Kia Ora. Free New Zealand touring map with information on each of the regions in New Zealand and 16 themed highways.
Available in both digital (PDF) and Print (free shipping to AU).
Mod: Physical versions may not be honoured, see here.
Kia Ora. Free New Zealand touring map with information on each of the regions in New Zealand and 16 themed highways.
Available in both digital (PDF) and Print (free shipping to AU).
Mod: Physical versions may not be honoured, see here.
I see this as a desperate plea for Australia to invade them.…
Under our constitution they could become another Australian state.
two states… Middle Earth and The Desolation.
but building Aussie rules stadiums there will cost a fortune.
@mantichoral: Just reuse a cricket stadium, works over here. However, the payoff is pretty good. The attendance figures for AFL are very impressive for a country with this small a population.…
Couldn't be any less united than our existing states were during covid.
And the AUD has fallen so much it's almost at parity with NZD.
Indeed. New Zealand is a 2nd World country masquerading as a 1st World country.
maybe NZ will finally have an army thats more than 5 soldiers too
What for?
incase Australia invades
The measure of greatness in human civilization. How big an army you have. Wow. Most intelligent animal on the planet. Lol.
PDF? I want a full size A5 map dammit in the best paper.
Choice Bru. Beached as.
Would you like a chup?
Who even can stop at one chup.
I want chups.
Everyone love chups, both sides of the dutch.
Can't eat chups. Don't have teef!
Can't chew bro
I went to NZ 2016 and saw this similar deals RIGHT after I back from NZ. Then I downloaded the digital map, told myself it is free and just in case. And I have no chance back to NZ since then. It is jinx when you download the map LOL
Is there that many streets in NZ that it needs a map.
Nah, but there's plenty of dirt tracks for their pushies bro.
is there something like this for oz
We'll need a set of 10 books.
i'll settle for victoria ? (and its a pdf who cares how big it is)
With all the incomplete roads and tunnels marked …. that way in 10 years time we can compare the progress
Well both are Islands…. NZ has two small ones separated by a bit of sea. You can't get lost in NZ because water stops you right smart in a few hours.
Now Australia is One Big ass Island but again given time, saltwater tells you you have reached your limits but I have to warn you going around the coast is not a 2 week affair as my Japanese friend found out on his motorbike. He rang me and said he gave up and will just open a restaurant in Cairns because Melbourne to Cairns, by road on a 250cc Honda, ate his will to live.
where was that japanese grit we get potrayed? I suspect he was fibbing and he just liked Cairns. I have a french friend that went from darwin to melbourne on a 125 or 250 honda and his girlfriend did it too. Some kiwi friends went all around europe east and west on their pushbikes, sleeping in tents (thats just insane).
I'm really just looking for a map to know what to go see in victoria, tourist boards just send you to melbourne cbd which is…yawn… not my sort of thing, other than that philip island and great ocean road, any recommendations are welcome
there is nothing to see in victoria. its boring yellow grass farms with a few trees and dirty (muddy not kinky) cows dotted across them.
Now i can find the directions to the nearest fush and chups store my bro
Being left off of maps is finally getting to them
Oh cry for days you weakling.
Into my chilly bin?
Ok..there are no 'i's ' in the New Zealand dialect. Arguably the 'e' isn't required either..
So it's Racusm ..and Chullybun…
@tunzafun001: Thank you, I will not be trying that again, and wull leave it to you, master, I mean bro.
too close to the bone man, the aussies know it's true so they can't take it as a joke
Chur bro
Fun fact. Things can be racist and true at the same time!
Something to ponder.
Anyone know what size the printed version is? (Just ordered it so I guess I'll find out anyway)
new zealand has fallen so hard. its like going to an eastern european country now when you visit.
I always remember it being that way?
Except they have FTTH so we can't talk any shit about them.
Except they have FTTH
Easy done when you have a tiny (by land size) country.
Our economy is way larger and we're one of the most urbanised countries in the world. No good reason why we shouldn't have built FTTP from the start.
