• long running

International Mobile Roaming Add-on Pack: 3GB 15-Day $30 @ Belong Mobile


While not the cheapest, it works out great that I no longer need to port out to Felix when I need international roaming. I don't know when it started, but am glad I checked before porting out.

I think this is much more convenient compared to buying travel e-sims and now you can make/receive calls with your AU number.

Save a few more dollars if you just buy a discounted prepaid sim and refer yourself

China Hong Kong India* Indonesia
Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore
South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand
Austria Belgium Croatia Czech Republic
Denmark France Germany Greece
Guernsey** Hungary Ireland Isle of Man
Italy Latvia Netherlands Portugal
Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom
Middle East
Israel Qatar
North America
Canada U.S.A.
Fiji New Zealand Papua New Guinea Tonga

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (299)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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  • +1

    with free roamless, redbull mobile, Yesim, Eskimo, Tel-U, i get about 10G of international free date total with 2 years of expiring date, and that’s all eSIM with click of a finger, I would call myself bargain :)

    • I have TEL-U and roamless setup too but I need to make/receive calls with my AU number for work/emergencies

      • +2

        If you have esim setup then you can have your physical AU sim and the data sim in the one phone. Anyone calling you from Australia, it will treat like a normal call.

        • As @nightelves is alluding to, get a Boost sim with profit after cashback and use the $30 or less on an esim.

        • exactly what bargain should do!

        • What? People can call boost number while overseas without roaming?

          • @CyberMurning: Yes, with the right setup. It's slightly complicated, you use VoWiFi off the esim.

        • Only if the Australian sim is vowifi not roaming

          I have a Samsung A52S dual sim version. Had boost sim and a local sim at the time. Local sim had data turned on, but boost sim was roaming and not in vowifi mode. So in this case, it will treat any calls received as roaming calls, not local Australian calls. At home, while on wifi the boost sim went on vowifi and I could make calls etc as if I was in Australia. But not outside when using data from the other sim. No idea how you can force vowif within the same device, ended up using a secondary phone with the local sim running hotspot.

          • @dyziplen: any idea if this VoWiFi is available in amaysim?

            • @hit23head: It's not, only works on Telstra and Boost. I did tests with Amaysim in September and doesn't work off VoWiFi.

        • are you saying I can make and receive calls with my AU number whilst overseas, as long as I have an esim roaming data sim on?
          I am using a Samsung fold 5, if that matters

          • +1

            @googoogaga: Yes I did it on my trip to Japan and Vietnam. As long as there’s data anyone from Australia can call you and you can call back home. You just need to add +61 to all your numbers.

  • My son is in London with this right now. Belong primary can call and send and receive texts.

    Using the alosim eSIM deal as secondary)from a week or two ago for data, he can fall back to belong when/if it runs out.

    Made the process simples

  • +2

    Yeah, but how good is the reception/speed while roaming?

    I used the amaysim 50 dollar roaming pack, its 6gb (5gb at the time) valid for 365 days. It sounded very easy to use and no need to get a travel sim etc.

    But oh my, the speeds are horrible. Can barely connect whilst transiting at LAX, and I initially roamed onto T-Mobile in Boston, the bars were just not there, even in downtown Boston. When I got to New York, I found it was roaming onto ATT, so it was better, but sometimes it goes back onto T-Mobile, and when I move off automatic to specify ATT, it doesn't really connect?

    Eitherway, the lesson here? Local sims all the way.

    • Was on a trip couple months ago and 2 of us used Belong roaming. Speeds were good never had any issues, apart from some tomes wifi calling didnt work couple times, thoigh i think that was my fault.

      I had different experience on coverage (UK & Ireland) as we had better coverage than the people we were visiting, as when one local network was poor coverage we picked up the next strongest

    • +1

      Yeah I took my personal and work phones on a trip recently. One with amaysim and one with boost. Amaysim was terrible and I ended up using Boost most of the time. I won’t bother with amaysim roaming anymore in the future, absolute rubbish! Before amaysim, I was with Optus - same like amaysim - rarely get 3G or 4G, it’s E most of the time!

  • Just FYI that you cannot use your remaining credit in your account to pay for this roaming pack. The only payment method is via credit card.

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