Next Xmas freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 3am AEDT and for 24 hours only.
Merry Christmas all.
Next Xmas freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 3am AEDT and for 24 hours only.
Merry Christmas all.
Profitable business. Ask USA
USA is a country, countries don't talk. People talk.
Well, if you ask the thousands of poor lads who enroll expecting that will pay off their expensive university to get a better life that their olds, they will have a clear different opinion to the few abuser who has stacks in the weapon industry and politic.
No you should ask Russia.
Russian wars since 1991:
Someone criticises the US and you pop up mindlessly droning on about Russia? The programming sure is working. You should go see your nearest ADF enlistment officer.
@DonkSettingsEnjoyer: Because Russia never gets the same attention even though it has always been at war for most of its history. It's always been an imperialist power and Putin wants to keep legacy going.
I assume you're Russian or Pro-Russian and therefore salty. Truth hurts.
@dealhunter52: I forget you people are like robots, and have an involuntary automated response to certain keywords. How does a bullet point list of conflicts Russia has been in relate in any way to a joke about the military-industrial complex in America? Who are you even arguing with? No one is interested hearing garbage politcal whataboutism on a Fallout 3 post. Touch (or smoke) some grass and enjoy your Christmas.
Who are you even arguing with?
Clearly, it wasn't with you…until you jumped in to defend Russia. Seems you have a fetish for authoritarian regimes.
Sorry bud but I'm little allergic to BS, that's all. There is no programming and no grand conspiracy either….it's just common sense.
Merry Christmas!
Go to bed, it's late
Now where is FO4?
Note this is a repeat (Oct 2022), so if you've been following the free Epic Games for a while you may already have this.
I already had it in library
I thought I did have it but it was New Vegas!
Yeah that's another one that's been done previously
Damn son!!!!
I already had it in my library of games that I'll never play
Yes, it's just a reminder to me of how much quicker my backlog is growing that being played… 😬
This one is worth playing.
Just checked my library, looks like I've missed it twice now :/
Seems I managed to miss it both times!
Epic has the worst page ever. How can you see the games you own? Do you seriously have to download their launcher and only see from there? So stupid 🤦
From Reddit and under your "Name" it should say "Account" and then on the right tab of that screen "Transactions". This told me everything I got from them
Thank you, really stupid store.
Can't there be a simple option like my library, my games, how confusing would that be. Insted of going to account and transactions. But everything else is there nice and simple, my achievements, my wallet, my coupons, my wishilist 🤦
Agreed. It's been a running joke for years in the subreddit thread I pulled that from.
@Lucille Bluth: It's going to be like eBay or Amazon and stay the same frustrating design forever. They're stuck with it now even if they want to change.
Yeah, it’s such a no brainer that it would seem it’s an intentional omission by Epic, likely to entice you to install their app or whatever.
Imagine if epic just simply made their store nice and usable and actually complete against steam for features and layout/ease of use
Rather than sueing everyone regarding profit percentages on store fronts
It's really bad, and they wonder why everyone only wants their games on Steam launcher.
Such a simple concept to make a lightweight functional launcher but nobody except Steam seems to get it.
It's amazing they spend so much money on free stuff to promote a junk launcher. Why not invest some of that money making it actually good
When you go to all the trouble of loading the epic games launcher only to find out you already own the free game
Easier to click on the deal link and log in to your account. It'll say "in library" instead of having the purchase link if you already own it.
Repeat but good game.
does this version run on modern PC's? i know the steam version has issues andalkot of people have to mod it into the new vegas launcher.
I'm not sure about how this Epic Games version runs but honestly I didn't have too many issues running Steam vanilla FO3 in my W10 machine.
It did crash once or twice if I alt-tabbed but otherwise it was smooth sailing for me. I did inevitably mod the game into oblivion (ha) but it was a great experience nevertheless.
Any leaked lists this year of what the games are?
Hoping for something good this year, maybe a Horizon Zero Dawn or something
Snakebird, Celeste and quake II are all that’s rumoured by billbil-Kun so far. But it’s not looking good for an AAA
Such a great game that I bought 20 copies of this when it could be had for a few bucks and gave it to friends and coworkers around 9 years ago.
I can't think of a game I would do that for now.
RDR2? For me it was the most enjoyable game since FO3.
Replayed it this year on the hardest difficulty.
40 hour playthrough (essentially getting to max level, completing the main story and about half the side quests).
Even though its clucky. Theres a fun charm to the gunplay. And the immersion of the world is excellent.
Remember to go 9 Intelligence on the SPECIAL stat.
I reckon i got about 20 games in my epic Library i have not paid for a single one ….
I'm sitting at about 330 now without paying for a single one
Or playing😛 in my case anyway…
I've probably spent more time downloading 4 of the games than actual playtime
Damn son!!!!!
Holy mackerel!
Give this user an award!
Huh it's a repeat.
I don't even have a PC that can play games yet I still collect these freebies. I am a digital hoarder
Good man. This is the true ozbargain way.
I don't have a Steam Deck. I have an Epic Games Deck.
There should be an ozb comp of people posting their libraries of their free epic games. Winner gets a free game.
Haha true. If only the epic launcher was nearly as good as steam. It just isn't though.
Great game, myself I already bought it, and also got it free from epic last year. Well worth your time though imho.
I've never played any Fallout game, but I know enough about it to want to watch the show.
When it comes to selling weapons, the worst offenders are:
And all 4 countries holds nukes to blowing us out of space
Source: Lord Of War by Nicolas Cage!
What an amazing movie.
Truely one I can watch many times.
Thank you @dealbot
Thank you for all your amazing deals this year.
Merry Christmas!
The Best Fallout of all.
war, war never changes