@1st-Amendment: How is building your own hospitals and highways going? I assume you have a toll road for your street and take your own rubbish bins to the tip. How about your own defence forces and police? There are thousands of things Government do better.
@1st-Amendment: I don’t think I’m the unhinged lunatic here. However, you might want to look at your own posts.
I named 6 without even trying.
You can add in sewerage, environment maintenance, water supplies, utilities infrastructure, border control, customs, quarantine, public housing, schools, etc. this is without even trying and not getting down to the nitty gritty of everyday life. Frankly most outsourcing has been a disaster because you add in a layer of profit on top of providing the service. It is just popular because too many people buy the line it is more efficient. It just means managers don’t have to manage and have someone else to blame.
You can add in
9 more, and couple of which are already duplicates lol…
So you've got 1985 things more to go to reach your goal.
And while you're there, tell us what any of this unhinged rant has to do with this thread?
@1st-Amendment: You said I couldn’t get past. Name the duplicates and I will explain why they are different.
FTTP was the initial Government decision. Unfortunately the next Government overturned that.
However, if this had been left to private industry we would, probably, have thousands of different standards running around in different areas and anyone outside a major city would have nothing because the economies of scale aren’t there. Private industry may well have reached the same devision to drop FTTP because of the perceived cost. Private Industry is beholden to their shareholders rather than providing a service to the citizens of a country.
Funnily enough the people most wanting to leave services in the hands of Government are the people who had these things provided by Government in the past.
FTTP was the initial Government decision. Unfortunately the next Government overturned that.
So is government good or bad, because you're not selling it here…
have thousands of different standards running around in different areas
Is 'thousands' more hyperbole? Because we do have quite a few different standards now but it was the government that did it… again this is not a great argument…
Anyone outside a major city would have nothing
What is Starlink lol… oopsy…
Funnily enough the people most wanting to leave services in the hands of Government are the people who had these things provided by Government in the past.
Welfare dependency is real. This is nothing to brag about…
@1st-Amendment: You really love the point by point do you? I will summarise to stop boring people. Given how obsessed by numbers I will just say “many” from now on then.
As indicated the only way you were going to get a standard was if the government stepped in and provided a standard option to provide infrastructure. Star link is certainly not the standard across the nation. Oopsy indeed if you think so. Also if Musk decides to pull the plug then the people depending on it have no come back. Their equipment will be ejunk. That is the point of private industry they only care as long as there is a profit in it.
@1st-Amendment: I’m not the one throwing around insults. I am the rational one, you are the one getting emotional.
There are somewhat different standards but they are pretty much a variation on a particular technology install. I certainly don’t think it is perfect but Government backing was about the only way we would get anything Australia wide.
I don’t believe in the altruism of big business to do what is best for the citizens of a country. They will do whatever gives them the best return on investment.
@1st-Amendment: You're the one who specified that it's just 6.
Six is an integer with a preciese value where as "thousands" is a hyperbolic expression.
Anyway, here's 50
National Defense: Providing defense against external threats.
Public Health: Managing and responding to public health crises.
Law Enforcement: Maintaining public order and safety.
Judicial System: Administering justice and legal proceedings.
Environmental Protection: Regulating and protecting the environment.
Public Education: Offering universal access to education.
Infrastructure Development: Building and maintaining public infrastructure like roads and bridges.
Social Welfare Programs: Providing safety nets like unemployment benefits and social security.
Monetary Policy: Regulating the national currency and controlling inflation.
Diplomacy: Managing foreign relations and international diplomacy.
Public Transportation: Operating large-scale public transit systems.
Space Exploration: Conducting research and exploration in outer space.
Regulating Utilities: Overseeing essential services like water, electricity, and telecommunications.
Public Broadcasting: Offering unbiased, publicly-funded news and information.
Consumer Protection: Creating and enforcing consumer protection laws.
Historical Preservation: Preserving national monuments and historic sites.
