This was posted 12 years 4 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sennheiser PC 360 G4ME Gaming Headset $226 + $9 Shipping Cheapest in Australia RRP $349


Hi everyone, I thought I would share this great deal with you.
I asked mln to price match iibuy who had it for $227, so they beat it.

Quality gaming headset with mic. Received great reviews.

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closed Comments

  • iibuy had like 45 dollars postage, been looking at this headset for a couple weeks now and still don't know if i want to bite the bullet or not
    This deal makes it that much more tempting

  • +1

    If these are anything like the PC 350, stay right away. Hated mine.

    • Never owned the 350's, but these are open backed headphones rather than a closed back like the 350's. Apparently they're pretty much HD550's with a high quality microphone attached.

    • +3

      Why did you hate them?

      • I have his ones now, they're just simply pathetic for $300.

        I'd put them roughly around the $70 mark in terms of value.

        Lacking definition and clarity. (However the mic is fine.)

        Also it requires amplification and the performance is still sub-par when amplified appropriately.

    • He's not lying.

      He hated it so much he gave it to me for free.

      It's pretty horrible, I'm looking for a good headset now. (770's? :D)

      However no idea about the headset listed in the deal.

  • +1

    Amazon had it for $153.98 briefly the other day. I wouldn't buy anything like this just now when Black Friday sales are a few weeks away.

    • Amazon won't ship this headset to Australia. Neither will Amazon UK, Germany etc.

      • will get you around that.
        I've used them quite a few times now and have been very happy.

  • Can I suggest people buy a pair of HD 558s or MTH-M50s with a nice and cheap Zalman microphone?
    Headphones: $130-$180
    Mic: $10

    A better gaming headset: Under $190

    • The mic on the PC360 is pretty damn good, and the 'fold up to mute' function is pretty handy. But if you're willing to save $30 for a more cumbersome approach with less functionality(the zalman doesn't have a mute button) then all the luck to you. :)

    • +1

      I would not recommend the ATH-M50's (assuming you meant ATH) for gaming.

      They drown out subtle sounds with over-powering bass and the dynamics are far too varied.

      That is to say, if you're playing battlefield, all you can hear is distant gunfire.

      That being said, they are GREAT for certain genre's of music.

      • The ATH-M50s are not light at all, they're very heavy (but they are circumaural headphones, still I don't think structural integrity of the headphones esp in the headband should have been increased by just shoving more material into it), to me they are ridiculously heavy for portable use.
        Also, with the ones I have, due to the isolation and pleather earpads.. I get sweaty ears within 5 minutes. The headband cushioning is also non-existent. There have been pictures of people shoving extra padding onto the ATH-M50s, and while it does work (I've tried at least with extra cushioning on the headband), replacement earpads + more cushioning material for the headband (both to be additional cushioning) is not easily obtainable, at least not cheaply in Australia.
        I wouldnt' call them the most comfortable or portable headphones, they do have clarity, but the bass is bumped up in them a bit. The good thing about them is that their bass is actually a warm bass, not punchy. By punchy I mean sudden increases in the energy they produce for the sound wave to hit your ears, this allows very high volume without you feeling your eardrums are being shot to pieces. The cord is quite thick and long on the ATH-M50s as well.
        I'm not quite sure why the audiophile world is so hyped over these headphones… Honestly, beats are much more comfortable (in terms of exterior design and fit, NOT Sound Quality) than the ATH-M50s.. though their price is also ridiculous (yes I know friends don't let friends by beats but if someone could swap out drivers in beats headphones, I'd buy a broken pair of beats to mod it with Sennheiser drivers in them)
        P.S. this is not a ATH-M50S trashing post, but it's what I genuinely think of them. Mostly too heavy, and the cushioning is highly lacking which exaggerates the heaviness (more cushioning will render heaviness unnoticeable though), also the earpads make my ears uncomfortably warm after a while, not sure if anyone else in the world will share my views.

        • I agree with you, but I still use them for moving around. I get strange looks when I am exercising and the only thing sweating is my ears. Might have to get replacement pads soon.

          I didn't buy them for their portability anyway, I bought them for their sound quality at its price range.

          I use HD 598s for home.

    • Where are you buying HD558s for that cheap? Been after a pair for the longest time but cant find it at that price.

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