This was posted 12 years 5 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fractal Design Define R4 USB 3.0 Black PC Case - PLE Computers $99 PERTH


Best I can find anywhere else is about $149 from a decent store.

Bought one shipped to NT for 70$….Ended up $170 posted vs about $220 posted anywhere else!!

Looks like there is a bit of stock available.

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PLE Computers
PLE Computers

closed Comments

    • +37

      woops sorry first time poster here!

        • +53

          Thanks oz bargain master. Any more tips

        • +2

          Kill Joy don't be so jealous his first post was better then yours :P

        • +2

          @teaBagger. More like

        • +3

          my daily limit of negging reached…will try some tomorrow on you :)

        • +2

          Well I appreciate the communities attempts to get me this far :)
          A Whooping 233 negs (and counting) is a feat most people could not achieve, and I may pride myself for years to come on this fact.

          And yes I was not trolling, It was indeed an honest mistake that I decided to just run with instead of chucking a tantrum ;)

        • once you get one neg :) more shall follow, awesome case i have the R3 and its great

  • +27

    Unless you thought this was a USB 3.0 fridge (which would be awesome) I don't see the problem. Good deal

    • +20

      Imagine how fast you could pour a glass of milk with a USB 3.0 fridge…

      • +5

        I would imagine 'Up to 10x faster' :P

        • +12

          Until Apple bring out the Thunderbolt Fridge that white only, from $799

        • +3

          with a retina temp gauge so you can see the temp in all its super HD quality! BUT… im assuming it will require a different plug in your house.. just saying

        • +7

          no, you dont need to install a different plug in your house, they sell an ipower adapter for it now for the one off awesome price of $197.95

          tho it is DRM enabled, so if you either want to move the fridge to a different socket, or to a different house say for a party or someting, you would obviously need to purchase a separate adapter each time.

  • +1

    This is an excellent price. I have this case on my shortlist, and the best price that I could find that was local to me is GreenBox in Mosman, Sydney @ $148

  • I have something against this design, but nevertheless, really nice case for that price - even though im looking for a Corsair C70 myself.

  • Wait - no optical drive bay? Is that a thing now, or am I just not seeing it?

    • +3

      the whole front is a door that reveals the drive slots

      • Actually how often do people use optical drives these days? A cd/dvd/blu-ray rip every now and then and the odd install (actually last thing I installed was the OS)

        • +1

          For $20, it's worth it just in case

        • Unless you play games.

  • +3

    I have both the R2 and R3 versions here, happy with both. Noise insulation is very effective.

    Quality construction, don't expect to replace my boxes for at least 10 years, would happily buy another from Fractal.

    • Agree, very happy with my R3, noise damping material is awesome

  • i got the same PC case
    really good almost zero noice

    • +2

      Personally, I think it looks really noice.

  • +3

    MASSIVE thanks for the post. I was literally researching this exact case today but I was going to put off buying it until Mwave had another free shipping deal - but at this price it's still even cheaper!

  • -2

    wow postage 42 bucks to melbourne, might as well swing by msy and get one zzzzz

    • +11

      They ship a heavy ass box all the way across the country, and it still costs less than dealing with the..nice people at MSY.

  • +2

    This case is pretty solid, and is good for noise reduction, but damn does it weigh a lot.

  • +1

    great item, i have the USB2 one and amazing case :)

    • +2

      You can get a USB3 upgrade kit for the R2/R3, costs about $25. I recently upgraded my R2 to USB3 and love it even more.

  • +2

    Awesome case, but works out cheaper for me to go to Umart.

    Good price for those that don't have a Umart or MSY nearby.

  • Fantastic case! I've got that model and I highly recommend it if you're in the market for a new one.

  • does anyone know how this case compares to the antec sonata III?
    looking for something quieter than my current =]

    • +1

      I've got both, and I'd recommend the R4. It's big enough for a high profile CPU heatsink and graphics card, swapping hard drives is easy, and overall the build quality feels better, I had paint chipped off of my Sonata III after a few weeks, and have yet to have an issue with my R4 after a year. Although there is one con, it does weigh a fair bit more the the Sonata III. But yeah, go with the R4.

      Edit: Lol, forgot to mention the sound. This case has special insulation coating the case, so yeah, it's quieter.

    • Have had the sonata 3 for three and a half years now and I cannot recommend it at all! Recently bought a corsair 550 but the r3 was second on my list (and antec p280). Really it will be a much better choice on so many levels I don't think they are comparable.

  • Love my Fractal case - defs a bargain

  • woah great price for such a good case if you're able to pick up. i've seen the older model for more than that

    • Great price even if you're not able to pick up. It's about $140 delivered to Adelaide, Brisbane or Sydney which is cheaper than buying and picking up locally.

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • Weight: 14.50kg

    wow hahah

    • +1

      Unless your into LAN parties or buy cheapo cabinets/desks does it really matter?

      • +2

        not at all, was just surprised at its weight.

  • Awesome case, I think I got the R3 last year (the one with USB 2.0 front ports). Would so go with the white case & red LED, gunmetal grey doesn't really look like the promo photos (its 5 shades darker) - you may as well go with black to hide against scratches

  • +1

    I have the R3, almost tempted to buy one of these due to how amazing it is. Honestly one of my favourite cases I have ever owned. Great deal!

  • +1

    Another happy owner here. Recommended.

    If you're looking around, Lifehacker just did a pole on favourite cases:…

    And some helpful Whirlpool members also maintain a page on "PC Suggestions", which I've found great value:

  • staticice is down for checking purposes unfortunately a little too XX'y to ship to Brizzie ($168 all up) and UMART have it for $151 or MSY for $149

  • If you can find something worth 2$ (to take it over 100$) you can use this code 'FLASH' for a 4GB memory stick. (from their Facebook page

    Edit: Nevermind, expired :(

  • Do ple have free delivery? iirc spend 200 buck then it free delivery within Perth Metro?

  • For people in Sydney is more convenient to buy it @ MSY - When you add shipping cost , the bargain is only for Perth

  • out of stock :( anyone tried a price match anywhere else ?

    • There's nearly 3000 clicks. Wouldn't surprise me :P

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