• expired

Up to $250 Cashback for New Electricity and Gas Sign up @ Cashrewards


Cashrewards has bump up their new customer sign up offer for Electricity and Gas via Energy Australia to $250.

Previous offer was $112.

The offer expires tomorrow.

It's good churning off for someone looking to move away from their current provider.

Also $100 bonus directly from Energy Australia ($50 each for Electricity and Gas) for NSW customers only.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3765)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +1


    • +1

      Probably, unless you're a new customer to EA, and/or moving home.

    • Years ago in a similar deal from EA and cash rewards, I have observed that the rate without clicking from CR, is so much more cheaper than clicking from CR.

      it works out about equal with or without using CR in a quarter…. And way worse afterwards

  • I ported out of energyaust about 12 months ago. Does this make me a "returning customer", therefore not eligible?
    Also, it on the EA website says you need to be "moving home" to be eligible. I think I will ring them tomorrow. It's very confusing.

  • +1

    im currently with energy australia as it is the cheapest available, but i think the prices have gone up so i will have to start comparing again. had them for about 5 years now.

    • +2

      Thats laughable, they try to increase my rates by 35% sneakily and i immdiately left

      • +4

        GloBird jacked my elec/gas rates at the start of Jan by 42%! I proceeded to churn to the AGL '$125 credit elec / $125 credit gas / $150 prepaid Mastercard' promo (as their rates were actually cheaper than GloBird) only for GloBird to then came back and offer me rates that were slightly better than AGL 🤦🏻‍♂️

        GloBird are just another POS utilities company that have increased their rates astronomically in the hopes that their customers don't bother changing for the sake of convenience, all while secretly having pre-approved rates at the ready for those wanting to churn. Despicable tactics IMO.

        Elec and gas needs to be churned almost as frequently as NBN providers these days - it's the only way to get a decent rate.

        • Yes, was with them earlier and they Globird used the same tactic. Bumped up 30,40% after first bill. Get away from them as possible.

    • +3

      Hard to believe its the cheapest. Have you compare the market on the vic gov website?

  • How do the rates compare to origin?

    • Poorly. Origin is much cheaper.

      • Better daily rate with EA, 10% more for usage. But I am getting 10c kw/h uncapped with origin which makes it better.

        Rather than 12c kw for first 15 then 6c kw thereafter

        I average about 30kw a day. 55kw in summer.

    • +1

      Username does not check out

  • +12

    Highly recommended to compare your current rates against EnergyAustralia's before switching. https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

  • +22

    Last time I went through cash rewards to do it is never tracked tracked but declined. I have an open support ticket which says the following

    After investigating, I can see that your transaction was incorrectly declined due to technical error and now has been fixed.

    Buts it's never been fixed and I've followed up two and have been ghosted twice, ymmv 🤷‍♂️

    • +11

      Typical scam from CR.

    • +1

      You should DM tightarse and he can look into it

    • +5

      Cashrewards declined mine too. I rang EA and asked them now did I sign up and the operator told me via the Cashrewards vendor.

      Straight from the horse's mouth.

      • -2

        CR is a sinking ship. SB much better

        • +5

          SB is worse. Even via their app the tracking doesn't work a lot of times

          • @jedimaster: Never happened to me via the app. Thought that was the case with baby bunting but it tracked quite a bit later than the usual window.

        • +2

          SB is utter garbage. Decline big $$ cash backs multiple times putting the blame on the shop. I had evidence in screenshots and receipts and they repeatedly told me sorry it’s declined. When I threatened with ACCC they offered me a one time $20 and then later gave me the full amount ($170). Never using them again.

          • @Pub Envelope: How much are you people earned via Shopback and CR? I am nearly upto 7k, last 4 years or so.

            I've had about 10 issues in 5 years. All were resolved.

            • @Korban Dallas: Big spender. Since I started doing all my purchases through the CR app, everything tracks immediately and without any issues. Prior to this, I was using my browser and was constantly having issues and having to manually lodge claims which was annoying.

    • I got mine no issues from early 2023

  • +4

    every time i try Cash rewards for energy its seems to get rejected.

    • +41

      Mainly so I can use my gas appliances.

    • Why would anyone ask such a completely absurd question? 🙄

    • you upset a lot of tender souls out there!

    • You do realise that a lot, if not the vast majority of households still have gas appliances, be it stoves, ducted heating, hot water. I mean the reality is, if gas does eventually go the way of the dodo, it simply gives electrcity companies a monopoly over the energy market and rates will sky rocket more so than now. We wont have any alternative.

      • That isn’t accurate, hazzad.

        Gas prices are so absurdly high because of the crumbling ageing facilities that give us gas, and as more people ditch it for cleaner, cheaper electricity.

        As more people ditch gas as they rightly should, those left with gas appliances will pay more to cover the exodus.

