Half price on a range of SodaStream syrups
Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Max Orange, Pepsi Max Vanilla - $3.50
Lipton Ice Tea Peach, Lemon - $3.50
Half price on a range of SodaStream syrups
Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Max Orange, Pepsi Max Vanilla - $3.50
Lipton Ice Tea Peach, Lemon - $3.50
Woolworths had them half price last week.
Part of the Spotlight Foundation
fair bit on sale
not interested in pepsi but i could only find this one:
cant find lemon ice
also how does this work on carbonated…its not supposed to be carbonated
Yep. But the cordials were already posted in the weekly catalogue deal. I do best of both worlds. Half Pepsi max, half zero sugar cordial
ahh oos
but stores could have some
Wait… you guys are using syrups in your soda stream??
I just bubble water then add a squeeze of lemon juice sometimes.
It's not that different - you bubble the water and add syrup after. You're not mixing syrup then bubbling.
Have only recently started with flavours myself but find them quite good and preferable to premix. Especially as you can't get some flavours premixed - like Pepsi Max Mango!
Tell me more about the Pepsi max mango. I can’t find it
You're lucky. I found it terrible. Each to their own though. :)
I have mixed the syrup then bubbled before. There's a good reason they tell you on the packet to not do this :/
I definitely prefer it over the premixed though because I put far less in. I find the premixed stuff too sweet these days.
Definitely do. Soda water is good but pepsi max is the only reason I stay sane and maintain weight.
No way, hate the taste of soda water.- some of the disadvantages of carbonated drinks with zero advantage over regular water!
dont support genocide by buying this
You like genocide?
I I like soda stream and quenching my thirst
If the land is so beautiful, buy Sodaking which is an Australian company and keep your money in this beautiful land
Didn't Sodaking go into administration? That might mean parts etc would be difficult to get a hold of in the future.
@Jackson: The administration meeting and administrators are in Melbourne, so I'd say it's the same one.: https://publishednotices.asic.gov.au/browsesearch-notices/no…
Two news articles about it:
@Rockpops: Just read the articles, unfortunate becuase their products have been good and their penetration in the market has been solid. They are still selling in all the usual places, and compatibility isn't a concern as all systems are the sodastream compatible anyway. I expect they will be purchased and then continue business as usual, but even more reason to support local I reckon
We support humanity
Don't support genocide by not buying this.
cool story bro, i'll make sure to buy this just to support the IDF
Boycott Sodastream for operating in illegally occupied Palestinian land
Launching soon: genocide flavoured syrup.
Guess they need to somehow SUGARcoat it ;-)
Just purchased. Thanks
Joke wasn't funny the first time. Saying it again just makes it even less funny.
@newjackswing: Remind me again, at what point have I ever said anything discriminatory about Jewish people
Get with the times, that closed down years ago
Yes… And it was one of the rare times Palestinians and Israelis worked together for many years. After sustained boycotts/online protests, the factory was closed. Think around 130 Palestinians lost their jobs as a result.
"we will deny water to gaza but you guys on ozbb can enjoy 50% off sodastream"
Exactly this.
Just use some lemons, gin and a splash of Kombucha.
That’s a bloody odd Pepsi recipe but I’m willing to try anything once
These companies are getting really desperate trying to increase sales - all above mentioned currently being boycotted Pepsi, coke, Lipton and Soda stream for supporting genocide.
who boycotted?!
who started the war?!
Israel in 1948, btw not a war , its a genocide, huge difference
… and hummus went there to deliver pizza? It was not a genocide?
@bobz79: So bombing Gaza area is not a genocide? Massive of children and women being killed in Gaza are not genocide? Did genocide happen in Israel? Tell the truth.
IN 1948? You mean after Israel declared independence following their acceptance of the UN's partition plan for the British Mandate of Palestine, and the Arab League declared war on the new state to try wipe it off the map?
Maybe it started in 1920 with the Nebi Musa riots
Hear it from a holocaust survivor and former Zionist to educate yourself https://youtu.be/XJJehL5S8Ic?si=M5gCNsVPnWnJAnVw
@bobz79: Thanks for confirming it's Palestinians land. That's a great start. Watch the full length of Dr Gabor (the holocaust survivor) interview to get his POV on Oct 7
@cmyk: When did I confirm anything? This was the title of the earlier youtube video you shared!
Dr. Gabor Mate on why land should be returned to Palestine
People have opinions, that may not be facts… May be he is hallucinating after too much Ayahuasca or is doing PR for his next book or show!
Do you have anything more credible? He is the guy who infamously diagnosed prince Harry publicly with PTSD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression during an interview!
They aren't desperate at all LOL. Sodastream have regular rotating specials with the 2 majors. Like clockwork. No need to make shit up to make yourself feel better.
