Jameson Irish Whiskey Australia have a deal on Facebook at the moment.
Keen to try? Claim your FREE 4 pack of Cloudy Apple or Raw Cola
Limit 1 per person. Must be 18+ to like/view the facebook page.
Jameson Irish Whiskey Australia have a deal on Facebook at the moment.
Keen to try? Claim your FREE 4 pack of Cloudy Apple or Raw Cola
Limit 1 per person. Must be 18+ to like/view the facebook page.
Also had this problem
I also got this with Chrome, but it worked with IE.
They are sending out my gift card… apparently… Thanks
OMG YES!!! Not as delicious as CC… (Raw) But I haven't tried the mixes… Regardless, I'm salivating!
EDIT: T&C: "ONE PER HOUSEHOLD". don't do a broden k guys! They might cancel ur card…
How do you claim it? i mean steps?
fill in your details
they send you a debit card
you go to a local liquor joint
pay using the card
walk out
drink all four in the carpark
throw up
The op's link we just redirecting to my home page.Try this link
Worked perfect on firefox :D
nope keeps telling me I have claimed it .. tried different browsers, disable the Do Not track and adblockers to no avail
Worked fine for me on firefox
Elijha I hope your Facebook page is not hacked or something….(some one else already used your chance?????)
The link below direct [posted by exc3113nce] to the app worked for me .. I noticed FB pop'd up an app authorisation window when going by that link. I think without the app being authorised it defaults to denial - which makes sense.
i dont drink …. but how would i be a true ozbargainer if i dont claim this offer !!
When should we expect the debit card in mailbox?
had the Jameson's and cloudy apple last weekend, lolly water goodness.
good deal…
Now to wait for the Broden's to arrive…
Offer says one per person. Do you think it's safe to claim 2 at the same address for 2 (legit!)different people?
says "one per household". I wouldn't risk it, they might send you nothing (have had that before :( )
I was pretty sure it only said "one per person", but yeah I won't risk it. :)
EDIT: you're right. "Maximum of one (1) claim per Household. "Household" in these Offer Conditions means the residential address nominated by a Claimant on the online claim form."
if you know your neighbours well enough you could put one under your name and their address.. and they would most likely forward it on to you
tried this….did not work!!! Haha
Worked for me on FF.
what is going on? Account Temporarily Unavailable
Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minut
Refresh always works for me
still doesn't work, clear up the cache. bump :(
Cheers for that. Seemed to work fine. Lets see how we go.
nice :)
stuck refreshing after pressing the try it out button
Actually, looking at the terms in the email they send after claiming, they are actually just giving you $21.99
" The Promoter will send claimants 1 of 2,300 eftpos gift cards valued at $21.99 so they can purchase a Jameson RTD 4 Pack"
yes but the card will only allow you to pay for the jameson SKU items as shown
and… $22?? that is so expensive
thank you alcopops tax!
how does an eftpos terminal know anything other than the price the register sends to it?
the terminal is hooked to computers
computers can be programmed to do things
i know its hard to believe being 2012 and all…
can be but wont be. That said, i'll still be buying these.
this is prepaid eftpos, you can use at any place accept eftpos machine.
I have done similar promotion, i can't remember the name before, i just use the card at woolies
pretty shit form though. Buy their product, you might even enjoy it
if they sent to my place i will drink it, if they sent me the card, i will use for other thing
Awesome, thanks.
I "liked" but nothing happened? I refreshed and got this: "SORRY It looks like you've already claimed your free gift card". Where do they send the voucher?
in the mail, check your letter box!
Closing browser and clearing cache fixed the issue…(Firefox)
Page just keeps refreshing! Mildly frustrating.
Missed this being at the brisbane ozbargain meet up lol, irony..
Nothing happened via ipad. I got on the desktop and it worked.
Nice, ta.
Nice.. thanks..
cloudy apple ordered!
wow, an awesome offer!
FUN! Thanks :)
Thanks worked fine on my new iPad
has anyone got a confirmation email yet??
oh wait, mine came through 20 mins ago.. love it!
Yep, just got it.
u no + vote??????????????
Thank you for ‘Liking’ our Facebook page and opting to try our new premixes! In the coming weeks, you will receive your gift card in the mail, redeemable at any bottle shop stocking the Jameson premix range. The card entitles you to a free 4 pack of Jameson & Cloudy Apple or Jameson & Raw Cola to enjoy with your mates.
Once you receive your gift card, please follow the instructions on the rear of card to activate and also to understand how to use in store.
Simply present the card in store and enter the pin number on the back.
Best bargain of the month!
I swear, I'm not hic an alcoho- hic -lic.
yeh got it working try using https://www.facebook.com/jamesonwhiskeyaustralia/app_2751910…
first posted by exc3113ce
You reckon they'll can check your IP because I want to use a friend's address who doesn't want it.
yeah i have 2 facebook account but from the same pc they knew
nvm ………
The page kept on refreshing but I manage to open it in a new tab using this link
I needed to zoom out in order to see the entire page
Thanks. I tried for an hour before this link worked for me. Cheers.
This worked for me! Hopefully…
just clicked and worked first time on chrome!
Never worked for me on Firefox, but Chrome worked first time, grabbed one.
It worked for me on firefox.
Don't drink but the price is right, thanks OP.
Shit :/ so me and my GF both got it but we live at the same address… don't know what I should do now :(
Turn yourself in to the police
HAHA I so should! Just want free drinks LOL
Free stuff from Greys Outlet, free games from Origin and now free booze. This has been a solid month indeed.
very good month.
4 weeks? But Im thirsty now!
IS it 4 weeks ? the email said in coming weeks.
Nice freebie and interested to try the cloudy apple one
Tried to get one each for hubby and me but it seems to be one per household instead of one per person :/
Great! Thanks
Definitely can't get this to work. Tried a bunch of different computers :(
Same here; just keeps redirecting to the homepage D: In fact their facebook site just redirects >.> http://www.facebook.com/jamesonwhiskey
Use a different web browser. Chrome works.
Thanks OP. Only 2300 available apparently. I hope "success" really means success.
Woohoo free stuff. Thanks OP
AHHH JUST figured it out! You NEED to be OVER 18 to be able to even access their facebook page, let alone claim anything! OP Please add that to the post?
Shocking that you need to be 18 to receive a gift card to purchase alcohol…
If you can't buy alcohol why would you apply for this?
Cloudy apple and whiskey sounds a bit rough to me will defs be trying the cola one though, can't beat free booze!
If the envelope has JAMESON written on it, its gonna get nicked by my neighbor :(
Getting a "SORRY It looks like you've already claimed your free gift card" error.
Ooh, 20 minutes later though I got the confirmation email…
Well done OP. I dare say 'deal of the month' and your first post AND you didn't mention it was your first post. You're gunna do just fine round these parts! ;)
worked for Chrome the first time! cheers and looking forward to the gift card!
This must well and truely be ozbargained by now. With 3000+ clicks, and many people with multiple accounts, I dare say there will be some unhappy campers here. Thank you for posting OP.
YAY got back from the Brisbane meetup in time to get this! thanks OP!
Damn it - didn't read the one per household thing - logged into my partners facebook and got her some as well as she's asleep. Hopefully I get at least one of the cards!
in my case, IE did not work and Chrome did the job.
Worked on my galaxy s 2 through whatever the default browser is (chrome I think?). Had to tick desktop view. Stoked. Cheers OP.
It looks like you've already claimed your free gift card.
Clicked "Get Yours Now." Didn't receive a pop-up, Right Clicked > Open in new Tab. And this is what I got..