-90% sale, price never seen before. Actually a quite good fitness game, different from Just Dance.
all regions pricing history as a reference
-90% sale, price never seen before. Actually a quite good fitness game, different from Just Dance.
all regions pricing history as a reference
Get fitter
Get fitter
Already got fitter eating too much in New Zealand…
New Zealand
i applaud this reply
No idea, just bought and haven't tried.
Do you think this is a true bargain? 😉
Nice to see you again after a long while~
What's going on with you and Clear using DealBot's profile pic?
using DealBot
Who ???
Helpful as always. I'm too lazy to solve this mystery.
Thanks Op, does this require any switch online subscription or it is stand alone game. ?
Thank you for sharing.
Funny side note, I think they got hacked, check the "Key Features" section, someone has injected some SEO spam there.
Are there any fitness game that will use the Ring Fit pilates ring? Just the ring, I lost the leg strap…
Ring fit is the only worthwhile fitness game on the Nintendo machine. Unlike the others, only minimal dignity is lost playing it in front of your wife while she browses Pinterest on the couch.
I agree. Ring fit is great, lost 18kg over 6 months with ring fit. Started off doing 15 minute sessions at difficulty level 8 twice a week and built up to 1 hour sessions daily at difficulty level 26.
Dignity however is iffy with ring fit. I swear, whenever I play on my own, Ring will just say 'fantastic' or 'good job'. But the moment someone walks into the same room it's all 'YOUR SWEAT IS SO SHINY AND BEAUTIFUL'
Gonna give this Zumba a go, for $6 in the comfort of my own home, why not?
They're really cheap on aliexpress, just add it to your order next time you make a choice order.
or there's this one:
I guess I need to choose $15 worth of junk for free shipping. looking at my order history I don't think I still have or use any of the junk I've ordered over the years.
@justdigi: link? this is the only one i can find for $13.95
they're $13 at bigw
$3.50 on Temu
To remove minimum delivery threshold go to support and ask remove minimum delivery threshold, follow what they say and it’ll be removed. Have been doing this for my recent orders.
Checked out the song list on youtube, guess they avoiding copyright so feature no so famous songs.
For that i will pass. Just dance has a way better song list (and yes I know its more expensive).
Yeah, the songs remixes they play during gym classes are much better.
Just Dance 2024 is $39 at BigW at the moment, not too bad. Just bought it for my daughter.
User reviews for that game are terrible, I avoided buying for that reason. Seems to be stacked with microtransactions.
The song list this season seems to be the reason. May be like Zumba Burn It up! trying to save on royalty?
If I am in the market for Just Dance may as well get 2023 instead.
I have not been able to find a Just Dance 2024 for Switch that IS NOT just a digital code in the box. I would have snapped that up otherwise…
Really? Suggest you look at the song list on youtube before you do that. Of course feel free if money is no issue to you💪💪.
Assume you already have 2023? Why not use the money for Dance+?
@syswong: Last version we have is like 2019 or so
I just wanted to physically own any switch games so they can't go away, like a Dance+ sub or Nintendo eshop will
Had no idea about the track list, will check it if a physical version ever pops up cheap ;)
@CliffyA: I looked at both song list of 2023 and 2024 on youtube and can see why many dislike 2024.
I am all for physically owning switch games but if you want the full experience and play many other songs that is not on the cartage, You have to go online.
Note UbiSoft is still running the old Just Dance unlimited subscription and the new Just Dance plus. I suspect eventually the will get rip of unlimited and only keep the plus subscription.
@syswong: Yeah I have both and agree 2024 is pretty bad which is such a shame considering how good 23 was. You can play all the songs together without having to switch discs now though, maybe that’s why they got rid of the physical dics?
Decided to snag this in the last hours of the sale.
I just did the short routine and it was a legit workout, I do Ring Fit Adventure and Fitness Boxing 2 but I wasn't prepared for the cardio needed in this. 😅
Heads up too, don't try to play this installed from an SD card, the workouts are all FMV and it just stuttered and was completely unusable my first attempt until I moved it over to the hard-drive.
I had to move mine to internal storage as well. Had crashes on microSD even though it's a fairly new card.
Game works well for cardio. I started last week Tuesday, it's probably that initial weight loss from a new change in routine and fixing my diet a bit but i'm down 4kg. Gotta start losing all the weight I gained after my knee surgery. Lost 18kg with ring fit before my knee surgery last year but gained back 10kg so this is definitely helping.
Wow that's huge! Congrats.
Which routine is that from? I'm still gassed after the 'short' 15 minute one each morning at the moment. Might try a medium on the weekend or so :P
I get competitive and my girlfriend has been playing with me as well so we're pushing each other to try to get all the achievements. We've done one 60 minute routine, a couple of 30 minute routines and half the 15 minute routines. We've been trying to do around an hour each day where we can. Kinda annoying when the game makes you do the same short class 3 days in a row as a daily challenge, but hey, I've started to learn the dance routines so it's good.
@DangerNoodle: Wow very nice. Yeah I wish we could 'exclude' some songs/routines like I think you can in Fitness Boxing 2? There's some from the short class that are either annoying or a bit repetitive.
I don't think I'll bother with the achievements (I looked ahead and had similar double ups on subsequent days..) but it's good to see this is working for people, and it motivates me to stick with it some more :)
@Stoibs: I've been meaning to give fitness boxing a shot but I forgot to grab it on sale. I considered just dance but it seems to have bad reviews due to the streaming aspects.
@DangerNoodle: Fitness Boxing 2 isn't bad if you remove the animated backgrounds and stuff, barely any slowdowns (Not sure about the new Fist of the North star one.. the demo was kind of funny though)
There's unlocks and costume stuff to gamify it some, and doing all the first tier of achievements actually unlocks some more routines too, so that would be something to shoot for :D
I'm not exactly sure how much of an actual workout it provides though, the onscreen calory burn counter certainly says one thing but I physically feel more exhausted doing Ring Fit and now Zumba. There's demos for these too if you wanted to check them out, think you get 7 days or so.
Just tried this out today, got 5 stars on all the routines so thanks Zumba for boosting my ego.
Some of the songs are the exact same as the ones I do in class. Wonder if the instructors play this 🤣
I'm stuck on level 2.
How do I complete that level?