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New Plug Version Wltoys V911 2.4GHz 4CH Gyro Remote Control RC Helicopter M2 $36.31 w/Free Ship

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Banggood's first deal on here, made specifically for you all at Oz Bargain. $36.31 for this beast is a great deal. Free worldwide shipping too.

This new version of the V911 Heli from WLtoys is better than ever with a new battery pack. Feel free to let us know how you feel about it.

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closed Comments

  • Seems like a solid price for cheap aviation.

  • How long is flight time? How long does it take to charge? Does it require both batteries to run? Does the remote need like 8 X AA batteries or something?

    • +1

      The flight time is usually 7 to 8 minutes, however with an upgraded battery (we suggest the 150 MAH) it will fly for 10 minutes.

      The first charge will take longer than normal but it should be around 30 minutes to charge.

      It Doesn't require both to run, just one is fine.

      The remote needs 6 AA Batteries not 8.

      On the information section of the page has more detailed information if you would like.

      If you have any other questions that are not covered there, please let us know.

  • How many batteries do you need for the RC ?? 1x9V or 6x1.5V

    • Sorry did you mean RC as in Remote Control or RC as in the actual RC Helicopter?

      If you mean the remote, then it needs only 6 AA Batteries.

  • On the surface, a cheap unit that is capable of flying outside and decent controls.

    But the above questions would need to be answered first.

  • Feels good. ;)

  • Looks good, waiting for answers before pirchase

  • I have this helicopter, bought it from ebay for about $10 more a couple of months ago.

    Flies great, doesn't handle strong winds well but. Flies very good inside/low wind.

    The remote uses 6 x AA batteries, and the helicopter came with 2 rechargeable batteries that could be charged using the supplied USB cable to PC or remote.

    I can fly for about 6-8 minutes on a full charge, depends on the condition. You can buy additional batteries for about $2 each. The batteries charge in about 30 mins or less

    • $10!!! 0_0 aren't you lucky! The RRP is at $46.49. You won't get this item cheaper anywhere else, unless of course you get an amazing deal on eBay.

      • No I mean $10 MORE lol - It was about $45 I paid.

        This is a very good deal

        • +1

          oops my mistake, but cheers it is always nice to hear that we are giving good deals.

    • $2 battery where? They $3.99usd on banggood free shiping.

  • Is battery easy to take out n replace with new battery to fly when 1st battery depleted? Just pulln plug or do u need to unscrew and stuff? Extra 5x150mah for $12.59usd

    • It is a piece of cake, you just plug it in. No tedious unscrewing or anything like that.

      • +1

        link from DarkII has 5x150mah for $9.87AUD u beat that?? might get the bundle with more batteries if u match price..

        • +3

          The office is about to close for today, but I will let the team know first thing in the A.m. tomorrow. I can't guarantee but I will let you know.

        • I did beat that by modifying the remote. Added an extra DC adapter socket and a power adaptor/battery switch. It's for indoors anyway. No battery is required any more. Save $$$ and environment as well. :)

        • I notice they are now $9.85 - ok, you've made me run out of excuses not to buy it. Good xmas prezzy for the son…if I dont try it out first :)

        • You are welcome. We couldn't do the bundle deal right now however we'll certainly be doing one in the future. If you could please give us some ideas of what you'd like in a bundle deal it'd be much appreciated.

  • check this: http://www.myrcmart.com/product_info.php?products_id=4221{1}1{2}4{11}59
    $28.41+12.33shipping=35.81 total. It's a good deal also

    • yeh i notice myrcmart ships with extra spare parts too..

      2xmain blade
      1xtail blade

      • Oh that one I bought from ebay came with those spares too.

        I'm guessing it's just part of the package, this seller should include it too

        • my bad, it is on our page but I should have made it clear on the deal on here. But yes it is the same.

    • How do you get 12.33 for shipping, I can't get a shipping option that cheap? I tried a few Australian addresses and they all show $24 delivery which bloats the overall cost, only 1 item in cart (no extra options chosen either).

      • Sorry man I made a mistake. You are right, the lowest shipping cost is $24

  • +7

    HAHA showed this deal to a friend of mine who said "Yeah I might buy one for my daughter"

    I reckon it might actually be for him though coz he loves helicopters in general. Also he doesn't have any kids which is a bit suss

  • What does "new plug version" mean? Old batteries won't work in the new heli, and vice versa? Which batteries will work?