Regulating Financial Markets: Ensuring stability and fairness in financial markets.
Emergency Management: Responding to natural disasters and emergencies.
Public Research and Development: Funding and conducting scientific research.
Land Management: Managing and preserving public lands and resources.
Public Libraries: Providing free access to information and resources.
Urban Planning: Planning and zoning for urban development.
Public Parks and Recreation: Creating and maintaining public parks.
Immigration Control: Managing and regulating immigration policies.
Election Management: Administering free and fair elections.
Postal Services: Providing nationwide postal services.
Public Health Campaigns: Promoting health and wellness initiatives.
Cultural Promotion: Supporting arts and cultural activities.
Veterans' Affairs: Supporting and assisting military veterans.
Regulating Pharmaceuticals: Ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications.
Tax Collection: Collecting taxes to fund public services.
International Aid: Providing aid and support to other nations.
Regulating Aviation: Overseeing air travel safety and standards.
Public Housing: Providing affordable housing options.
Child Welfare Services: Protecting and supporting vulnerable children.
Occupational Safety: Enforcing workplace health and safety regulations.
Anti-Monopoly Regulations: Preventing and controlling monopolies.
Public Art Programs: Supporting and displaying public art.
Historical Research and Archiving: Preserving historical documents and archives.
Census Taking: Conducting population and demographic surveys.
Food Safety Regulation: Ensuring food quality and safety standards.
Public Utilities Regulation: Regulating and overseeing public utilities.
Trade Regulation: Managing and negotiating trade agreements.
Fisheries and Wildlife Management: Protecting and managing wildlife and marine resources.
Pandemic Response: Coordinating responses to global health crises.
Public Pension Systems: Managing public retirement systems.
Air and Water Quality Management: Monitoring and protecting air and water quality.
Disability Services: Providing support for people with disabilities.
Regulating Telecommunications: Overseeing communication networks and services.
Public Interest Litigation: Representing the public interest in legal matters.
@idonotknowwhy: Thanks. I realise I should stop arguing with someone who uses a Moniker that is beloved of the American far right. It doesn’t bode well for their commitment to reality in Australia. I don’t expect to change his mind but this gives other readers an alternative.
a Moniker that is beloved of the American far right
Lol, 'Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler'.
Perhaps you should pick up a history book once in a while so you don't sound so ignorant all the time…
You're the one who specified that it's just 6.
Because only 6 things were presented. Can you read?
Six is an integer
Awesome news… did you just learn this and felt the need to show off your new knowledge?
with a preciese value
Yes because I am precise with my figures. I can also spell.
where as "thousands" is a hyperbolic expression.
Only if you are deliberately imprecise because you are making stuff up.
Anyway, here's 50
Well you didn't read the question did you? If you read the original claim, it's what the government does better than the private sector, not just a list of shitty things the government does. You have not showed how any of them are better or worse. Let me give you a quick example:
Health. Most people given the choice, prefer private health services over public services
Education: Most people given the choice, prefer private education services over public services
Housing: Most people given the choice, prefer private housing services over public services
See how that works?
Next time you go to the toilet ask yourself, do I prefer to use a private toilet, or a public toilet. Why is that?
@1st-Amendment: You're so hung up on a hyperbolic expression.
"There are a million things the government does better."
*Watches your head explode.
I'm not from Sydney but they seem to like privatising things and contracting out jobs to private businesses over there - I can think of two recent disastrous examples:
Privatising the building industry leading to whole apartment buildings being unsafe to live in.
The Rozelle Interchange. Just lol… 🤣
@1st-Amendment: Yup, back to your usual pathetic insults. Honesty mate do you expect anyone to take you seriously?
Honesty mate do you expect anyone to take you seriously?
You're the one that joined in on the discussion. Might want to think a little harder about that next time…
@1st-Amendment: Given the relative likes and dislikes with our posts I’m not the one with the credibility problem. All I’m doing is pointing out some things are better delivered by Government and some by private industry. Large communal infrastructure may not have localised cost returns but they are provided in the interests of fairness for all citizens. This gives people some level of certainly rather than private industry that can pull out of a service, at any time, if they think the economics aren’t there.
