• long running

[VIC] $100 off Annual Light Vehicle Registration for Current & Past ADF Members @ VicRoads


Past and present ADF members living in Victoria* are eligible to apply for a VCV discount for their vehicle registration(s) and marine licence.

Past and present ADF members living in Victoria are eligible for the following:

The Veterans Card - Victoria
Victoria thanks Australian Defence Force (ADF) members for their service. The digital Veterans Card - Victoria entitles all past and present ADF members living in Victoria to discounts and benefits including:

$100 off light vehicle rego
free trailer and caravan rego
free marine licence
fishing licence exemption
free transport on Anzac and Remembrance Days
veteran employment programs.

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  • Does this include those who have previously been in the Reserves?

    • I assume if you meet these requirements then you would be. If you're eligible for a veterans card then you'll get this


    • -6


      • +4

        Hmmmm, by the downvotes I'm tipping that the Keyboard Warriors regiment of the 2WFH brigade aren't eligible either….

      • -1

        You naughty thing…. you really shouldn't inject satire to the trough when the piggies are salivating!

    • Yes, if you've done Continuous Full Time Service (CFTS) you are categorised as a Veteran.

      This is my position and I have both the DVA white and VIC veterans cards.

      • Its actually less than that. 1 day of reserve service (ie, didnt even go to kapooka) entitles the individual to be a 'veteran' in the eyes of the vic gov.

    • Yes. I know someone in the Army reserves and they've been doing this for a while now.

      Ozbargainers: it's time to sign up!

  • +2

    NSW offers free firearms license fees for holders of a DVA card.
    It is a trap however, if you use your DVA card for the discount they will demand that you have a full psychiatric evaluation (at your expense) to prove you are a "fit and proper person" to hold a license.

    • this amazingly kafka-esque

      i suppose what they dont want is if they granted free licenses to ex defence personnel and they used the firearm in a way 'contrary to societal expectations'… given ex defence people have much higher suicide rates

  • +1

    If you are on a pension you don't get the $100 Rego discount in addtion to the pension discount.

  • -6

    It should be free

  • -4

    Past and present ADF members living in Victoria* are eligible

    What about Future ADF members?

    • +9

      You get $100 discount for Future Light Vehicle Registration

    • +3

      future conscripts for ww3 also eligible

    • It’s doesn’t say future so no it would not apply

    • Past, present and emerging ;)

    • -1

      Just like shipping, ruins the deal.

    • Not true. You're sent a code and you can use it to pay online.

  • +1

    I did mine online. ! "You will receive another email from VicRoads when your discount application has been processed."

  • Anyone want to give me their ADF details?

    • +7

      Sure :- Roberts-Smith, Benjamin NX235666

  • -2

    Going more and more like the yanks.

    • +7

      thank you for your comment

      • +1

        And god bless you for your service :)

        • gawddd…. that's round it off nicely wouldn't it… god forking bless you thrown into the pot.

          presumably only if the god is one of the gods on the approved list.

  • -4

    As much as I agree with this It should also be same for everyone
    We are all citizens and do our bit too for this nation in some ways
    In Queensland you don’t have to pay rego for one year in 24

    • +3

      What you're overlooking is that veterans have voluntarily served in the armed forces "without pay"…. that's why they deserve our thanks.

      (unfortunate conscripts do deserve some measure of recognition for not being allowed to make career choices based on market forces)

      So thanks for the service and all that stuff. May as well lump in cops to that category….I mean all cops join police "services" for altruistic reasons of serving the community don't they? No ego strutting psychos there eh?

      Apologies if the post is too subtle…. If citizens don't want to join the armed forces for the benefits they'll receive (in the form of employment/ pay/ training) …. they simply don't join! Why the hell do they need to be thanked for it….and why do they receive additional benefits not part of the original package?

      If there was a justified war on the horizon or in existence…. motivations may be different…. but such is not the case in australia's history for a long time.

      • Sounds right for volunteers but anyone joins for adventures or to satisfy their mental issues no and there are too many of them

    • -1

      A guy I know from Queensland has pretty much been unemployed and living on benefits for 30 years, he has produced a son which he took no parental or financial responsibility for. So, still scratching my head as to his 'bit' that he has contributed to our great nation.

      • lol, negged for calling it how it is. Nobody wants to hear the truth anymore.

  • Anything for votes!

  • I wonder if I'm too old to say…. join the airforce to be trained as a pilot, then nick off to a luvverly package at jetair etc…
    join the army to be trained as say a diesel mechanic, then nick off to a luvverly job in the highly paid mining industry…
    join the navy to be trained as say…. hmmm…perhaps an electronics specialist, sign up for sub duty, travel the world and get a girl in every port…. then nick off to a luvverly job somewhere that'll value my skills with a fat package.

    And as a bonus, I'd get free rego. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    • +2

      I agree with the basics of this.

      No freebies/discounts just for serving and getting paid for it.

      BUT. If you are injured in combat, then the taxpayer/govt should do everything to make your life easier.

      • +1

        Agreed…. like civilian worker's compensation.

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