Microwaves That DON'T Beep - Recommendations Please


I have been searching for a microwave with the following requirements but unfortunately have become stuck on not knowing if the microwave has a silent mode or not. I've crawled through numerous websites and product manuals without luck (I've gone through the manuals of multiple microwaves and they have no mention of silent mode, which I assume means they don't have it but I now can't find any microwaves that seem to have it).


  1. Silent mode/ability to turn off all beeping.
  2. Flatbed
  3. Invertor (preferred)
  4. Simple/minimalist design (preferred, if 1-3 are ticked idc how ugly it is)

Power/Watts - any I don't mind.
Size - any I don't mind.

The two that seem to be an obvious choice are the Sharp and Panasonic ones below but neither mention anything about a silent mode in the manuals. If by some miracle someone has one of these and can confirm if they have a silent mode that would be amazing.

Sharp 26L Flatbed
Panasonic 27L Flatbed

If anyone has a flatbed microwave with a silent mode please share the brand/model number…. honestly, the search is starting to drive me a little insane.


  • +3

    You may be aware that LG microwaves have a jingle rather than beep and they can be turned off completely.

    I can confirm my MS4236DB goes into silent mode if you hold the Stop button and then Inverter Cook for 5 seconds. The display shows OFF and there's no more sound. It's not mentioned in the manual at all.

    It's a pretty great unit and ticks all your boxes except not being a flatbed.


    You can go into a larger Harvey Norman or The Good Guys and have a play with the machines. They can plug them in for you.

    • Thank you! Good to know that even if it's not in the manual they still have a silent function. May have to rethink the flatbed as the neochefs have been the best-looking ones I've come across and knowing they have a silent mode is good.

      • although, its not a flatbed and has rotating plate. I can confirm and its also a shortcut two button press as it resets after power outage or if you turn off power at the wall. Very happy with mine - going strong for 3 years.

        • How is it to clean? The main reason I didn't want a rotating one was the difficulty cleaning the spinning doodad and wheel circle.

          • @OpticalCog: It really shouldn't get that dirty tho, if you're using a plate/container/or microwave lid. Plus you just wipe down the glass or take it out and wash it (rarely).

    • Is it the same way to turn jingle back on?

      • +1

        I think so, either the same Stop and Inverter Cook or the button below it. Or simply turn off the power plug and switch back on for it to reset.

  • +1

    This is my microwave, you can turn off the sound.

    In the manual and website "specs" section it state sound: off/on


  • haha buy any korean stuff 😂

  • +3

    Guessing you have never owned a flatbed ;)

    Heating is far more uneven than the rotation versions :P

    • Yeah most of the reviews mentions this but doesn't appear to be much of an issue on the modern ones and honestly, the ease of cleaning and smaller footprint are big pros. I really only use it to reheat on a low setting so can't see the uneven heating being much of an issue since I'm not 'cooking' anything in it.

    • Seconded. I had a panasonic one not long ago (2021), and really disliked how hot it made all the bowl — I wondered why this was, until I discovered they heat by reflecting energy from UNDERNEATH…. stupid design!

  • +2

    With being unplugged, open up and locate buzzer, use suitable amount of bluetack.
    Enjoy the less noise.

    • +3

      You still need to be careful of capacitors if opening a microwave.

      • Yeah, probably the most deadly appliance to open up (now that CRT TVs aren't common).

    • +2

      I don't have life insurance so not keen to play around in side a microwave.

  • +4

    I have a Breville that has the option to turn off the sound.

    • +1

      And you can't spam the doors on some models.

      • I need that for the (profanity)heads I live with. Slam slam slam slam slam, it's so annoying. I can imagine all across Sri Lanka there' just millions of people constantly shouting at each other and slamming microwave doors 24/7, just echoing across the whole island.

      • Wow the Breville with a mute button and a soft close door seems like it would be great (25L Compact, soft close)… But seems to be completely sold out/discontinued… Sold out Myer/Catch/half a dozen online retailers.

  • +4

    TIL what a flatbed microwave is

  • +1

    Panasonic Microwave Ovens can do it via a service menu. https://help.na.panasonic.com/answers/how-to-turn-the-beep-s…

    • Thank you!

    • That's a North American page.
      Which probably explains why it doesn't work for my NN-ST75LB, even though the model is listed.

      it's like the 240V models don't have this option.
      The UK Panasonic website actually says beeps cannot be disabled for safety reasons…

  • +1

    I bought a cheap one from ikea that only goes ding but I know that they also sell versions that you can install in cupboards but don't know what kind of sound they make

    • Good timing - going into ikea today so will have a look and see what they have.

  • +2

    I had a microwave that didnt beep. It was broken.

  • -1

    What is the issue with a beep/ding to tell you its done?

    • +2

      Loud af at 3am

    • +6

      Loud, annoying, and unnecessary; especially at night. The microwave in my current place (moved in a week ago and was left by family) beeps 5 times once it's done but then keeps beeping 5 times every 30 seconds until you go and open it which is driving me insane. I can't stand technology that demands attention. If I want to defrost something then go have a shower I should be able to without getting a headache from incessant beeps.

  • +1

    The panasonic I can at least say doesn't repetitive beep just because you didnt open it when done. It does one beep set then shuts the hell up.

    • +1

      Ok thank you - I am scarred from a repetitive beeping until the door opens microwave :')

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