I am moving to rental housing and I want to put my cat into a reasonably sized outdoor cat enclosure. Any suggestions, tips, whatnot?
I'm willing to spend up to around $1K provided it's big and good enough to last a while.
I am moving to rental housing and I want to put my cat into a reasonably sized outdoor cat enclosure. Any suggestions, tips, whatnot?
I'm willing to spend up to around $1K provided it's big and good enough to last a while.
May not work for you (or a rental), depending on your fence.
We use a sureguard electric fence (using for over 10 years now).
Have not lost a cat yet and they have the whole backyard.
In addition, other cats/possums stay out.
Any Suggestions for a Cat Enclosure/Catio?
Looks like the cats have escaped.
Get a second hand aviary. As big as you can mage to move and put in place. You can always add to it.
But then what would the cats do for fun?
I say find a cbd pigeon or 5 and bring them to the enclosure daily. Seagulls on weekends.
We have one of these from a previous house, and although a b*tch to put up, it is definitely good quality. There are bigger and smaller versions depending on how much room you have.