Another freebie from Flybuys for a 600mL Powerade Active Water…
Enjoy the zero carbs.
Normally $4.00…
Another freebie from Flybuys for a 600mL Powerade Active Water…
Enjoy the zero carbs.
Normally $4.00…
Probably protozoa…
That's the raspberry one…
Is this in the offers tab in the flybuys app?
Yes and email
Mine was one of the new gourmet Barilla pasta sauce, $6.50 a bottle would never have tried it otherwise lol
The Amatriciana tastes like someone put out a cigarette in watery tomatoes. The pancetta is so overcooked, it’s just flavourless pieces of dry fibre
Omg that's the one I picked lol 😭😭
In fairness, it sounded like the best choice
I can’t imagine how horrible the tuna one would be
Really JV……
As JV would normally remark on others posts
Normally $4
Normal is no more than $2
$4 at a servo
jv do you have shares at Coles Group?
jv shilling for coles/flybuys?
1.5B profits wasnt enough????
If the product is free, you are the product.
flybuys owns your soul now!!!
Sports drinks have electrolytes (salt).
The sugar is not the main point of the drink.
I got a free T2 ready to drink can and a free Suntory boss coffee can.
Thanks JV
water has zero carbs.
This is the first time I noticed JV posted a deal
I was just lamenting how lazy my water is. Thanks JV
This ‘active water’ tastes like vj
I got a 6 pack of 250ml Kirk's mini cans. Last week I got Barilla 400g Pasta sauce.
got pack of 250ml Kirk's mini cans
Why do I never get flybuys offers?
Do you have a flybuys account?
Yes, I do.
They flew over your account
Me neither… maybe we have to opt in to marketing emails or something?
this is how cheap you are….willing to hand over all your personal data for a bottle of marketing bullshit water!!
take a good look at yourselves!!!
Some companies give away your data for free. Cough Optus At least you get some sugar free water here.
I got free 6 pack Kirk's mini drinks offer. Anyone else got that instead of this?
I got free 6 pack Kirk's mini drinks offer.
Party time !!!
This is a nice addition to your usual Doritos and Mountain Dew diet, jv
CCs are on special
Collected 6x250ml Kirk's drinks today. Staff called manager to show that " see this has happened again !", when cart discounted by $8.20 after scanning flybuys card. They didn't have a clue about this promotion. I had to explain but in vain, manager checked the receipt anyway. Haha !
Not worth it. I can just get water out of my tap at home, don't need to go anywhere
This is flavoured.
What is active flavour anyway? Does it taste like an athlete sweated into the bottle?
What is active flavour anyway?
the bottle is worth 10 cents so i can make a 10 cent profit on it
What makes it ACTIVE?