I bought the 3000w inverter generator for King's. It recommends filling the fuel tank for the first start. How critical is this? I just want to make sure it works and don't want 12 L of fuel sitting in it. It's just a backup and won't be used except for regular tests until I need it which could be months.
New Kings Generator 1st start Question

This had me confused as well. Maybe it's to prime the fuel system and get all the air out. You can always syphon it out later or just try running it with a little bit of fuel.
Maybe it's to prime the fuel system and get all the air out.
I think it is more this, but 12L to do that? I doubt it would need all of it. That's what got me thinking and why I suggested 50% (so 6L) which should be plenty.
They must have gotten a lot of warranty claims for new units. This must be a sure fire way to avoid it. Once you store it for a while it's all going evaporate anyway and you'll have to fill it up to prime again.
Throw the supplied engine oil bottle away!
Makes for easier warranty claims?It recommends filling the fuel tank for the first start. How critical is this?
Well it doesn't run on air!
I just want to make sure it works and don't want 12 L of fuel sitting in it
I believe the wording 'filling the fuel tank' mean to put some fuel in it. A couple of liters will be heaps to test it out.
Well it doesn't run on air!
They run on a mixture of ⛽ fuel and air 😉
Get it converted to propane, then fuel gumming up the lines won't be a problem
Pretty sure that when they say ‘filling the fuel’ they don’t mean ‘make it full’ but rather ‘put some fuel in’
Initial 5min run, (trust it will start), 1/2 -1 lit, with full load test when hot.
Fill it completely,(same for your vehicles as well).
Turn Fuel Tap Off each run.
Run it 5 minutes every week.
A full tank has less air for Fuel to go stale.
A full tank allows for sitting on uneven ground.
A full tank has less chance for a fault and fire/explosion.
A full tank is required for the possible Emergency you are preparing for.
Thanks for all the comments. I've run it as recommended. They are idiot proof. They have a number on each part of the starting and stopping process. I cooked my lunch in my 800w microwave without any noticeable drain. I'm pairing it with a Power Station for nighttime: CPAP and Fans etc. We live in North Queensland and my dodgy suburb is out in some mangroves and seems to get power outages from 6 hrs to 2 days at least 3 or 4 times a year.
I think it probably means adding some fuel to it rather than completely filling the tank.
I would add maybe 50%, 6 Litres and then run it for a bit with no load to make sure all is working. Then plug in a device of some sort (light or something) to make sure it is providing power.
Let me know how it goes, keen to get one myself. I have a 2200W Toolpro and it has worked well, but wouldn't mind some more power. Likewise, having it as a backup.