I am looking for a flight from Cologne to Vienna. Has anyone flown Lauda Europe? It's a subsidiary of Ryanair. I am just worried about their safety record considering the age of their fleet.
Flying Lauda Europe

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If you're that worried perhaps don't go with them?
What are you talking about the age of their fleet? Their A320s are younger than some of the airliners flying around Australia! If you're that worried about flying an airline that you're looking into the age of an their fleet, perhaps you're better off on a train. A plane's age is largely irrelevant as long as it's been through the correct maintenance procedures, which Lauda Europe definitely would have.
I don’t know anything about Lauda, but have you considered a sleeper train as a n option:
https://www.seat61.com/trains-and-routes/nightjet.htmIf possible I always take the train. So much more comfortable and city centre to city centre.
Worth loading the Flixbus app. They only travel just under 100 but it is all freeway and they do it for peanuts. Used them many times and mostly could choose my favourite top front seat.
Eurobus is another one. No nasty security delays, check-in lanes, but you want safety so choose your seat after crash records being analyzed.REX saab's in Australia has an average fleet age of nearly 30 years. Many hundreds of Australians hop on their aircraft everyday.
Thank you for your thoughts. I wasn't aware of the age of other planes in the sky. I will book the Lauder Europe flight. It only takes an hour and a half to Vienna.
Just be cautious of the departure and arrival airports. Ryanair is notorious for using secondary airports an hour bus ride from the destination with costly transfers.
Flew Lauda Air from Bergamo to Vienna last year. Was an hour late, the seats were rock hard and there was lots of upselling. But whatever… It was an hour-long flight and cost less than $100 to get me and my luggage where I wanted to go.
Would be exactly the same for any of the ultra-low-cost carriers in Europe really.
What leads you to believe they would be unsafe?
They lost a plane in 1991 but that was on Boeing.