This was posted 1 year 2 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Mass Effect Legendary Edition $8.99 (-90% off) @ Steam


The Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from the highly acclaimed Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 games, including promo weapons, armors, and packs — remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD.

Historical low.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    No brainer if you missed out when it was free from Prime.

    • +3

      if you missed out when it was free from Prime

      Me :(

    • +1

      Me :((

    • Me ;((

    • Wait…. when it's from free Twitch?

    • +1

      Press F to pay respects.

  • +1

    Also on Game Pass.

    • +1

      Yes, and that broke my steam copy

  • +5

    Even though I finished the originals back in the day, playing through the whole set after the prime day giveaway with all the expansions was fantastic. They add so much to the story and bridge everything so much better.

    Highly recommended even if you've played them.

  • +8

    I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.

    • +7

      I’m Commander Shepherd and this is my favourite deal on OzBargain.

      • -2

        Im commander citadel and this is my favorite store on the shepard.

    • +1

      I am EA and I am disappointed with you shepherd. we could have ripped-off humanity together, but no, you decided to get a discount on OZB

  • If I have the games on Steam already will they be remastered or should I buy these?

    • +3

      If you have the original version, then no, it will not be remastered. But for this price, you can’t go wrong buying it again.

      • +2

        Found I had them on Origin. Not about to Install that so I grabbed these! Andromeda is $9 too, might have to get it also.

        • EA app replacing Origin

  • +1

    It’s also on Xbox and PlayStation for $9.99. it is currently on Game Pass for no extra cost but honestly I’d recommend still buying it in case it is ever removed from Game Pass. For this price it’s worth it, my number one favourite game.

    • couldn’t finish any game in the series space sci-fi just makes me sleep lol

      • +2

        Wake up bro. This shit is amazing.

        • -8

          only Star Wars is real all others are fake

    • +3

      Heh - I bought the Legendary Edition for Xbox at initial release and paid full price. You know what? I still think it’s worth every cent.

  • Over 40 DLCs?!?!?!

    • +3

      individual weapons and armour etc etc.

  • +1

    Doh didnt realise I already had it from Prime. Oh well. Not too much money to spend on a decent franchise.

    • Refund it. As long as you haven't played more than 2 hours you can refund it on Steam and get your money back.

      • Na its ok. Its a good collection to have on Steam anyway and its pretty cheap

  • +7

    For anyone that doesn't know EA forces you to use the EAPLAY app even when launched from steam, and there are reports of bugs and things being broken.

    • Also means that it doesn't work offline apparently (which would be the motivator for me to buy this to play on Steam Deck…)

    • It's less annoying than installing EA Play manually on the Deck/Linux, though. But yeah, not ideal.

  • +2

    Must buy at this price. The best game trilogy ever.

  • Holding out finally for the max 90% off steam allowed after the last deal was only 88% or something paid off.

  • Amazing trilogy remastered. Still got my freebie from Prime.

  • Anyone know of the FOV can be changed with the remastered version? I have the originals and always had motion sickness due to the narrow FOV.

  • +1

    Also part of the Bioware Mega Collection:…

  • Amazing game. I always tend to always go Adept as my class for Insane difficulty.

    Does anyone recommend any other classes?
    Adept only starts getting really good in ME3. As an Adept. ME2 can be a bit of a slog on insanity at times. I was thinking Vanguard.. But I think the difficulty will need to go down to make the Biotic Charge viable.

  • Couple other great games at this OzBargain post I made earlier

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