Amazon au firstly agreed to refund for a high value item that never arrived but then said I would need to lodge a disputed debit to my card account with my bank. “We have an arrangement with the banks” they said.
Anybody else encountered this?
Amazon au firstly agreed to refund for a high value item that never arrived but then said I would need to lodge a disputed debit to my card account with my bank. “We have an arrangement with the banks” they said.
Anybody else encountered this?
It does show delivered. They sent me the wrong order. A low value item for another customer's order.
Well, that's a bit different then. It originally sounded like it got lost in the mail. This is a bit harder to dispute. Can you give a rough explanation/example of what happened?
you need to put this into the title!
ok why did you change your story? are you lying OP?
Define high value please.
$420.69 is high value
Wow! That is a mouthful. If I lost that amount it would be hard to swallow.
What about Just the tip?
$1.01 as it's more than a buck.
How about -1 for an X bit CPU register. Where X is at least 8 for the first one I used and now the CPU has 512 bit register… so something no one on OZ bargain can around in AUD.
Keep it in writing. Disputing a charge can be fighting words.
That is unusual. Are you certain that there is no miscommunication?
There could not possibly have been a miscommunication. OP has been the paragon of communication so far in this thread, by leaving out critical information then following up with meaningless one-word replies.
This thread is going to be the winningest.
We have an arrangement with the banks
Who is telling you this? Amazon directly or are you dealing with a 3rd party marketplace?
There is zero reason for Amazon to get you to do a charge back instead of refunding you.
Amazon online chat
That does sound weird. I can't imagine Amazon asking you to do that. How has all this been communicated to you?
Amazon online chat
Was it all in the one interaction from the one CSO?
email them… write all the info in the email that you spoke to the online person about and ask for a reply…then you have a paper trail…. online chat is sometimes hard to prove if they agree liability…
yes what???…. is your england ok?
tell us the full story, like you are telling a 3 year old would understand.
The details in OP aren't quite right. Looks like they did receive something but it wasn't the right item. I guess it's a lot harder to dispute, especially if you are a new(ish) customer or someone with not great history.
They sent me a code number the day of the supposed delivery. I had to speak that to the delivery person before he would hand it over. He left before I could open the box to find someone else's order and their paperwork. A very low value item.
clear as mud. like pulling teeth.
ok. so they asked you to do a charge-back and its likely that will be the end of your account.
Did it have your shipping label on the box or the other person's label?
Ie. Are you blaming Amazon packers or Amazon drivers?
I got some refunds this month from Amazon (they had a shocker) and they were all credited back to my credit card. but nothing was over $80
Sounds like me! I'm still waiting to see if my stuff arrives or not.
These pos couriers they use keep stealing my console games. Kinda sick of getting ATL deals and then not receiving it.
They mark as delivered but once I received an empty satchel and the next time (different game) it just didn't arrive at a secure building with someone manning the front desk.
I have most of my stuff sent to a PO Box. Less issues. So far I've only had the one delivery that didn't make it to me. They said they attempted delivery but we were home and didn't notice anyone. Pretty annoyed as they told us there were be subsequent attempts but they never happened. Ended having to refund.
@ozbs25: We have a parcel locker account. That way it is Ausposts problem right up until it is delivered in a secure location.
Give us a clue
You received the "high value" item you ordered, but the delivery driver did not request the code Amazon sent for verification of the correct delivery. Now, you're disputing this with Amazon, aiming to retain the item and also receive a refund, based on the assumption that Amazon easily processes refunds without returns. Is this the complete story that wasn't initially disclosed to us?
Let's just assume everything is as they say. They said they received a different cheap item instead. Does that mean they opened someone else's parcel?
Yes, in this case, the "high value" item should be returned to Amazon. If the driver or the recipient does not have the code, the item is considered undelivered. When an item cannot be delivered and is returned to Amazon, the buyer should automatically receive a refund.
Anybody else encountered this?
Not here either. I have had deliveries to other addresses than where I am actually at and refunds go though within 24 to 48 hours.
Amazon delivery drivers use an Amazon app that shows them to delivery packages to wrong address for me and the delivery drivers do not read the delivery instructions that say "leave at the flat front door that a security screen door and no where else", but this week I got a parcel delivery that was left outside the garage door.
I suggest to get another chat with Amazon customer service, don't bring up what the other support has said. See what happens.
Excellent suggestion, thanks
Tricky thing Wiz, you order a $1000 item say and get a 1c item delivered, so it shows tracking as accomplished. This used to be a common eBay scam that seems to have survived on Amazon and here is the problem, Amazon sells both its products and 3rd party items that they may track/deliver but 3rd party items are not checked for authenticity, value or even working. Its why I buy from Amazon only as I do see scams and they are all 3rd party ones, like this and the get a GPU for $50 we have 50 and ones worth $5000! The rest are eWaste if they work at all and its more a lottery and that makes refunds even harder as you just LOST in the DRAW.
So with 3rd party items that are delivered, your only hope is a good creditcard company… As Amazon may have released funds already and they are not in the loss making business for scammers. THE RULE IS TO BUY FROM AMAZON DIRECT ONLY, NEVER 3RD PARTY
Amazon have the A-to-z Guarantee for third party sellers also, I've purchased from a third party seller who ended up being a scammer and Amazon refunded the amount payed.
