How Many Maccas Accounts Do You Have?

With how easy it is to make a Maccas account and with the OzBargain community loving the deals, how many Maccas accounts do you have? I myself have about 9 or so.

Poll Options expired

  • 62
    0 accounts
  • 90
    1-2 account
  • 15
    3-5 accounts
  • 1
    6-8 accounts
  • 2
    8-10 accounts
  • 12
    10+ accounts

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  • +7

    There's a reasonable difference between 1 and 2.

    9 accounts! How much Maccas do you eat? Do you cook yourself?

    • +3

      I don't eat much Maccas, maybe once every 1-2 months. Last time I had Maccas was last week and the time before that was around October. I only have that many accounts because alot of Maccas deals are horrible and because I would have the $1 sign up bonus once a week back in Feb for about 2 months.

      • +10

        The first thing you need to do is admit you have a McProblem. lol

        • +1

          But I'm McLoving it. I personally see no issue in having a Maccas fries or Sundae once a week as a inexpensive treat. I don't go around checking my accounts every day scouring for a good deal. I'll check maybe once a month and if there is anything, I might have it. It's no more crazier than signing up for a bunch of programs with sign up freebies with free Boost Sims.

  • +10

    Anything more than 1 and you've got a problem

    • +1

      I've got two phones and a 4g tablet…

      • I have two phones, but the same account on both. Am I doing it wrong?

        • You need only an email address for Maccas account. You could hypothetically have 100 accounts on the same phone if you wanted to.

  • +1

    Ozbargain community loving the deals

    Guess Iā€™m not a part of the community.

  • +1

    The flex….

  • Two. Ended up with 20k points on both late last year. Never spent more than $10 in a single transaction.

  • So you have 9 email addresses? Better to have nine Hungry Jacks accounts, play 18 rounds of Shake&Win every day. Next time around please share how many OzB accounts you operate.

    • +4

      So you have 9 email addresses

      Use the full stop Gmail trick. All the weekly account specials get collected by the one email address and you can scroll through the email to see which account has the best deal. It takes bugger all effort to get a bargain if you feel like Maccas.

      • Thanks for the tip! Didn't know about Gmail address spawning

      • Yup that's what I do with for about 4 or 5 of my accounts. The rest are seperate email adresses that I use for a specific purpose.

        • Careful, they might discover it and flip you over. You will get burned if you have too many account ha ha ah

  • With the spend $12 get 1200 points offers it's so easy to rack up the points for deals.

  • The $1 sign up offers is where it's at

  • 2, i switch between the 2 for the deals…..

  • +2


  • I had to uninstall the mymaccas app, as about a month ago it started auto-launching without permission.
    Seemed to be tied to the Google maps app. You can imagine how annoying it was, going to google maps for directions and suddenly the Mac app launching in there middle of typing the address.
    Even killing the newly launched app didn't help as it relaunched itself again. No help or response to queries, so uninstalled.
    I've lost 4kg since. šŸ˜

    • That is a weird bug.

  • 2 but I stopped going to maccas

  • The amount of burner accounts I've made just to get the $1.50 (used to be $1 - bloody inflation we will adapt) intro offer (large fries/sundae/cheese burger/3 nigga) and the $2 medium coffee.

    • Oh my god, yes. Last time I did this, on my account there was a $1.50 option and a $1 option

  • 0 accounts

    If I go there it's cash and order from register

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