This was posted 12 years 4 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panasonic 50" Plasma TH-P50ST50A $975.60 Dick Smith


First post. Dick Smith having 1 day special. Spotted this popular Panasonic plasma model at a good price. Unsure of availability. Likely varies by store.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +1

    If only my old Panasonic wasn't working anymore… Full HD and 3D would've been handy, as well as a bigger screen.

  • +1

    Incredible price for the ST! The entry level UT is still sold for this much!

    Bought my ST for 1300 2mths ago and supposedly there's very low supply for the demand

  • +1

    This is an amazing price for this TV. Reviews for this TV have compared it to the Kuro

  • +2

    Stunning TV - got one when the price dropped to 1198 with Avatar Blu ray. Don't hesitate just buy it!!

  • +37

    Original poster thank you so much! I owe you a beer.
    I went in store and got this tv for 699. 4 year warranty also for 90. The girl serving me said she couldn't understand why the scan price was so cheap..

    The plot thickens. She told me due to the glitch, samsung galaxy s3's were 350 (half price) so I got one. She was also about to put one through for herself but the price went back up for her, I felt bad.

    So I got this tv for 699 and the s3 for 350. So pumped. Truly ozbargained!

    I hope others got similar deals!

    Thanks again!

    • +5

      also is this dick smith wide or only that particular one

      • +4

        Something tells me we wont be seeing a scanned receipt of any of those purchases. #fantasy

        • +1

          Here we go bud :)

          Apology would be nice…

        • +1

          I humbly apologise :)

          for the record I didnt vote down your comment.

      • I think all stores are doing the XXXL sale, don't quote me on this..

    • +3

      lmao voted down?

      I supplied a receipt.

      • +1

        Some sick negaholic didn't know how to vote your comment. I gave you a plus!

        • Thanks bro :)

    • Would have been wiser if you bought a few more and put them on eBay

    • +8

      Guy skydives from 39km in the sky, millzy scores the bargain of the century. Not even sure which of these events this week is more inspirational. Well done!

      • Your awesome

      • -1

        Maybe it is one of the DSE marketing strategies to encourage customers to walk in and try scanning the prices for glitches and stamp 'jack pot' on the tax invoices for the lucky customers.

    • +1

      Jack Pot?

    • I think you have some kind of special OZB power!

    • you are one lucky bastard!

    • congratz. shame im at work til 5 and my local DSE closes at 4 or I'd try my luck too…

      • +6

        Dont stress mate. I just tried with my local and gs3 scans at $699.

        It was a one of glitch I guess but good for Millzy.. Welldone!

  • Just got one. No more at Northpark and Arndale, SA. Now hunting for 3D glasses TY-ER3D4MW at a price better than $99.

    • Hey Buddy, are you looking for a second pair? Just checking because One pair is supplied with the TV

      • I need at least two more. You are correct in that one pair comes with the unit.

    • You can use any type of Bluetooth glasses. Check out the whirlpool thread for these TV.

  • +1

    Fantastic price for such a quality TV, If I didn't have one I would be hunting one down today.

  • +12

    Rang a mate at DS and said there was a computer glitch earlier on in the day where things were scanning at half price. This glitch has been fixed and no one will be getting such prices any more. Well done Millzy.

    Hmm, now I'm wondering why he didn't notify me of this glitch whilst it was happening???

    • +22

      Because he was busy scanning stuff for himself!

      • The perks for being an employee of DS

    • That was what i call "business ethic" bud!

  • Out of stock in Melbourne: Display models left only :(

  • +3

    cheers for love guys, wish you all got in on the glitch deal.. The price went back to normal about 2 minutes after I paid for my items.

    • Nice bit of luck there… Only software glitch I had this week was when filling up the car, went to pay but the fuel discount system was down, so had to go back later to get it heh

      • Not a nice glitch when it went against instead of in favour of you.

        • Nope but to their credit when I went back they refunded the difference very quickly and with no fuss. It's a good reminder to always check your receipts for errors too.

  • +1

    Heaps of stock left in WA. Considering picking one up, I guess I probably should? Good deal yeah? Just buy it?

    • +2

      Yeah go get it, it is not my money :\

  • +1

    Now all we need is a good deal on the 65VT50 and then I buy my new TV

    • .

      • Back in the old days, this was how CRT TVs displayed their picture when they were just about to pass on to that great landfill in the sky…

  • +1

    I just bought the display model at Mooney Ponds for $950

    Great Deal

  • Didnt get this exact model but i price matched their LG 55 LM6410 at Harvey Norman @ $1325, nice tv!!

  • +2

    Some really good deals at my local DSE.

    I picked up their last 46" 1080p LCD Vivo - it was on sale for $349.95, I paid $340 with an extra 12 months warranty, since it was a display model.

    Whole lot of screen for that kind of money!

  • +1

    Excellent deal, I missed out on the TV for my bedroom, but I already have a 60" ST50 in the lounge ;)

  • Too rich for me but definately would have got one during the glitch, $699 is a bargain.

  • Forgive my ignorance but can the deal that ol' bud got with the receipt be price matched or anything?

    • Exactly what I'm wondering as well..

      • No, all stores were aware of the price glitch and whilst those prices were honoured at the time they will not price match.

        • Pricematch at HN or Good Guys etc?

        • Yeah, but when they get on the DS website to confirm the price those prices wont be there.

  • +2

    Paid like $1299 for one of these delivered from BigPond store like 2 months ago (awkward seeing it for $300 less…)


    Damn good TV, image quality will make you shit bricks, default speakers aren't amazing (sound similar to Logitech LS21s, iView works amazingly on it (image quality is pretty sad though lol) YouTube is great, typing on it is difficultish.

    Dunno, just love it, good TV.

    • can you elucidate more on PQ mate? Couldn't quite get my head around your "shit bricks" description. ;) especially given that you said "sad image quality" and then said you just love it.. I am a bit lost.

      • +1

        Google the tv model. You will see tons of respected Reviews

      • That was regarding iView, it's only SD unfortunately because ABC sucks. But as I said, YouTube is great :)

      • just ignore that jibberish. lol.

  • +3

    Here is a link to the continued discussion for all the recent Panasonic 50" Plasma TH-P50ST50A owners.

  • +1

    totally devo.. missed out yesterday!

  • +1

    i posted new deal for 65 inch S and VT models

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