It’s different this time, all their shares are dropping and it will get a whole lot worse for them once their Zionist system collapses soon
You can propaganda all you like about other issues, but share price dropping is just false - easy way to prove it factually.
Just like Starbucks where people think boycotting is making a difference. Share price up almost 10% since October 7th!
@Strange1: Starbucks is a whole lot more than a mere coffee shop. It’s somewhat an unregulated bank. In the end of 2019, they had over $1.5billion in balance from customers to play with at 0% interest which is more than any bank.
Here’s the thing, boycott is working, they are just working harder to bring their numbers up and obviously utilising the reserve they have on hand.
@sarah965: "all their shares are dropping"
So their share price didn't drop? What were you referring to then?
Mcdonalds up
Pepsi up
Starbucks up
Any other companies you want me to check?
Please show me Sodastreams share price.
@Strange1: Ohh, so it's share price isn't dropping and is actually trading up over the past month.
What's with the FB level of bot comments here?
@gypos: I don't know.
People love to come in here and neg legitimate deals, tell us that we can't buy Ozbargain staples like McDonalds, Coke, Pepsi etc. And then just make up stuff to support their claim, as the person who i responded to clearly did.
Sodastream shares are up since the 07th of October. Your narrative is silly.
It's not 2014 anymore. Sodastream moved their plant from the West Bank (costing hundreds of Palestinians their jobs, because the plant was about 50/50 Palestinian and Israeli), was purchased by Pepsi and Pepsi is going gangbusters. Thanks to milking inflation, their operating profits are 23% in the APAC region in the year to date Sep-23.
Does this taste better than the original?
i bought a sodastream jet in kmart a few days ago for $39 on sale. I assembled it correctly and use cold water and fill up to line on the bottle and cylinder is tight and i screw bottle on tight and press the button 5 times and a burst of gas is released each time but there is no fizz in the water any idea what's going on.
Could it be old stock that Kmart is selling. The bottles might have enough to sound like they're working, but aren't.
Edit: $39 is very cheap for a Sodastream kit.
Black Friday sale at Kmart. $39 isn't cheap if it don't make the water fizz. Can the gas go off.
Make sure you it’s inserted correctly. Mine was doing the same and realised I hadn’t inserted the bottle correctly. Look up YouTube videos. I can almost guarantee that you’re not doing it properly.
Yeah I it has a thread on bottle and gas cylinder I screw them on as tight as I can without breaking them. It does blast gas into the water in the bottle but when I unscrew the bottle there is no fizz at all.
Press the buttons hard to release the gas into it. Has to be pressed very firm.
@Heebz: Took it back got a refund and the woman working in returns said she bought one and it didn't fizz either. Bought a soda king for 69 in bigw and it works perfectly.
When you press the button you need to hold it for second, not just tap and release.
My parents have one of these, I have the electric one. All the electric one does is release three long bursts so I replicated that and it started working fine.
I hold it down for 3 seconds x5 still not making the water fizz I think it's a dud.
Yeah, that's definitely not working, sucks
These Zionist negging you because they don’t want to support local Aussie products, they only support their own Zionist companies
Such hateful tone. We get it, you don't like Jews zionists.
"they don’t want to support local Aussie products"
What possible reason could you have to state this? I'm Jewish, and I've had my SodaKing for years now, and i absolutely love it
You know how it is, Palestine is the favorite circle jerk sjw topic of the moment. People who've never had any hardship in life feel like they're doing something useful wanging on about it on a bargain website.
They'll get bored and move onto something else soon I am sure.
@Rockpops: Mate bugger off here. We are not living in the 90s no more when we had the Zionist media controlling us and telling us what to think and believe. This is a different generation. We are awake and we are here to make change. You can’t silence us, no matter how much the governments and media try. As we speak now, israhell has gone on to continue to unleash more hell on innocent civilians, trying to level whatever is left of Gaza.
There is no way to awaken selfish people like you. All i can say is SHAME ON YOU FOR SUPPORTING GENOCIDE AND SHAME ON ANYONE THAT IS SILENT !!!
@sarah965: lol.. get off the fake accounts and go fight in Palestine if you are that AWAKE! Make some real change, people on ozbargain only care about bargains, care less for politics or propaganda :-)
Hamas did a massacre which cannot be justified with no stories from 1920 or 1948!! They are now getting 10x back, what were they thinking in the first place?
@sarah965: who is your sponsor, Iran?
Russia, China and Iran are backing Hamas online
Bruh again with the anti-semitic card, don’t you get tired of that ? You know you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist
@sarah965: Of course your hateful comments were targeted towards the many non-Jewish zionists in Australia :D
Most people have some sort of filter before they post…..
