170+ game titles from $10 - $40 (6 titles in the range are $40+).
Games for PS2, PSP, PS3, PC, Wii (some Move titles) and XB360 (some Kinect titles)
All in stock, ready to ship today. Offer available online only.
Console Game Clearance - 170+ Titles, Very Limited Stock, Most Titles between $10 and $40

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closed Comments
The best thing in there was the PlayStation Move Starter Kit for $30. That's a great deal and worth a +1 by itself.
Move worth getting? Original kit is same as second one, just with a disc? Tempted.
i got it, biggest waste of money ever didnt work once
Their website search seems to not look in the games category… very annoying.
Apologies, search now looks into games category
Is it just me or is the site already getting OzBargained with only 475 clickthroughs?'
EDIT: N.B. also the home page banner with 10% off code on Fridays for tuning in to 3AW. Does it stack, and could somebody post it please? :-)
Fix your server, then come back.
Michael Jackson The Experience Kinect X360 $10 (Save 94.95)
review 7/10:
http://www.kinectaku.com/reviews/2011/04/michael_jackson_the…ok, but shipping is +$9.95… :(
I looked at the $10-$20 game bracket. Most of the "clearance" prices are the everyday prices you can buy them from ozgameshop or thehut.
I did notice one that was cheaper, Resistance 3 ($20 vs $32). People are going to have to go through them individually to find out where the real bargains are.