• expired

Wiggle 25% off Site-Wide in Stock Items


Wiggle has just announced its Australian website (their .com.au) most content is the same as their UK website but price in AUD and some Australia-specific offers. They are also running 25% off list price promotion at the moment (9-18 October). Use coupon code 25OFF. Here's an excerpt from their terms and conditions page:

By applying the promotional voucher code of 25OFF at checkout, a discount of 25% will be applied to the LIST PRICE of your chosen items.

  • from 09/10/2012 14:00 BST, expiring on 18/10/2012 14:00 BST
  • applies to in stock items only
  • applies to Australia and New Zealand only
  • cannot be used to discount
    • Wiggle Gift Vouchers, Event Tickets and Memberships
    • Delivery and Priority Despatch costs

Referral Links

Referral: random (10)

Referrer gets a voucher for 10% of referee's first order. Referee gets voucher for $18 off ($110 minimum spend).

Related Stores

Wiggle Australia
Wiggle Australia

closed Comments

  • so we need to goto http://www.wiggle.com.au/ and use AUD?

    • I think it's just their AU specific site. I am sure you can still go to their .co.uk site and make purchase with 28Degree card.

    • anyone tried on GBP?

      • +2

        Yep i can confirm it works.
        And remember…. as usual, it's cheaper to pay in GBP if you have no fx fee card such as 28 degrees

        • +2

          Just so people know, if your item shows a discount of 10% or less, then apply the discount code as above, then convert to pounds and this will work out cheaper.

          If the item shows the existing discount is 20% or above and your order is above £100, it works out cheaper to pay in pounds and add the code 10OFF, this will work out substantially cheaper than the AUD with 25OFF code.

          If your item shows a discount of 20% or above and your order is under £100, then just pay in pounds without using the discount code.

  • +3

    Be aware that some items will show a greater discount than 25%

    Thought I found a fantastic bargain when I added this item (http://www.wiggle.com.au/garmin-forerunner-210-teal-gps-spor…) to the cart and applied the discount. Discounted final price was $137 (down from list price $307) but at payment confirmation time sadly it had the correct price :(

    • -3

      Yeah, their website is broken. Attempt to buy product for $311.43, with discount applied, the checkout says total cost is $164.06. When you go to payment, the total cost changes to $281.48 - discount less than the advertised 25% and totally different to what is mentioned in the cart.

      • +3

        Yes it has been pointed out that the discount calculation is defective when viewing in the shopping basket but I have a feeling the 'real' total of $281.48 has been calculated correctly based on a 25% discount on the LIST price (ie. full price), not the already discounted price. Remember, the discount states that it is off the full price.

    • Thanks for pointing this out, I thought I'd found a bargain.

    • +1

      did you see the comment on that watch

      The existing Forerunner 210 has been a huge success, but many of Garmin's customers, especially women have asked for more colourful units. In response to this request, they are offering this new dark grey Forerunner 210HR with teal accents

      If my customers wanted "colours" - not sure I would come up witha grey watch with a few small streaks of blue…


  • +4

    "Unfortunately, Asics have decided to restrict Wiggle from shipping their products to you."
    … but i got two asics shoes from startfitness..

    • +1

      I say boycott Asics Australia. They just want you to pay their outrageous price or go without.

  • +2

    Any tips on a good commuter/weekend ride bike? Preferably one that doesn't make me look like a douche (i.e. not a fixie).

    • Fixie riders are douches?

      • +6

        I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yes, yes they are.

      • +1


    • what about track cyclists. they must be douches too then

      • +1

        If they are hipsters in addition to track cyclists then they probably are ;)

        • +1

          they couldn't be, those handlebar (HAH!) moustaches aren't aerodynamic.

  • I reckon the DHB Carbon Road Bike shoe is a great buy. Carbon Road Shoes are stupidly expensive in Aust. Comes to 59.06 GBP, or a bit under $100 delivered. Thanks Wiggle!