@Strange1: I don’t care what you are for all I know Israel is bombing Christian’s and muslims and beating up Jews speaking against Zionist terrorists in Israel.
So talk to me when you man up and decide to condemn Israel’s war crimes against innocent civilians.
Your article is from 2018. Pepsi owns SodaStream, are you boycotting them and all their subsidiaries listed below? Your virtual signalling is pathetic
Agousha (Russia)
Alvalle (Spain)[3]
AMP Energy
Aquafina Flavorsplash
Aunt Jemima/Pearl Milling Company
Baconzitos (Brazil)
Cap'n Crunch
Chipsy (Egypt, Serbia)
Cracker Jack
Diet Mountain Dew
Diet Mug
Diet Pepsi
Diet 7UP (only outside of the United States)
Diet Sierra Mist
Domik v Derevne (Russia)
Duyvis (Netherlands)
Elma Chips (Brazil)
Emperador (Mexico)
Evervess (Russia)
Fandangos (Brazil)
Fruktoviy Sad (Russia)
Frustyle (Russia)
Gatorade Zero
Imunele (Russia)
Ivi (Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Serbia)
KhrusTeam (Russia)
Kurkure (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan)
Lubimy (Russia)
Manzanita Sol
Marias Gamesa
Matutano (Spain, Portugal)
Marbo Product (Serbia)
Miss Vickie's
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew Code Red
Mountain Dew Game Fuel
Mountain Dew Kickstart
Near East
Paso de los Toros (Uruguay)
Pasta Roni
Pepsi Max
Pepsi Next
Pepsi Zero Sugar
Pioneer Foods
Quaker Chewy
Rockstar (drink)
Rold Gold
Rosquinhas Mabel (Brazil)
Russkiy Dar (Russia)
Sakata (Australia)
Sandora (Ukraine)
7UP (only outside of the United States)
7UP Free (only outside of the United States)
Sierra Mist
Simba (Southern Africa)
Smith's (Australia)
Snack a Jacks
SoBe Lifewater
SoBe V Water
Stiksy (Brazil)
Trop 50
Tropicana Farmstand
Tropicana Pure Premium
Tropicana Twister
Twisties (Oceania Region)
Vesely Molochnik
Walkers (United Kingdom)
Ya (Russia)
Yedigün (Turkey)
Licensed and joint partnership trademarks
Dole (certain markets)
Ocean Spray (certain markets)
Yum! Brands
Papa John's
Breakfast Bars
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
Quaker Chewy Granola Cocoa Bars
Quaker Chewy Smashbars
Quaker Dipps Granola Bars
Quaker Oatmeal to Go Bars
Quaker Stila Bars
Quaker Yogurt Granola Bars
Coffee Drinks
Seattle's Best Coffee
Starbucks DoubleShot
Starbucks Frappucino
Starbucks Iced Coffee
Energy Drinks
AMP Energy
Mountain Dew Energy
Rockstar Energy Drink
Starbucks Refreshers
Cap'n Crunch Cereal
King Vitaman Cereal
Kretschmer Toasted Wheat Germ
Quaker Life Cereal
Mother's Ready-to-Eat & Hot Cereals
Quaker Essentials
Quaker Grits
Quaker Instant Oatmeal
Quaker Natural Granola Cereal
Quaker Old Fashioned Oats
Quaker Oh!s Cereal
Quaker Puffed Rice
Quaker Shredded Wheat Cereal
Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal
Quisp Cereal
AMP Energy Gum
Aunt Jemima Mixes & Syrups (now Pearl Milling)
Quaker Baking Mixes
Sabra Hummus
Rice Snacks
Quaker Large Rice Cakes
Quaker Mini Delights
Quaker Quakes
Quaker Tortillaz
Side Dishes
Near East Side Dishes
Pasta Roni Side Dishes
Rice-A-Roni Side Dishes
Baked! Cheetos Snacks
Baked! Doritos Tortilla Chips
Baked! Lay's Potato Crisps
Baked! Ruffles Potato Chips
Baked! Tostitos Tortilla Chips
Baken-Ets Chicharrones
Cheetos Cheese Flavored Snacks
Chester's Flavored Fries
Chester's Popcorn
Cracker Jack Candy Coated Popcorn
Doritos Tortilla Chips
El Isleno Plaintain Chips
Frito-Lay, Fritos, Lay's, and Tostitos Dips & Salsas
Frito-Lay Nuts & Seeds
Fritos Corn Chips
Funyuns Onion Flavored Rings
Gamesa Cookies and Wafers
Grandma's Cookies
Hickory Sticks
Hostess Potato Chips
Lay's Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
Lay's Kurkure
Lay's Potato Chips
Lay's Stax Potato Crisps
Lay's Wavy Potato Chips
Maui Style Potato Chips
Miss Vickie's Potato Chips
Munchies Snack Crackers
Munchies Snack Mix
Munchos Potato Crisps
Natural Cheetos
Natural Lay's
Natural Ruffles
Natural Tostitos
Nut Harvest Nuts
Rold Gold Pretzels
Ruffles Potato Chips
Sabritones Puffed Wheat Snacks
Santitas Tortille Chips
