. There's probably a meta-analysis somewhere that has studied all this in relation to food containers but searching academic databases to find this stuff is a skill in itself.
Here's something relevant (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2023.11869…). Note that it basically says more research is needed before we can definitively make conclusions on MPs effect on the body.
@pizzip: I demand that you provide multiple sources for all of your contentions! (kidding)
OzBargain comments is not really the place for lengthy internet debates, in my opinion - it exists to discuss bargains!
Case in point: I provided a relevant journal article, early on in this discussion, but I am sure it wasn't read.
So it is really a waste of time, most of the time. Those that want to debate may not necessarily have open minds and frankly I could not be bothered 99% of the time.
BTW it is plasticizers that are considered the main problem when microwave heating food, not micro-plastics.
@King Tightarse: aaaand.. here we go again.
like you said.. notnthe place for lengthy internet debates, in my opinion.
So bye bye
so another that thinks that everyone should start from scratch for every thing they wish to know.
if no one had commented with such conviction here already that microplastics ih this type of product was a reality I woukdnt have given it a second thought tbh.
and your condescending response… check with tge ABC.. lol..
At least when I do search for things, and people genuinely ask me if i have and info i kindly share with them without attempting to belittke them.
I guess not everyone is this way it would appear.
Cheap but I wouldn't cook rice in plastic