This was posted 1 year 2 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] Days Gone $14.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Lowest price I have seen so far. Great deal pre boxing day rush :)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +22

    Great game just played it on Steam. Could not understand the poor reviews

    • +4

      Gameplay, environment I enjoyed.

      Not a fan of the story / characters

      • +3

        I really liked the story and characters. I thought the ambiguity of the main character was really good.

    • +2

      Poor reviews came from its poor launch version. The game since then had been patched up quite well!

      • Does the PS4 version have the patches too?

  • +12

    I loved this game, got it free when they had the free catalogue of ps4 games for new ps5 owners with plus.

  • +1

    Runs 4k 60fps really enjoyed the story, just a bit of a grind

  • +3

    Check your library before purchasing, I have a feeling this may have been free on PS Plus a while back? (Edit: April 2021)

    • +2

      This was free on PlayStation plus!! I downloaded and played half of the game on ps4 and remaining on ps5, it’s a great game.

  • +3

    Great game! Very underrated. I found the story and gameplay awesome. Definitely recommend, especially at that price for anyone that doesn't already have it on PS Plus.

  • -6

    I have it on Playstation Plus however I am trying to build a physical media collection instead of Digital because I got spooked when the woke mob started rewriting my favourite classics like Ian Fleming's James Bond novels and Roald Dahl books. (Roald Dahl ffs!)

    In the future - there's a chance of Digital vandalism of everything if the leftist authoritarians get a chance to truly implement their insane "progressive" vision for society.

    Futhermore there was the scandal last week of Sony deleting digital content that people had purchased outright and thought that they owned. But they didn't own it - they were just renting it for an indeterminate amount of time - they just didn't realise it.

    I'm coming around to the position - after years of being a Marie Kondo inspired minimalist and pooh-poohing physical media - that its actually really important to own physical media after all - to preserve our history and provide a tangible piece of evidence as to what our lives used to be like in the good old days before the Maoist-style cultural revolution that we have been living through since 2020 (and the subsequent massive inflation caused by socialist-style economic policies) started.

    • +21

      wild ride of a comment

    • -1

      Muh woke leftists aren't comin for your games ya numpty. Not like they'll have to anyways, now that you're all nice and vaxxed like they'll just need to flip that kill switch ay.

      PS. TLOU 2 is on sale too if you want to add it to your physical collection :p

      The Last of Us Part 2 - PlayStation 4

      • -1

        Haha no thanks - I <3 Ghost of Tsushima 4EVA

        BTW - I would have never thought that the woke police would be re-writing Roald Dahl books - yet here we are…

    • +4

      No woke authoritarian mob rewrote those books, it was a capitalist decision by the publishing house in order to increase their commercial appeal. You can still easily get the originals.

      • -1

        It’s actually very hard to get new copies of the original text of those books now - the value of them skyrocketed. Consumers don’t want the sanitised versions - but the corps need to up their ESG scores so Blackrock and Vanguard will release that sweet credit liqueur they need.

        We don’t live under capitalism my dude - you’re mistaken if you think we do.

        We live under fascism by the strict definition of the term - union of (leftist/globalist) governments and (huge multi national) corporations.

        And it seems you’re on their side.

        • +1

          I was going to offer to sell you mine, but it took about ten seconds on Amazon to find it. The Roald Dahl Centenary Boxed Set

          • -2

            @Jonty766: Thank you for that link. $209 is a bit expensive still for me at this time, but I’ve added it to my watchlist and hopefully I’ll have a chance to purchase it before it’s gone forever.

            Anyway, it was also nice to read through some of the comments on that listing as well, such as this one:
            “ llh
            5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
            This version is still intact
            Reviewed in the United States on 4 May 2023
            These are before the misguided publisher defaced Dahl's work by modifying his stories and removing things they found offensive. Nothing could more completely disrespect both the author and the public than failed writers altering and defacing literary achievements they never could have produced themselves.
            8 people found this helpful”

            • +3

              @Gamer Dad Reviews: Gone forever? They are going to reprint the original versions, now that the "outrage" has sparked some interest. Sort of like how New Coke was a sales boon for original Coke back in the eighties.

      • -2

        Commercial appeal to the vocal 12%? You go woke, you go broke. Gillette, Budweiser, Victoria's Secret, Disney etc have all copped it.

        • And all have gone broke?

          • @Jonty766: It's a saying obviously, the claim stands, those companies have indeed copped it financially.

            • +1

              @m0usju1c3: Given the first post was about the "woke mob", this sounds more like the anti-woke mob causing trouble!

              • -2

                @Jonty766: You mean the silent majority?

                • @elektron: The same silent majority that voted for the coalition which is why ScoMo is still the PM

                  (That's the problem with assuming the silent ones are on your side)

                  • @Crow K: Albo said he wasn't woke just before the election, fooled everyone.

                    Tried to do the same with the referendum, with the vocal minority outspending its opponents 11:1, plus they had all of the mainstream media, big business, sporting codes etc in their corner. That's why the referendum was a spectacular success. Oh wait…

                    • @elektron: Thanks for agreeing with me that "people who assume the silent majority are on their side are often mistaken"

                      If you want to pretend ScoMo's massive loss was something about Albo pretending about wokeness and the teals don't exist, that's fine, and not related to what we were discussing.

        • +2

          You go woke, you go broke. Gillette, Budweiser, Victoria's Secret, Disney etc have all copped it.

          The actual figures don't look like that.

          Gillette India Limited - share price close to YTD high
          Anheuser-Busch InBev S.A. ADR (makers of Budweiser) - share price close to YTD high
          Disney - share price about where it was in 2015, 2020, and 2022 (they did very well during lockdowns, predictably)
          Victoria's Secret - a downward trend over two years due to quality issues (and long predating this 'woke' thing).

          Could it be that the whole "go woke, go broke" spittle is just an easy to remember quip for beetroot-faced mouth breathers with no basis in reality?

    • +1

      Dude, at the very entertaining, deserving of an upvote for the effort at the very least ya

    • There are ways to say all that without sounding like that.

    • I hear you… but I’ve legit repurchased games digitally that I own on disc just so I don’t have to swap a disc.

      Perhaps your argument is another reason why people set up home media servers… to preserve the original content?

      But yeah.. Days Gone is a good game.

  • +1

    Motorbikes, guns and zombies! If your into motorbikes even a little bit, this will become a favourite for sure.

    • I like all three of those things, still found the game to be a real drag, felt like such a paint by numbers kinda game if that makes sense.

  • +4

    Uncharted 4 is only $6.80 as well

  • +1

    Great game

  • +2

    Killing those mega hordes is such a thrill.

  • +2

    This is the only PS4 game I've platinumed. I got it on PS+ and expected to just tool around in a Daryl Dixon simulator. The story was amazing and puts you on an emotional rollercoaster. Taking out zombie hordes was a LOT of fun.

  • +1

    Bought this 3 years ago… Still in shrink wrap in my pile of shame… Should have waited until now.

  • great game. played most of it when i had ps+ subscription and before cod came and took all the time. bit of a grind in mid to late game.

  • I played it on the PC, I didn't like it, game moved too slow gave up.

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