Windows 10 End of Support - October 2025

Potentially millions of computers heading to the junkyard because they aren't upgradeable to Windows 11.

Any thoughts on whether to sell your desktop/laptop this year or would you rather use an unsupported OS?


  • +2

    Go back to vista business

  • +2

    Have no issue continuing to use Windows 10. It's not going to stop working.

    My NAS still runs on Windows Home Server 2011.

    • nice. I think i might do an install of whs again .
      currently using 2x Synology nas.

  • +5

    Why would you have to stop using an OS just because support isn't continuing?

    • Vulnerability vectors once EOL - until then - no issues

  • +2

    Hah. Perhaps October 2025 is the year when Linux and Chrome OS suddenly gains 1000% market share. Good thing we have open-source OS's to save our old hardware.

    Going ChromeOS or SteamOS might be my plan for my old Thinkpad, which is still packing a reasonably fast Core i7 7700HQ, 16GB of RAM and GTX 1050.

  • +2

    The same people who constantly ignore Windows updates because they dread the restart are probably the same people who cite Smartphone security updates are something worth paying for.

    No really, just carry on. Nothing will change.

  • +4

    Windows 7 is still going strong in lots of financial institutions in developing and developed countries. :D

    • +4

      The NHS in the UK still pays for XP security patches…

      • +1

        The above comment should be pinned in bold as the first comment of this thread!

      • +1

        And for the times they get breached etc

    • +1

      Of course, just because it can does mean it should .. ..

  • +1

    There are many options:

    • Does the average home user even care about security updates? Shouldn't their AV cover most problems?

      • +2

        AV is just that - exploit and vulnerability vectors are very different.

        • OK thanks, was always curious about that. Still I don't think I've ever been hit with any of those and I've been using windows since it came out.

          • +1

            @EightImmortals: Indeed, likewise some never get scammed but others do :P.
            Like most things, it is all about minimising chances etc.

  • Recently installed Deepin Linux on a spare laptop and have to say I quite like it. Getting it to work was reasonably easy compared to other distros I've tried over the years and from the quick looking that I did I get the impression that few other distros are getting more user friendly as well. There's a still a couple of apps that I don't think will work on it yet but most things seem to.

    Will probably stick with 10 for a while longer yet but if the system collapses I might set it back up with Linux.

  • Potentially millions of computers heading to the junkyard because they aren't upgradeable to Windows 11.

    I would say billions….. There is a LOT of older hardware out there still working.

  • -2

    Well you certainly don't have to change IT hardware because mickeysoft can't support OS properly.

    To most people I'd say, wait for the announcement of Windows 12. It looks likely that will be slathered in AI elements, and that you will require 45-50 TOPS of AI inference engine to run it. Therefore only buy new hardware once that's out and you know the situation. Some point past June 24, which means your best bet is likely to be a strix point AMD laptop.

    • With the ubiquitousness of M.2 slots these days, I wouldn't be suprised if AI Accelerators (i.e. Google Coral) will become standard hardware…

      • Well, people might have use for those PCI x1 slots, the M.2 slots are getting full with NVMe SSDs.

        Not sure why any numbnuts would downvote the original post - getting caught out with the AI Win12 around the corner is something people should be aware of. Oh well, I guess half the people are dumber than average …

        • +1

          Yeah I think my next OS will be Linux. I want to get off the corporate money train…

          Like others have already said - most home PC use these days is web browser and light Office-suite usage: Linux covers this easily. But even gaming is viable these days thanks primarily to the work of both the OSS community and companies like Valve (i.e the Steam Deck runs Linux).

          I'm actually considering changing my daughters laptop to ZorinOS based of ESEMCE's recommendation below especially since their usage is purely web browser at the moment.

          I believe with Linux (slowly?) becoming more mainstream these days (IMO thanks to things like Android, Steam Deck, and the rise of self-hosting) that more home users (especially the tech-savvy ones) will start using it as their OS of choice at home.

          Between the UI changes, battles with the Update service (restarts), people being less inclined to upgrade hardware (cost and lack of true need) and thus needing to upgrade the software (which in some cases either can't be done due to things like TPM or just because of older hardware not being capable of running the newer version effectively) and potentially just corporate-averseness I think Windows is going to see a decline in the home market.

          • @Chandler: I'm seriously considering Win12, just because of the useful things you could do with some decent inference engine for the heavy lifting. Not only is there scope for a local ChatGPT type thing, coupled with Office to generate half the work for you, there is also the image/video generation, smart research, human interaction tracking (mouse? touch? try looking at things instead), and of course games will be using AI for smart single player. Clippy might even make a reappearance.

            It could actually be an inflection point in the Windows capabilities timeline. If they don't stuff it up.

            The only issue is if MS try and make it subscription - but I'm sure someone will fix that.

          • @Chandler: Pretty much all Linux Installers will happily install as a Dual Boot option with Windows.
            Linux will be the default, with Windows an option to select from the boot menu before a 10 second timeout automatically boots the default.

  • +1

    ZorinOS Linux distribution will give you the same look and feel as Windows whatever version with ongoing security updates.
    Since 99% of PC use is in browser, most people probably wouldn't even know they were using a Linux PC skinned to look like Windows.
    Even for gaming, Linux is now a viable option thanks to Steam/Proton.

    Really the only downfall is if you absolutely REQUIRE MS Office Suite. Alternatives like ONLYOFFICE are good enough for my occasional needs though.

    (I run POP OS! as my daily, but I recognise that the comfort factor offered by ZorinOS is probably a safer bet for most Windows Users. I also recognise that most users are never going to install Linux)

  • -6

    Fkn Windows. Intellectual drug dealers.

    10 was their last ever operating system release.

  • +2

    It's a non issue - Microsoft even published the work-around if you don't have TPM 2.0.…

  • +1

    Potentially millions of computers heading to the junkyard

    Wasn't the same thing said when EOL on XP or Win7, server 2003/08 etc….. didn't happen then either

    • The replacement OS's in those situations didn't have the same Hardware restriction that Win11 has. I mean Vista essentially did in that it ran like an absolute dog on old/low power hardware, but you could still run it if you had the patience of a saint!

  • mate, you can install windows 11 on a potato.

    • What type of potato?

      • The GLaDOS variety.

  • No need to ewaste them
    keep using win10 without upgrades OR
    install your fav flav of linux

  • Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC has support until 2027 and the IoT version has extended support until 2032.

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