Smartfood Popcorn
Smartfood Popcorn Clusters
Spitz Seeds
Stacy's Pita
Bagel Chips
SunChips Multigrain Snacks
Tasali Snack Foods - in Saudi Arabia
Tostito's Artisan Recipes Tortilla Chips
Tostito's Tortilla Chips
Soft Drinks (original Pepsi brands)
Diet Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew Throwback
Mist Twst
Mist Twst Cherry
Mist Twst Cranberry
Diet Mist Twst
Diet Mist Twst Cranberry
Pepsi Atom
Diet Pepsi
Pepsi Zero Sugar
Pepsi Twist
Pepsi Blue
Pepsi Pink
Pepsi Gold
Pepsi Green
Pepsi Black
Pepsi White
Pepsi Salty Watermelon
Pepsi Azuki
Pepsi Ice Cucumber
Pepsi Shiso
Pepsi Mont Blanc
Pepsi Edge
Pepsi One
Pepsi Next
Pepsi Wild Cherry
Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
Caffeine Free Pepsi
Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi
Diet Pepsi Lime
Caffeine Free Mountain Dew
Caffeine Free Diet Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew Livewire
Mountain Dew Code Red
Diet Mountain Dew Code Red
Lipton Brisk Lemon
Lipton Brisk Sweet Tea
Mountain Dew Voltage
Mountain Dew White Out
Diet Lipton Brisk WL
Lipton Brisk Fruit Punch
Lipton Brisk Lemonade
Pepsi Throwback
Diet Mug
Tropicana Products
Bubly sparkling water
Sports Nutrition
Gatorade G Series Prime 01
Gatorade Thirst Quencher - G Series Perform 02
Gatorade G Series Recover 03
Gatorade G2
Gatorade Natural
Gatorade G2 Natural
Gatorade G Series FIT Prime 01 Pre-Workout Fuel
Gatorade G Series FIT Perform 02 Workout Hydration
Gatorade G Series FIT Recover 03 Post-Workout Recovery
Gatorade G Series PRO 01 Nutrition Shake
Gatorade G Series PRO 01 Nutrition Bar
Gatorade G Series PRO 01 Carbohydrate Energy Formula
Gatorade G Series PRO 02 Endurance Formula
Gatorade G Series PRO 02 Perform Gatorlytes
Gatorade G Series PRO 03 Protein Recovery Shake
Gatorade G Series PRO Prime +
Gatorade G Series PRO Recover +
Bottled Water
Aquafina FlavorSplash
Driftwell, a water with added L-theanine to encourage sleep.[4]
Propel Zero
SoBe Lifewater
Thanks for the reply, and it’s a good question!
The current list of brands targeted by BDS is:
* Hewlett Packard
* Siemens
* Puma
* Israeli fruit and vegetables
* SodaStream
* Ahava
* Sabra
Wow. Siemens is an ambitious boycott. Like, I understand how boycotting carbonated drinks, sports clothes, fruit and vegetables is doable but Siemens? A large chunk of Australia and probably almost every other country in the world runs off of Siemens products. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the people here are sitting in a building and using power from a switchboard with a Siemens circuit breaker in it.
@SlappersOnly: That’s an interesting point. I’d imagine that one is more there for sympathetic commercial or governmental decision makers, rather than household consumers.
What kind of impact though? SodaStream had a building on occupied lands, they left, hundreds of Palestinians lost their jobs. Now what is the goal?
The reason BDS give for continuing their protest is:
Its new factory is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev)
Except the Negev is a part of Israel, built right near the largest Bedouin city in Israel (Rahat). It's a recognised Bedouin city and while Israel has a pretty piss poor history on how they treat the Bedouin there's apparently no animosity by the Bedouin about SodaStream.
More like BDS had a big win against SodaStream and see no reason to take their foot off the pedal. They haven't written anything about SodaStream since 2018 and even that claim barely stands up.
Yesss boycott the lot of them , 90% is literally poison anyway
Too bad they went into administration, so that means no parts or anything.
They're probably just selling remaining stock.
Cheers OP. The Cottees cordial (including zero sugar range) is also on half price
Orginal Pepsi syrup contains Artifical sweeteners and sugars BTW.
If you are WA, Supdshed sells Root Beer, Dr Pepper and Cherry Coke Syrups.
God yes, its about time ive been needing to stock up for months