Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice on where to buy kpop merchandise in Australia. I’ve been collecting kpop albums, and other goodies for a while, but I’m finding it hard to afford the high shipping costs from overseas sites.
I know that buying from local stores can save on shipping, but they often charge more than the original price, which is not ideal if I want to buy multiple items. I’ve tried Olive young, which offers free shipping over 80AUD, but their kpop range is very limited. I’ve also ordered from Kpopalbums.com, which has ‘reasonable’ shipping fees, but I wonder if there are any better options out there.
Does anyone have any recommendations for online or physical stores that sell kpop merch at a reasonable price?
I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!
Can't comment on prices and at least one review says it's expensive, but I've heard of this physical store