Fellow nerds / geeks
Just looking for tips on android vs other handheld devices that can be hacked and ROMs downloaded and used for Minecraft in particular for the boy. Sub $200 range (new or used)
Anbernic options?
I modded a 3ds a while ago and that was fun for a bit but also before a bunch of other handhelds came out.
I know some of the newer android handhelds have emulators but do they also allow for downloaded ROMs to be installed or are they google play store dependent?
PSP was another option but I don’t believe Minecraft can be played on this
Thanks for any tips :)
I'd suggest hunting for a low firmware/hackable Switch. This opens up the avenue for the entire Switch catalogue (including Minecraft) and tons of other kid friendly games. Might need to add another $100-200 to your budget for that though.