You are the one descending to insults rather than logic.
Given the relative likes and dislikes
Facts don't care about you or anyone else's feelings…
@1st-Amendment: Nothing to do with feelings. People can, obviously, see the relative merits of the arguments. Most of us aren’t driven by ideology.
Nothing to do with feelings
Voting up or down is 100% feelings.
People can, obviously, see the relative merits of the arguments
So feelings then…
Most of us aren’t driven by ideology.
Of course you are, everyone is driven by an ideology of one type or another. Why else do you do the things you do? There has to be some reason and that reason is based on some sort of idea. Some people are just more self aware than others.
Here's a good book you should read, it's a primer on critical thinking:…
@1st-Amendment: I think we will just have to agree to disagree. We’ve both put up our cases and now people can make up their own minds. Seasons greetings to you and yours.
I think we will just have to agree to disagree. We’ve both put up our cases and now people can make up their own minds.
Bingo! And this is the very premise behind the First Amendment. Everyone is allowed to speak and the audience gets to decide on their own without interference.
Hopefully we can agree that this idea is not so 'Far Right' after all, and it's really is the only way that society moves forward.
Merry Christmas!
@1st-Amendment: We can also disagree on what the First Amendment means as well, particularly the way the term is misused in America by certain groups. However that is a discussion for another day.
@multomobbi: "Big country" has always been the easiest excuse to do nothing.
Wonder how biger countries do it …
Wonder how biger countries do it …
Name a bigger country with smaller more sparse population that offers better services
the easiest excuse to do nothing
But it's actually the opposite of do nothing, rural and regional areas receive disproportionately more government assistance per capita.
There's no economic justification to put services into remote areas yet we spend billions doing it.
@1st-Amendment: American's often say their country is 'too big' for effective government services such as a national health insurance, and people here do the same.
There's no economic justification to put services into remote areas yet we spend billions doing it.
The reason those areas remain 'remote' is precisely because they lack services. Many who move there or are born there leave. Using economics to justify cutting services is a classic talking point of neoliberal billionaires
Also 10Gb/s internet.
Yet they are smashing us on exchange rates since 2012 (ie.they are out performing us)…make of that what you will.
Because you specifically chose 2012, the AUD ATH. How about the last 15 years, or the last 5 years?
make of that what you will.
Ok. I make of that that you selectively chose a period that suits your argument.
Since Australians and NZers are free to live and work in each other's countries, if it's better why aren't you there? And why are huge numbers of them here?
Immigration patterns would tell us there is not as good as here, make of that what you will…
Because they have no exports
they only lost the rugby world cup by 1 point. wouldn't call that a fall.
Doesn't ship to NZ addresses.
Ordered! All I now need to do is win a lotto so I can eat in Queenstown.
also need to win Lotto to live in Queenstown as accomdation looks really $$$ as well. =(
Looks like a bird flying from a tree stump
or the inside of my jocks after a vindaloo
Username doesn't check out.
Im supporting multiple jobs while increasing NZ inflation by getting this.
I see you are a master economist.
Well i have flipped my fair share of Boost sim cards for $10's of profit over the years..
Slap that in an interest bearing account and you can retire half a day early. Or put it in crypto and you can retire yesterday!
Ordered thanks OP
May I say I ordered one like a months ago as I will be going to NZ Feb next year only to be told the following. so dont hold your breath over this one.
"Kia ora,
Thank you for your recent request for a New Zealand touring map on our website.
As we approach the end of 2023 we are moving away from sending out hard-copy maps, however a downloadable version is available to access here:
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Ngā mihi,
Sarah Harrison
Campaign Manager - Australia
Tourism New Zealand | Manaakitanga Aotearoa
Bruh! Remove someone’s full name from posting it on a public forum…
One day New Zealand might get GPS.