DJI Fly App No Longer in Google Play Store

This may be old new for most of drone pilots here but I just pulled out my Mavic mini after more than a year and when I was looking for the DJI fly app, it's not in play store. Only to learn that they have stopped putting the app in play store due to 'technical adjustments' of play store. I was wondering if this is because of any malecious stuff in the app. Now that most of our digital life in phone Im not really comfortable side loading the app throu DJI's official website. What I'm about to do is get my old phone to setup the app. But it will be very sluggish. Just wondering how many of you are comfortable putting the DJI app in your primary devices ? Or is this something to be concerned at all?

Thanks in advance for all your opinions.

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  • That app is still available on iOS, not sure if that helps you feel any better though since a sideloaded apk version could be different from the iOS version.

  • +2

    Just download apk from DJI's website and install it?

    • OP says:

      Im not really comfortable side loading the app throu DJI's official website.

      Personally think it's a bit paranoid, but each to their own….

  • Yup, sideload it. So annoying.

  • Yes, was in the same situation as you a few months ago. Very annoying. It seems DJI support for android has just been lacking a lot in the past couple years as well - my Ronin S gimbal is very difficult to use with the android app, an OM series phone gimbal I used to have had barely any features compared to the iPhone app, and this whole rubbish with sideloading.

  • Yep DJI pulled the app. Allegedly it was due to potential spyware that was flagged by Google. Which doesn't give much confidence in the app itself. So now you're forced to sideload it via the website.

    I'd also be worried about the batteries if you haven't used it for over a year…

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