as subject.
Don't care about android version.
What's the best Android phone released in the last two years and under $200?

The Defy+ on Telstra would be up there.
Would say Galaxy Ace.
Huawei G300, and the shortly to be released dual core G330.
Good ROM community/supportOr if you want to take a chance on real chinese stuff - Jiayu G3
Usual issues with, interesting, support and completeness of spec.Any idea what would be a reliable place to buy the Jiayu G3? It certainly seems interesting.
In getting an android to replace an iPhone4, what would be the main specs to look for. Any recommendations?
Depends :) What are your reasons for moving to a droid?
Coming from an iPhone4, we'd want you to keep in the mid-upper spec area, where smoothness, battery-life, features and wider community support are available to you.
Also, have you a specific budget?
Lost my iphone and now looking for a simple mid range android that is good for playing games and preferably has a large screen. I'd be willing to compromise on other features, although I'd miss the jailbreak for free apps.
To install apps alternatively for an android, you won't even need to root (jailbreak) it :)
In your case, i'd definitely look at the Galaxy S2 (strong, all-round benchmark performance for games, 4.3" screen) and the Galaxy Nexus (performance may be a little under with some games compared to the S2 but still very good considering it's current price, better and bigger 4.65" screen. Also will receive the latest Android updates straight from Google, out of the box). Also take into account, HTC Sensation XE, albeit not as favoured as the S2.
All of the aforementioned phones are relatively cheap. The Galaxy Nexus probably to drop even further in a month of two when superseded.
I have a standard defy on optus, and after flashing the firmware am now running Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean with no issues :) It's a great phone, especially for the $99 price tag! Blows everything else in this price range out of the water.Only on Telstra though unless you wish to root and unlock it.
And even then, it doesn't support the 900MHz frequency band needed for Optus and Vodafone 3G reception in a lot of areas. At least that's how I've understood it, there are two versions of it. One for Telstra with 850 and 2100MHz, another for Optus with 900 and 2100MHz.
Thank you all. Have aleady noticed the defy+ for $99. Problem is locked into Vodafone atm.
Keep them coming.Also I found there is a very useful thread on whirlpool that might help others:
How about this?
ZTE Grand X (dual sim capable) for less than $200.…Not Aussie stock of course, but it's probably the cheapest 1ghz dual core phone you can buy right now.
How about the Sony Xperia Sola?
Dick Smith has a special sale on today (Saturday) only.
The Vodafone prepaid phone is priced at $179.10 with a 3.7" screen.…
You need to truly decide whats stopping you going back to iphone.
for example. for me, its a hardware keyboard. so IMO to answer your question, I'd say HTC ChaCha and the Samsung Galaxy Chat are the best for under $200.
But you say you want games, I have a DS for that luckily so my phone is a web surfing and phone device only.
Different strokes. and ask opinions on a set few rather than blanketing 'android' as what you want :)
good luck friend.
EDIT: Wanna game? Find a Sony Experia PLAY, amazing. Just like the Ngage was in the day; great idea, that didnt catch on, so they're cheap now, but fully specced.
I'd look around ebay for a Galaxy Nexus or S2. They are sometimes going for less than $200 at auction so with a little luck and/or perseverance you might pick one up in your price range.
I hear the Samsung Galaxy Ace is quite the catch. Apparently the Play Store is over twice the size of the app store, too.