Please Help to Find a Good Aircon/ Air Cooler

My place is a small granny flat and has no insulation so whatever the outside temperature, it would be the same inside or even worse. I have fans but it’s only circulating hot air (when it’s around 40° day like last Saturday). Can anyone recommend me what to get to actually cool down on those day? This place is renting so I would refer something portable and around $300 if possible.


  • +1

    I have fans but it’s only circulating hot air

    You can't rely on onlyfans.

    Good Guys commecial usually has good prices on air cons.

  • +1

    Do you have sliding aluminium windows? A window aircon will work significantly better than a portable.

  • I just bought a 1600 BTU cooler, the generic Arlec one from Bunnings. Should work, but if it's like my old generic Bunnings 1500 BTU then it'll be loud. Loud is better than hot.

    You could convince the owner to install a mini split system. Would raise the rental value and they should last at least 10 years.

  • Have a read of Cheap Portable Air Conditioner for a Small Sun Facing Room there was a lot of discussion about this as well.

    • I bought the Coolzy Pro because of that, its okay. Just started using it, so too soon to tell

  • +1

    i think the general consensus is for what little cooling you will get for a $300 portable unit you will be copping increased power useage, loud operating sound and heat

    • Whatever the power usage is, a few hundred per quarter at most with more than reasonable use, is worth it. If you have solar then it's a no brainer. But even at full price it's a no brainer when the alternative is sweating and feeling miserable.

  • Dont get the Instachill. I am returning it today to try and get my money back from a store. Its nearly $450 so I hope I can get my money back.

  • I bought the zero breeze from Anaconda. I was using it and luckily discovered it was sitting in a pool of water, so have stopped using, thats dangerous with using electricity. Have lost hundreds of dollars. Ive had it for over a year so cant return it

    • Ive had it for over a year so cant return it

      You must be new here. It's warranty isn't strictly 1 year. Anyone would expect an AC to last much longer.

  • +2

    Get a used window aircon off Gumtree/Facebook and fit that to a window, will be way better than a portable.

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