64TB USB Flash Drives?

Hi Ozbargainers

I always find it fun looking through AliExpress and seeing what little knicknacks they have for sale for a few dollars. Sometimes I buy a variety of items, and by the time I receive them I'd forgotten I ordered them, and have a pleasant surprise seeing all the little toys to play with! :)

I saw this however, and have to ask… is this just blatant falsehood, or am I out of touch with the latest in storage on usb flash drive capacities ?!


64 TB USB Flash Drive for $14 !?

Who needs a Nas when you can just get a few of these ?! lol

Anyhow - if I decide to buy this for fun, what can I expect? 64 GB USB Flash drive? Extremely unreliable storage ?


  • +3

    likely a minimal amount flashed as 64TB. So when you plug it in it might show 64TB but it'll quickly just corrupt itself.

    Congrats on wasting $14.

  • +2

    You can expect a cheap low capacity flash drive with a fake capacity. Data written beyond the real capacity will be gone for good.

  • At best it's just a regular drive that's way smaller than advertised. What it probably is though, is a small amount of storage pretending to be 64TB, which constantly overrides the buffer so it seems like you're writing to it, but when you try to read it you'll discover it's not there (well only the last little bit is).

  • This is a perfect 64TB recycle bin :)

  • +1

    Scam. Don't buy. Your data is worth far more than $14.

  • +2

    I feel like one day people will look back at this post and laugh with their 16exabyte thumbdrives

  • as above, scam, drive has modified firmware masking a 1gb (there abouts) as 64tb. there are programs on the net to do a write check to see the true size. scam happens everywhere, even amazon.

  • Thanks all - yeah have heard many times before about these type of scams.. just surprising to see it so blatantly on show !

  • https://imgur.com/slOaMOe

    This is what a 64TB USB looks like.

    It looks like there is an entrance to a magic door, with absolutely void behind it.

  • +4

    Wow! An L Plater from 2009. Welcome!

    Did you read the reviews of the 64TB USB you linked?

    Don't waste your $14. It isn't fun. It is only encouraging them.

    • Thanks. I didn't buy this one, but went with a different one lower capacity. I'm also expecting it to be a scam, but with Ali Express' good returns policy, I figure I can make the scammers life a bit annoying!

  • +1

    yeah just a slight 1 single letter error

    64 MB not 64 TB

  • +1

    h2testw software to find the real size
    use this as evidence for refund or chargeback

    • +1

      Nice! I bought a different lower capacity one and will try this software on it.
      Ali Express have good returns policies, so once confirmed it's a scam I'll kick off the return process just to annoy the scammers.

  • Showing AUD$1.25 down from $2.61 for me

  • +1

    Got a cheap 1TB drive just to see the way it was fake.

    Firstly, they are extremely slow. It would take hours to write 64Gb, which is right about the real capacity. Then it starts invisibly overwriting the first files (you try to read them and its corrupt), until it hits the directory sectors, and it all falls in a heap.

    Oh, and its all encapsulated, so its difficult to actually pull it apart and find out what chips are actually included.

    On the plus side, the cases are usually nice, and you get to see how much the 'reviews' are actually worth.

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