        The upfront costs are high and our governments need to do more to help people that want to, to transition off fossil fuels.

        There are a lot of myths spread by the gas industry and it would do people well to be aware of them.

        • Not sure what you are reading but my gas supply has been rock solid for decades. UNlike my electricity supply which has dropped offline many dozens of times over the same period. Im mean if you want to convince me at least use more than one source. It wouldnt suprise me if that is some biased propo site. Many of the people who will ditch gas will be doing so becuase of goverment legislation. The government should be more concerned about gas suppliers selling off most of our supply to foreign entities to get the highest price, leaving local supply lacking and forcing higher prices in high demand periods. In fact that is the reason why gas is so high, not infrastructure issues. Its been regularly reported on for a number of years. But hey im sure we will all be happy when gas is abolished and electricty is our only option and we will get gouged from all directions as we will have no options.

  • Do you still pay One off fees- Move-in / new connection fee - $49.80 for changing from Energy Australia to AGL?

    Secondly, website says:
    You have solar panels
    AGL Solar Savers is only available to customers with a total inverter capacity of no greater than 10kW,

    Does it mean no FIT for me if I have 13.2 kW inverter?

    • +2

      13.2kw sounds like capacity of your pv array (solar panels) and not actuality of inverter's. Inverter capacity should be 10kw. It's called inverter oversizing. Check your pv system documentation.

      Re any fees, I'd check directly with the company and get it in writing to avoid surprises.

      • Thanks mate. I will check the same

    • +1

      To be eligible for AGL’s solar feed-in-tariff, the inverter capacity of your solar system must not exceed, or must be export limited to, 10kW.

      Sounds like they'll let you just limit the output? Whether or not your inverter will actually let you configure that in a sane manner is another issue.

  • +1

    do you have to stay connected with EA until the cash back pays? Or can I switch once tracked?

  • But meter reading cost 200$ for electricity. Doesnt that kill the offer?

    • Meter read is about $15 usually

      • +1

        Oh sorry it was 102.40$ for me as I was moving in to a new place so they charged me a new connection fee

  • Returning customers at the same address are ineligible

    • Register under your partners or other family members name.

  • +3

    Tempted, but the risk of cashrewards rejecting is making me not want to bother. Two people are saying they've had issues, has it worked for anyone in the past?

    Are there any other good sign up offers going around at the moment?

  • Curious about all of these signup offers…do you get credited back actual cash if you leave with a negative balance or do you forfeit it?

    • You cannot “cash out” any remaining credit. Best bet is to time it so that you switch providers just as your credit falls below zero.

  • +8

    I got this last time, took 150 days stuck with them on terrible rates before it got paid. Wasn't worth it

  • Thought of signing up for Electricity/gas, but after reading several comments from the past users, decided to stay away from EA and CR.

  • +5

    Just remember:

    Cashback is ineligible on the following:

    • Switching plans for the same premises.
    • Returning EA customers for the same premises;
    • +1

      Has this always been the case? I've used CR multiple times to switch electricity at the same house and it's always tracked and worked.

      • Lucky!

    • It's not worth switching for me. It's so easy for them to deny the payout due to these two clauses.

  • +1

    Cashback is ineligible on the following:

    Switching plans for the same premises.
    Returning EA customers for the same premises;
    New connections (i.e. no meter installed);
    Commercial / Business meters;
    Sign ups on behalf of other individuals;
    Clicking via the Econnex.com.au.
    Purchase of gift cards or use of gift cards for full or partial payment.
    Purchases using coupon codes not listed on Cashrewards.
    Items that are cancelled, returned, exchanged or refunded.
    GST, other taxes and delivery fees.
    Fraudulent transactions.
    Purchases using any type of discount which lowers price advertised on the Merchant site, including but not limited to employee discounts, student discounts and price-matching.

  • Anyone knows if a previous EA customer from 2021 is deemed as ineligible ?

  • how much bonus for Electricity only?

    • +1

      Click the link you lazy tick

    • $50

  • Thanks OP.

  • I'm with ovo energy. Best deal I had. Happy to share my refer code.

  • Just got the CR tracked email - looking good

  • Wow those rates are terrible for my postcode. Not worth the change over. Credity will be sucked up in over charged rates in first month alone.

  • So how does the demand charge work? Is this on top of the peak rate?

  • +1

    I signed up to the same offer last year. EA put me on "Regular Pay instalments" which apparently I agreed to as part of the sign up process (can't recall this!). Anyway I haven't added any payment details for the regular pay instalments and just pay the bills as they come through via bpay. However, EA keep on pestering me with emails and SMS saying I'm behind with my regular pay instalments. The regular pay instalments are higher than my actual bills.Due to this I wish I never signed up to EA. Anyone else having this issue? If they keep on pestering me about regular pay instalments I will simply forget about the cashback and jump ship to another cheaper provider.

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