The way it was delivered, suggests to me that it wasn't a third party purchase. I've only ever seen the code thing being done with amazon delivered purchases.
I've had amazon refund me on purchases about 3 times now, because what they sent me, was less than what I ordered (e.g sent 4 bags instead of 5). Super easy for them to verify if they've stuffed up, since they weigh the boxes before sending it off.
On all occasions, they would agree and just refund me the whole purchase then and there.
What I think is actually happening, Amazon doesn't agree with OP and doesn't want to be confrontational about it. So they suggest OP pursue a different avenue because they aren't willing to budge
Try a different agent; some of them are useless and will lie. My order was late, and the Amazon app advised contacting Amazon. One agent told me the package would arrive in two days. Then, I asked for another agent, and she said she couldn't see it arriving in two days and refunded me.
My advice: definitely try a different agent.
Can you just outline the story a bit better mate?
I'm not going to be able to help without context.
As in what did you order. What did you receive. How long has the seller been around and what are there feedbacks like.
Let's start with the basics. Oh, and merry Christmas.
Hi OP. Having worked in finance, including for one of the largest card processing companies for a while, I can guess how this will go.
Because of the value of the item Amazon don't want to write it off and are just making stuff up to get rid of you.
You will do a chargeback with your bank, and Amazon will NOT agree to the chargeback and will reply to it with evidence of delivery.
The chargeback will fail and your bank will re-debit your account.
At this point you need to HOPE you have a good bank, because they can re-challenge a chargeback. (Some won't and will say they are tied by the original decision). I only know the process for Mastercard but imagine Visa have a similar route. You need to speak to someone good at your bank and explain that you wish to dispute the chargeback decission and that you do not agree with the outcome. Its important at this point you have a good relationship with the person at your bank and that they are a real human willing to actually read your evidence and that you get their email and send them the screenshots of Amazon saying that they WILL refund you, that Amazon told you to do the chargeback as they have a relationship with the banks for this (!) and lots of photos of the wrong product, including the packing notes, address labels and paperwork showing the delivery was for another customer and not you.
Your bank can then request that the situation be escalated to Mastercard International for further review, and at this point Amazon will probably provide them with irrelevant replies that do not explain how you have another customers order or explain why they have not refunded you when they said they would. There is now a high chance that Mastercard International will find in your favour on balance of probabilities that while Amazon have proven you had something delivered and you did give the driver the correct code, you have provided evidence it was not the item you ordered.
You will now get your chargeback refund. And within weeks Amazon will close your account and ban your card and address being used on their site - so spend any gift card balance and be ready for everything linked to your account to stop. (You can set up a new account using a card youve never used before and getting it delivered to your work address etc).
Can confirm this.
Have a dispute with amazon for $8XX refund they promised but backed out from it.
My initial dispute with citi was in favor of amazon even though i sent them screen shot proof of chats and emails.
I them threatened FIO, they said they will review.
A few weeks later, amazon contacted me and told me that mastercard ruled in my favor. 2 weeks have passed and citi have not contacted me yet so im assuming the decision was from mastercard international and just waiting citi to action the request.
Appreciate your wisdom.
Had similar experience with Amazon regarding someone’s using my credit card for Amazon Prime membership.
In a nutshell, Amazon doesn’t give a (profanity) and is not going to take any actions or measures to rectify the situation. You present proofs, suggestions, ask for information - nope. ‘Go talk to your bank’ was the only solution I got.
Yes, in the case of unauthorised card use when your card was used without your permission on someone else's Amazon account then they correctly ask you to dispute it with your bank as if your card was compromised chances are it has been/could be used with other merchants as well and should be cancelled.
I understand that, what makes me sad is that they refuse to remove this card from other accounts.
I still get 'payment for Amazon Prime declined' messages from my bank citing the old card, means that this card (now cancelled) still exist on bad guy's account.
In my experience, this sometimes happens when there is an account history of high-value items (i.e >$1000) being refunded due to the account holder claiming the wrong item was sent, an empty box was received or the item did not arrive at all. Amazon can be reluctant to constantly issue refunds when there is evidence of buyer fraud and will therefore direct the customer to file a chargeback with their bank/card issue. Obviously, the bank/card issuer will be in a better position to take action cancel the perpetrators card as they will be able to see if the customer has a pattern of filing disputes with different merchants
First "high value" item bought from them. First refund request. No unauthorised use of card issue. They send you a PIN number to quote to the deliverer before he will hand it over. He enters the PIN in his device before handing it over so then "delivered" He then takes off before you even look at the box or open it. All in their favour. I've got the item that was delivered together with the invoice showing another person's order number. That's all I've got to go on that the wrong item was delivered.
Does the address label look like the driver has peeled it from another box, or are you thinking amazon have put the wrong label on the wrong box either by accident or on purpose as the picker stole it?
Is it an invoice or picking slip?
Any updates OP?
Yeah, he's in jail for trying to scam Amazon
It is unusual, but if you have it in writing from Amazon saying this - and if the tracking doesn't indicate delivery, it should be fairly straightforward to charge it back at your bank. Although chargebacks take significant time, so it could be worth trying a different agent at Amazon.