Have You Ever Won Anything at The Lottery Office?

It's the place you can play overseas lotteries that have the bigger draws - regularly hundreds of millions, and sometimes billions.

There was one in the past I forgot the name where they just ran a parallel lottery. The government shut them down.

The Lottery Office supposedly has people on the ground in the various countries who buy a ticket on your behalf and supposedly that's why they are still running.

I have entered a few draws but I haven't won even a tiny prize.

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  • 35
    I have never entered there
  • 6
    I have entered there but never won
  • 2
    I have won a little there
  • 4
    I have won a big prize there


  • +1

    The Lottery Office supposedly has people on the ground in the various countries who buy a ticket on your behalf

    I somehow doubt this. It would be way too expensive. I'd imagine that they just have someone sitting in front of the computer at the back of their office (buying tickets online).

    • +1

      Also US lotteries are not available online, you should go to the physical store. So they (Lottery Office) just take your money and prey/insure in case you won anything.

  • +4

    The Lottery Office supposedly has people on the ground in the various countries who buy a ticket on your behalf and supposedly that's why they are still running.

    They don't. All they do is promise to pay you $x dollars if you win the jackpot, and have that underwritten by an insurance company. The insurance is cheap, as the odds are very low, so they would make good money.

  • +2

    When the USA lotto was at 2 billion, I saw one ticket and it was like $7AUD and the chances of winning is 1:302,575,350 opposed to Wed/Sat Aus lotto is 1:8,145,060 at around 85c per ticket.

    Not worth it, while I agree is fun to dream and you have to be in it to win it, just don't have expectations to win.

  • -3


  • +2

    I think if you read the T&C's, they only pay you what you would have got after tax if you won in that country. Just something to be aware of.

    • +1

      And if you read official PB rules - prize must be claimed in state where ticket was purchased. As it's only offline - in gas stations, shops, etc. Nothing online.

  • +2

    don't throw away your $s!!!

  • +3

    I won the Euro Mega Billions. Invested it all in MoviePass.

    • Missed the movie…… will wait for the next humingerous will that will pay for the popcorn.

  • -1

    OP has no idea how the Lotteries work around the world w.r.t. licenses and jurisdictional legal issues.
    Looks like OP also has no idea that Lottery Office is licensed in an OZ sate so has to legally ensure that it meets all of the state laws. OZ federal laws that I have seen and are awre of are almost non existent due to the history of what the federal an states look after in the constitution.

    The Oz sate that Lottery Office is licensed in has a number of conditions on it's license and one is NOT to have :"supposedly has people on the ground in the various countries who buy a ticket on your behalf " as it is NOT 100% reliable, but instead they have an API that is used to in the gambling industry is called laying off a bet to the real lottery jurisdiction that the lottery game is actually played in.

    • What happens if they sell a winning ticked but have not taken out "cover". If they then file for bankruptcy is it likely the buyer will get no payout?

      • Google NT gambling laws and read up.

        • So the punter is left out in the cold

          • @Ocker: Did you read up on the laws and then the regulations that the Lottery Office license relates to?

  • There was one in the past I forgot the name where they just ran a parallel lottery. The government shut them down.

    Lottoland or Planet Lotto?

    • NT licenses for gambling products are very strange and allow products that are not allowed in other states.

      • +1

        can't buy booze…gotta pay taxes through gambling I guess ggggrrrrr!

      • Because the NT is not a "State" and not subject to same rules

        • Sounds like you need to do more reading and this time on the constitution about what the federal government has "control" over and that the states/territories

          • @AndyC1: The federal government control the territories, both ACT and NT
            Read up before preaching

            • @Ocker: So you never did read anything.

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