This was posted 12 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Sample of P-Mate - Allows Women to Pee Standing up (Facebook like Required)


Let P-Mate Australia send you a free PMate… to see for yourself how easy it is for women to pee standing up!

Easy as 1,2, 3… to get your complimetary PMate:

  • Visit P Mate Australia on FaceBook
  • Click "Like"
  • "Write something" there (i.e. post on our FaceBook wall).

They'll write you right back, and your sample will be on its way!

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closed Comments

  • +12


    • +11


      aka the "She"nis

  • Cheers - been waiting to get my hands on one of these

    P-Mate TM lets women neatly pee, standing up!!

    The original device that gives women the freedom to pee standing up and discreetly — without undressing. Just unzip your fly, move your panties to one side and pee. No need to squat or bend

    Shaped perfectly to fit the female form: its design was developed from the feedback of many women.


    The P-MateTM is like a cardboard shoe with its toe cut off.
    Simply place the “heel’ of the shoe under your flow area between your legs.
    Make sure the ‘toe’ end is pointing somewhere other than your feet, and pee!

  • +3

    LOL not sure if srs

  • +17

    I am NOT going to like this with my FB account… :)

    • +3

      female or not.. it's like 'liking' FB pages to get free STD test kits.

      • Definitely not female, one of the many reasons I don't want to be seen liking this :)

        • +1

          That's why everybody need 2 facebook accounts - a real one, and a fake one that does all the liking for promotions, freebies, and competitions. Spam my fake wall all you like, makes no difference to me!

      • This actually makes female a shemale… :D.

  • +2!

    Featured on their website…

    • mate i tried hard couldnt understand what they are talking bat

  • +15

    I think they're taking the piss out of us…

  • +6

    Sounds handy.
    Do they make a version of this for men?

    • +31

      Have a look, you should have one attached to you already..

      • +7

        Clearly it's not in working order :P

  • +5

    I pee sitting down… before you judge, let Larry David justify why you should too.

  • +2

    Clearly OP is taking the piss

  • +1

    Is this a phallic attachment?

  • -1

    could i use this to have two ? i already got one at birth and i think it'd be neat to have two, it would mean i could use two toilets at once

    also, the facebook link on the site seems to link to, not their page

  • -1

    do chicks strap these on

  • +19

    Now I've seen some odd things on OzBargain… but this takes the cake.

    • +1

      I think you mean takes the piss ???

      • Well no, since the 'piss' joke has been slightly overused already, and 'takes the cake' is the actual idiom, I think I meant 'cake' ;-)

        • +15

          urinal cake?

  • +1

    haha i pissed myself

  • +1

    is it like a penis?

  • -1

    So a discreet portable catheter bag for women. Don't think there a market for this.

  • +1

    But you'll have to put this thing back in your handbag!

    And wash it constantly…

    So gross…

    • i believe it's for one-time use only…

      • +12

        This is ozbargain, you should be washing and continuously using the same one.

        • This is ozbargain, you should be washing and continuously using the same one.

          It's cardboard. It will go soggy in your handbag

        • there's a layer of moisturisation (i made that word up)

        • This is ozbargain, you should be washing, drying and continuously using the same soggy one.

  • +1

    Does it work if one pees while lying down?

    • If you shut your eyes.

  • +5

    You'd think it's available from Dick Smith as part of their Dick's XXXL Deals.

  • +2


    • +1

      What stig said.

  • +1

    The link on their website only goes to the main Facebook page.
    Anyone got a link to their page? Searching only finds one in a different language or this:…

  • where does donga get all these weird freebies??

  • +2

    Actually having travelled to some nasty places this is not such a dumb idea.

    Politeness prevents me describing them, but there are some places you just don't want to sit down!

  • Does this aim better?

  • So, a user named donga is promoting a deal about fake dongas?

  • +1

    I've always wondered if women were jealous about this.

    Maybe she'll stop complaining about me leaving the seat down now…

  • Well, this is one of the funniest things on OB yet, thought it was a piss take then realised its to take a piss

  • +1

    I like how the advertising goes for the pregnancy angle, but it seems more likely to be used roadside or at big music festivals.

    As a man, I love a sit-down wee as a first-of-the-day treat. Gathers the thoughts like nothing else. Can I post that as a bargain?

  • Hang on.. Did I really read this post or i am still sleeping?? Why would a women want to pee standing up….!!! are they nuts,..??? why would you carry a peeing device with you..

    Good for justin Bieber.. he can finally pee standing up..!!! KUDOS JB..!!!

    • +3

      try sitting down to pee in public toilets everytime for a month or so and post back.

  • "56 new comments".. Stay classy, guys.


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