Berocca Energy Twist N Go with 12 Essential Vitamins and Minerals to Help Support Physical Energy and Mental Sharpness, Orange Drink 250 ml
Exp 11/24
Qty 25 this moment
Berocca Energy Twist N Go with 12 Essential Vitamins and Minerals to Help Support Physical Energy and Mental Sharpness, Orange Drink 250 ml
Exp 11/24
Qty 25 this moment
Good to know. I usually buy voost
Yeah if you're wanting an "on the go" Berocca, just have a tube in your bag/car etc and a bottle of water.
Berocca does kind of go a bit weird if you leave it in water too long.
They vacuum it or something so it's like you drop it in when you crack open the bottle.
This is maybe suited if you're at the shops and want a drink to have straight away but that's all.
Yeah it's just likely got little tabs it's sitting on that break when you open it.
What I meant though was if you want a DIY on the go Berocca, don't add the tablet to your water bottle before you go out for the day.
Get a glass and a bunch of tablets.
Exactly. Coles have 45 for $12.50 this week…
45 of these would be almost $80 so you're paying a lot for that water.
Is there any benefit to Berocca?
I dont know if placebo or not but after a way overnight of drinking it seems to give me a boost in the morning
I see thanks
So just like multi vitamins then
So like if diet adequate, it probably doesnt do much
Yeah get the 75 tablets value pack from Amazon for $22.xx
29cents each
Berocca just makes your pee more yellow.
Just don’t eat beetroot. I’ve known people go to the doctor when they peed dark red.
I got one of these from coles this week and I'd say it's not worth the $1.77.
It's just one of the Berocca tabs in water.