• expired

15% off DoorDash Gift Cards (Expired), 10% off Uber/Uber Eats Gift Cards @ Amazon AU

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Another gift card promotion on Amazon. Part of their boxing day sales.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (212)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2023

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +17

    My new years resolution is to stop wasting money on Uber Eats/Doordash. I had the same resolution last year, but this year I mean it.

    • +8

      I only use it when the offers are actually worthwhile.

    • +1

      Think of all the money being saved when you can stack discounted gift cards with offers like this

      • Well I'm not crazy, I'll still make 50% off orders.

      • That offer appears to be over now even though code expiry shows up as Jan 31st.

        • Damn it, seriously?? I was saving it for January

      • Usually those stores have markups where your only saving very little after voucher.

    • +1

      This was the 1st year I spent crazily on uber. I do intent to continue

    • I think I spent way less this year than the last two years. Probably each of those years I spent over 10k on Uber eats/menulog combined. Although I cook more now, I still think I've just traded some of the value into MyMaccas app and the like lol. We could do so much better cooking wise.

      • -1

        Yes good idea to use that money as a deposit on an IP or put into ETFs every month so ypou can retire earlier

        • +2

          lol yeah not thinking about that when kids are screaming for dinner

          • @serpserpserp: Swap that 10k for a cleaner once a week and a nanny an afternoon a week and it's money well spent.

            Have some change left for take away.

  • +1

    Does anyone know how much more Coles via DD/UberE is now that they don't match in-store prices? > / < 15%?

    • They stopped matching?? They literally just had an ad running a few weeks back about how they are the same prices as in store.

    • It varies. Most items I checked were 10% mark up, but some I found were 20-30%. What's worse is they no longer match any specials.

      • +1

        Well I guess that’s the end of me doing grocery shopping through them now.

        • Yeh it's no longer worth it outside of a 50% promo, especially with the service fees on top.

    • Surely you are on the Woolworths home delivery deal? Just buy directly through them

    • +1

      Last time I checked on DD a few weeks ago, it was around 15% but what was frustrating was that I would add the items to the cart the night before the 50% brekkie offer in anticipation. In the morning when the deal was opened, my cart had jumped price a further 20%. Some items were 40% more than in store.

  • +2

    PSA uber Australia does not allow you to add more than 1k in gift carda to your account unlike the 2k limit in the US. Not sure if there are any ways to get around this

    • +2

      Make another account.

  • Thanks OP.

  • +1

    I have a stupid question. Anyone know whether you can use Amazon gift cards to buy these discounted gift cards? I am guessing you can't?

    • +1

      Cofirming you cant.

      • Thanks, was about to try it myself.

        • +1

          When did this change? I used to do it but can confirm it isn't working today.

          • +1

            @drfuzzy: At least a month or two so now. Hopefully they will enable it again at some point!

  • Do people prefer doordash or uber eats? Are they typically the same price ?

    • I prefer Uber as it has lower service fees compared to door dash but sometimes door dash has good deals

    • +2

      For me it's doordash because Coles on DD has an extended delivery range whereas on UE they don't deliver where I live. With a DD membership I save $11.99 in delivery fees and using 15% off gift cards it's only a few dollars more than going to Coles myself but I don't have to drive half an hour there and back and then time spent shopping.

      • +1

        Unfortunately Coles prices on DoorDash/Uber Eats are no longer the same as in store prices, as of a few weeks ago.

        • +1

          Correct but with a 15% discount and doordash membership it's only an extra dollar or so and I don't have to pay for petrol or time. I'm happy to pay.

          • @tessel: You forgot the 12% service fee

            • +2

              @bird380: For those curious and obviously we have a monthly dash pass membership. If something at Coles cost $5 then on DD it's $5.50. If I get 6 of them, then obviously $30 at Coles. For DD it works out to be $33. Using these gift cards that costs me $28.05 ($33 x 0.85). Then DD adds a plastic bag, $0.25, and the 10% service fee (shows as 10% not 12% on my app), $3.30. All up that costs me $31.60 ($28.05 + $0.25 + $3.30). So Coles is $30 and DD $31.06. From my house to Coles and back is about $3 in petrol. However, even if we ignore that cost, for an extra $1.06 I don't have to drive half an hour and walk among mouth breathers. We do two big shops a month. We have two Woolworths reward accounts, so get 10% off twice a month and use that for two big shops. Then the rest of our shops are small, such as milk, bread, cat food and whatever else is needed to hit the $30 mark to avoid small order fee on DD. Discounted gift cards are still good on DD and Coles, provided it is 15%. We don't buy any takeaway food on DD even with discounted gift cards unless DD is running an offer, like 30% or 40% off, then that plus the gift cards brings prices down to lower than what we'd pay in store.

  • Cheers. Grabbed DD $100 for $85.

    • +8

      Yep, that’s how it works…

  • +2

    Thanks, and you can apply Amazon credit from previous promo(ie the $10 credit)

  • Anyone received theirs? I am still waiting for the email. Already paid.

    • same - ordered a couple of Uber cards at 8.30am, and still waiting …

      • Yeah still waiting too, purchased at 805am.

    • I bought last night and got the DD voucher in 5 minutes.
      Few months ago in a similar deal, I waited almost a week to receive the Uber voucher and customer service couldn't help

  • Got my $500 gift card in 2 minutes.

  • +3

    Would probably grab some if they had decent uber one offers

  • Mine are still stuck on processing. Ordered early this morning

  • Order DoorDash giftcards at 1230am, codes came through 2pm.

  • Ordered at 1:45, still waiting nearly 4 hrs later.

  • +1

    It looks like there’s an in-app offer on Uber Eats to get 10% additional credit when you load $50 or more.

    • +1

      You have to purchase the GC in-app though.

  • I was still waiting nearly six hours later so I contacted customer service and was given a BS line about confirming financial info, but that I would definitely get the cards within 24 hours. So I cancelled.

  • just came through just on 12 hours later …. FYI used Amex

    • also just came through 12 hours later, visa CC

  • Damn, purchased $200 Doordash didn't check the price already expired..

  • Uber OOS now, too: "Uber/Uber Eats: Redemption cap has now been exhausted. This offer is no longer available"

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