  • I dont think it all adds up

    VAT (Included in subtotal)……$0.00
    Goods Subtotal………………..$582.58
    Delivery cost from…………….$150.73
    Voucher Discount…………….$151.42
    25off Remove
    Total To Pay…………………..$642.91

  • Shame they don't have a lot of stock…

  • When I put in the voucher code it only adds up to about a 10% discount.

    • +2

      is the item already has discount on it?
      i just tried, yes 25% from ORIGINAL PRICE not after discount

      • Yep, correct. When I went back in to check I discovered that a couple of items were already on sale. Then my browser crashed and couldn't delete/update my post :-(

  • -3

    Forerunner 910XT Bundle (Premium HRM + ANT Stick), Australia and New Zealand
    $449.00 AUD

    Garmin Forerunner 910XT GPS Sports Watch with HRM
    List price $633.13
    SAVE 25% = $158.28
    Your Wiggle price:

    • Read my post I posted earlier….. this will make it $400 AUD through wiggle

      Garmin Forerunner 910XT GPS Sports Watch with HRM
      Black | Availability: In stock
      Add Voucher/ Go To Basket
      Goods Total £283.49
      Voucher Discount £28.35
      VAT (included) £0.00
      Delivery £0.00
      You Pay £255.14

    • +2

      Neg for one single item that is already 25% off List Price?

      • +1

        its not always easy for people to navigate wiggle's complex currency/discount code pricing structure, but as I said, they can get it for less just by adjusting to £ and using code 10OFF. I like wiggle, but their marketing strategies are sometimes deceptive… just like this one.

  • Wiggle doesn't seem as cheap anymore for cycling gear, Ribble and CRC sales are much better

  • Can anyone find helmets? http://www.wiggle.com.au/cycle/helmets-1/
    And , if so, will they come with little silver AS/NZ stickers?

    • doubt helmets from the UK will come with AS/NZ stickers. correct me if im wrong. but in saying that i dont doubt the quality safety standards in the UK. possibly better than ours.

    • if you change the destination to australia they block out all the helmet listings, probably because too many people have bought from them before and then realising that these are EU certified instead of AS2063 and subsequently returning them…

      There are still a few UK sites that do ship helmets to australia, you can buy them but technically you can't use them on the road and racing.

      • Yeah its a not a good idea, even if its a driver's fault for having an accident, the insurance company will say you were not wearing aus std headgear etc.

        • cant u argue that thew European standard matches or beats Au standards?

        • i was in a serious bike v car accident.
          i assume police didn't check my helmet, they just put on the incident report that i was wearing one. the insurance agency never inspected the helmet either despite it being 'involved'

          i really don't think it matters so long as you are properly wearing something half decent.

          i now wear a helmet from uk (bell).

        • Well first of all you can, but when you argue with an insurance company you always end up losing the argument.

          From Wikipedia (out of all places), "the performance requirements of this standard [AS/NZS 2063] are slightly less strict than the Snell B95 standard but incorporate a quality assurance requirement. As a result, the AS/NZS can be argued to be safer." and "The CPSC and EN1078 standards are lower than the Snell B95".

          The Snell standard is a US non-profit organisation, whereas SAI-Global certifies the AS/NZS helmets (which charges royalties for the stickers).

          meh. IMO I'm all for helmets but if they really want to make a proper helmet law in Australia they should 1) accept all major international standards and 2) don't charge royalties for Aus certification as this drives up the price and certification times.

          I wear a Giro Aeon from the US… and I hope they get this lid certified in Australia so I can be a good kid on the block.

  • Yeah doesnt work on already discounted items. Got some Nike frees though, woot!

    • I got some Nike frees too!
      With the 25% voucher and free shipping, it was too good to pass up

  • Hi All,

    Just a quick question, was there a change recently with Brooks brand runners?
    I thought they were sold on wiggle.

    Anyone have any suggestions as to alternatives for Brooks.
    OZ Shops ask roughly $200 for the same pair as was available for $90 or so.


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