Cheapest I've seen it in a while I think I got my copy for $54 in September
Update: $53.10 to $54 (1/12)
Cheapest I've seen it in a while I think I got my copy for $54 in September
Update: $53.10 to $54 (1/12)
Sad how low budget this game is.
Could have been so much more.
Can we play against the system? Or we must go online?
There's single player but it's not like the original Wii sport where it tracks levels and gets harder as you progress. More just a easy, medium, hard setting
Might buy at $33.10
Link please?
No I'm just saying $53 is too much for Wii Sports Switch Edition
lol all good then
any good joy-con deal?
Is this 4 players local?
It talks about golf being added in the amazon description, has that happened?
Can confirm
How does it hold up to wii golf? Man I put some hours into that game.
It's actually the most difficult game in the set.
Winds pretty hard sometimes. So is terrain. And your playing other humans.
Easily the best mode in the game and better than Wii golf imo
Bought in September.. how much you played it?
Honestly, I was so convinced it would be garbage that I forgot it even existed. Just wondering if I was wrong
I've played Golf with the family a few times it was fun!
It's rubbish. They dumbed it down so much compared to Wii Sports. The bowling feels incredibly unintuitive as you just hold the trigger and it bowls itself.
Anyone remember the deal from Gerry for $58 that also got you $20 gift card? 😂🤣
Yes! I got that!
Same. Bought Pokemon scarlett with the voucher!
Just a heads up, they added Golf back in Nov 2022 - more fleshed out than WiiSports + Resort Golf and includes all previous courses as well as new ones.
Local multiplayer is great, if you have NSOnline you can track your progress in each sport. The gyro controls have also been significantly refined for each of the legacy sports (except Tennis which has been simplified somewhat), and the new sports are a blast - Football might be the new favourite.
Seems you need online sub to get the best of this game