  • I reckon you'd be wasting your money buying without any spare parts if you are a beginner.
    Mate of mine busted a blade in 2 days when he was learning. You never know when you might get a gust of wind outside…..

    • Must have had a bad luck with the landing haha, I flew mine too high outside and the wind took it 3 houses away onto the road. Nothing broke, just the landing gear popped out of place.

      Was surprised myself lol

  • Normally i'd say this is a good deal however i've bought 2 V911s (1st one was the full set, second was just the heli) from banggood in the past and BOTH came with faulty PCBs (1st one had a failed gyroscope, 2nd one had a delayed tail response so is effectively unflyable and the antenna needed resoldering…), I guess i got a fair partial refund (like 10$) on the first one but only 5$ out of the 20$ it cost me for just the heli on the second one (PCB costs 13$) (sending them back is not an option since it costs 10$ just for shipping back -.-)

    Tempted to buy again just because I dont want to feel i wasted money on spare parts though I only need the helicopter and I feel like im gonna get a third dud.
    Maybe third times a charm or maybe my luck is just screwed up since noone else is apparently having these board problems…

    edit: its still worth it guys… you'll be paying like 80$ to get it from jaycars (you could get the whole set + 2 extra helis from banggood for that price)

    +1 for price (this is without a doubt the cheapest you will ever get it especially if you use this coupon ontop which gives you a further 5% discount ie: $34.50)
    Coupon= b185f7
    just beware you can only use it once per account, so use it on your biggest order :P

    • Btw banggood please consider putting the v929 on sale :)

      • Will do. Expect to see it roaming the Oz Bargains in the near future.

    • Sorry to hear about your experience, we do try our best to send you the best of the best and WLtoys have a good reputation when it comes to cheap and reliable RC Helis.

      Also I am sorry to point out that the 5% coupon code is for non-discounted items only, so it is not applicable with this deal however feel free to use it elsewhere on Banggood.

  • +1

    Should note that this is a mode 2 transmitter (throttle on left stick), not mode 1 like the Australian standard seems to be (throttle on right). I'm no expert, and most aren't going to go join flying clubs and it won't matter, but you should be aware. If you were going to get serious, I suppose you would learn to fly using mode 1 as most club members would use this. Some sellers offer either mode at point of purchase if it makes a difference to you. Some ozbargainer with more knowledge may be able to confirm this? All I know is I won't be able to fly it even if I used dummy mode (thats ok I have teenage kids, they can do anything…) ;)

    • Any other info on this mode thing? possible to order mode 1?

      • From what I've seen (around Canberra), Mode 2 is actually very common for people who primarily fly helicopters. It's somewhat logical as it puts the two cyclic/swashplate controls (pitch and roll) on one stick. Quadrotors are much the same; it's logical to control pitch and roll from one stick.

        Planes tend to use Mode 1 because that puts the tail control surfaces (rudder and elevator) on one stick.

        Really, it's not a big deal. Pick whatever makes sense to you.

  • +1

    Bought one and a 5-pack of batteries. make a fun Xmas present.

  • Hi, has anyone used more than one of these simultaneously?

    As in, do they have a manual channel selection (and if so, how many channels) or do they do some sort of pairing with the controller, and does it work well with up to 4 going at the same time?



    • It does not have a manual channel selection on this version unfortunately, and to be honest four would be rather hard going up in the air. Our boys here can do two with this model, maybe if you are more experienced you could get four up. But it is still worth the price though, I doubt you could find another RC Heli which could operate 4 with manual channel selection for just over 36 Dollars.

      • Thanks for the quick reply.

        Just to be clear, I am talking about 4 helicopters, 4 controllers. Is there some sort of Link up process when you put the battery in the helicopter for the first time? This would usually lock the chopper to the controller.


        • na you cant fly more than one at a time, i just put batteries in my 2 v911s and they are both being throttled by my single transmitter simultaneously

  • Thanks BangGood for dropping battery price, so i bought the package (xtra batteries and extra main and tail blades :)
    Bought myself my own christmas present hahahaha total $51.16AUD

    Shipping Method: Air Parcel Register
    Subtotal of Items:
    1 x 5 Pcs WLtoys V911 RC Helicopter Spare Parts 150mah 3.7V Li-Poly Battery (5xSKU036185) AU$9.65
    1 x New Plug Version WLtoys V911 2.4GHz 4CH Gyro Remote Control RC Helicopter Mode 2 (SKU042575) AU$36.23
    Color Black Yellow
    1 x 5 Pairs of Main Blade Black and Orange For WLtoys V911 Helicopter Repair and Replacement part (5xPOA020235) AU$3.91
    1 x 2 xWLtoys V911 Tail Blade Helicopter Repair and Replacement part (2xSKU026029) AU$1.95

    Sub-Total AU$51.74

    Air Parcel Register AU$0.00
    Discount Coupons:b185f7: AU$-0.56

    Total AU$51.16

    • Nice combo :)

      But i'm not sure if these SKU036185 batteries will fit your New Plug Version v911… I think it's using different battery connector. You can check images of your SKU042575. There are batteries shown on a separate picture.

