When You Are Going to KFC, Do You Eat The Chickens on It's Own or Do You Also Buy Chips to Eat Together with The Chickens?

Having a discussion about having KFC with 2 friends. Friend 1 is saying when he goes to KFC to eat chickens, he would also buy the chips to go with it because 'who the hell eats KFC chicken without chips'. Friend 2 says he can go to KFC and eat the chickens without chips. Friend 1 is saying Friend 2 is being cheap for not buying chips.

My question: when you go to KFC to have chicken, do you always buy the chips to go with it?

Poll Options

  • 302
    Yes (chicken and chips) - if I am eating kfc chicken I have to also eat kfc chips.
  • 5
    Yes (chicken and chips) must have - Anyone who doesn't buy chips with kfc chicken are being cheap.
  • 158
    No (chicken) - I can eat kfc chicken on it's own without chips.

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia


  • +1

    Why cant people make their own choices and everyone be happy about it. I go to KFC and only buy mash and gravy. Are they both gonna give me the sh!ts for not buying chicken nor chips.

    • +1

      Dinner rolls and gravy. Pretty sure it's the least nutritious option they have.

  • +1

    I'm just happy they call them chips, saying fries makes me think of septic tanks.

  • I buy both in the hope that one day they'll manage to cook the chips through instead of them being a floppy mess.

  • If there was a cheaper option without cheaps, then that would 100% be my default go to

  • Do Chickens love Chips ?

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