Shipping Price does it need to be inclusive of GST?

Hey Peops,

Had a quick question - Do online stores need to advertise the shipping price to be inclusive of GST?

I understand that they need to advertise prices inclusive of GST - " prices without reference to an additional GST component payable were false, misleading and deceptive in breach of sections 52 and 53(e) of the Act. Advertisements which specified prices as "from just $295*""

However, is it the same for shipping prices?

If an online store has options for shipping and you select $30.

Then the total order goes up an extra $3, of added GST - is this not a breach of the above. I mention this as the total price does show the extra GST - added to total GST - but not advertised price.

In my opinion - the cash price for shipping does not state the extra GST - and the GST should be included in the advertised price. Therefore the added GST that shows up in the total would then be a GST charge on top of the price listed for postage.

What are your thoughts…


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