We bought a wireless headset with a mic for our son and it came with a cable to be able to plug it in to devices that are not wireless capable.
Its primarily for use with Xbox One, and whilst I was pretty sure it wouldn't work wirelessly with the Xbox as its a cheapy, we bought it anyway as it has a removeable cable that you can plug directly into the controller. The problem is that this cable does not support the microphone feature, just the speaker output.
We wanted to get a headset with a removable cable purely because he has gone through several headsets now due to either dog eating the cables or just the connectors failing in the wiring due to constant use. I figure it will be cheaper to just replace cables.
So does anyone know of a headset with removable cable that supports the microphone via the cable? Preferably something under $60 or so.
The other option is to maybe just get a 5.1 bluetooth adapter for the Xbox and see if that works if anyone has any thoughts on that? Do they work, is there delay etc?
Im trying to decipher the actual problem. I think the issue is that you cant get surround sound over bluetooth with a mic? but i think it should work over bluetooth with stereo and a mic right?
I dont think there should be any issue getting stereo sound + mic over wireless bluetooth.
What was he doing prior?
If you replace cables, id recommend looking at right angled cables as pusing them straight wont damage the cable.
The other option could be to get rid of the dog, or have a dedicated tupperware box with clips for the headset and controller. If he goes to the toilet/dinner etc, the entire controller and headset go inside the box. Cut yourself a notch so it can charge while in there.
Im not sure where to go with this. To help others its probably worth telling us the model number of the headset