Also, Abus Ultra 410c U-Bolt 230 X 12mm Combination Lock + SH34 Green $58.07…
Also, Abus Ultra 410c U-Bolt 230 X 12mm Combination Lock + SH34 Green $58.07…
Oh yeah ?
Like this…
It stays on my bike whenever I need it
Me too. Unfortunately they’re very vulnerable to a simple nut splitter though
Did not know this. They have a high rating
Need a combination lock
picukp is bris or fyshwick (!)
$10 ship to syd
Pricematched on Catch and DickSmith.
Only problem is Catch want $13 for shipping, even with OnePass.
In this age of everyone getting breached, I think it should be made illegal to ask for all of your details before showing the shipping costs. Just SHOW ME what I'm up for.
Does anyone here already have an acct with this mob who can tell me the shipping for 2 locks to 6210?
Checked for you, $9.90.
They revamped their website earlier in the year and I told them how shite it was on their socials
It shits me to no end also
or at least put in in bold print on your site what your post charges are… but i mean.. i dont expect shit from most of these dumbass businesses who are just using US shopify templates etc.
Yep, I've got fake autocomplete details saved on my Brave browser for this exact reason.
The worst part is that if you give them (any site; not just Pushys) your email address, they will email you a reminder that you left something in your cart.
The only reason I buy from Pushys is that they've had some incredible bargains in the past (both my road and gravel bikes and a deep section wheelset bought from them for crazy discounts).
It's a shame what happened to Wiggle.
Haha I told them that their abandoned cart feature is terrible because it sends an email even if you just add it to the cart and remove it from cart but there’s no option to unsubscribe from them, only to unsubscribe from all emails 😑
I used their contact form w/tossaway email. I'll let you know if they get back.
I love the Abus folding lock