      Can you check that on arrival? I'm also thinking about buying these batteries. Hmmm…. maybe there are some adapters out there?

  • Ordered!

  • Has anyone actually recieved theres yet??
    The tracking number on track page doesnt work as well..
    Been ages thought it says 7days been more then 2weeks

    • Yeh, I'm still waiting too - though it did say 7 - 15 business days on its site for Australia.

      • +1

        Contact them and got this.. But its okay i'll. might as well wait.

        Dear ******,

        Great thanks for your kind order and contact with us.We are so sorry that your parcel was returned by China Post as the electronic products containing battery couldn't pass the strict custom clearance recently.

        A thousand apologies for the inconvenience it has caused to you.Would you mind waiting for days longer to get the items you have selected?Since re-shipment has been arranged via DHL with tracking no.RQ*********SG. So it will not take too long to reach you.

        We are so sorry for this.We strives to offer the best service to our customers.But there are usually something out of control coming.So many thanks for your kind understanding and support.

        Thanks for your cooperation.Look forward to your early reply.

        Best regards!


        • kspec did you find this out by a tracking number, or you just contacted them? Think I will drop them a line too then…

        • I had to contact them..

        • I got tracking number reassigned from CN to HK at flytexpress. And i saw somewhere that many packages were returned by china post so i think that's the issue of late deliveries. At least i hope so ;)

  • Yes, I hope so too! Did you guys get offered the 30% refund on the deal - sure makes it a bargain now (albeit slow delivery :) The reply I received was generic, so I think they all got returned lol

    "Dear Valued Customers,

    We are so sorry about that your parcel was returned by China Post for the electronic products containing battery couldn't pass the strict custom clearance recently. A thousand apologies for the inconvenience it has caused you. If you want this package,we will resend you the package and are willing to give you 30% refund for the order you paid.

    And we have resent the items to u on 10/26/2012 6:41:19 PM,the new tracking number is RQxxxxxxxxxx,

    could u pls kindly to wait for it?looking forward to ur reply


  • Has anyone receive yet? No i didnt get 30% offer!!

    • Funny you post today (and thx for reminding me to update), I received an email update yesterday saying I was refunded for BATTERIES only with a 30% extra on the batteries. I bought $10 worth of batteries for the rc, so they refunded that plus 30% of the cost of the batteries…their initial reply was misleading or confusing.

      I asked thm to clarify, and they replied yesterday saying the helicopter was re-sent (no refund or bonus) but the batteries had been refunded with bonus. The chopper was supposed to have been resent on the 26-10…so still waiting for the chopper.

      Banggood battery link now removed:
      and they mentioned China Post was getting rejected for LiPoly batteries, so i ordered some from the post above from ebay:

  • I bought extra batteries as well but wasnt offered that discount. Mine was resent on the 26th by DHL and they gave me new tracking number which doesnt work on auspost or dhl website. Ive been trying past 7days and tracking number is still invalid. Yeaterday i emailed asking for a proper tracking number or i'll proceed with paypal refund. Still waiting for reply

  • +1

    after many days trying to contact them i had to lodge a dispute on paypal before they replied to my emails with a proper tracking number and site for tracking.. i was told it was resent on 26th but on singpost.com tracking says it was sent on 03/11/12 which is 2days ago.. soo anoyed

    here is where u can track your order if anyone needs it

    for RQ*********SG tracking codes.

  • Thanks for that link - mine says resent on the 2/11….not real happy either about misinformation

  • i just received mine today after a month of waiting and guess wat?
    Dissapointed ! the 150mah batteries that i bought extra does not fit the helicopter the plugs are different??? it wont fit the charger as well!!! its rubbish now!

    so what do i do now? now i understand wat NEW PLUG means, this batteries are for old model not this model and Banggood did not tell me that, i ordered and now those batteries are unusable?? wasted $10??? and 1 month of my time!!!!

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