Are There Any Fingerbots with Wi-Fi Instead of BT?

I have been searching for a Wi-Fi fingerbot but I could find were BT fingerbots.

Has anyone found a Wi-Fi fingerbot? Of not, is there a reason why BT is preferred over Wi-Fi for this sort of smart device?


  • -1

    Shouldn't of googled fingerbot at work….oh,no

  • They have the internet on computers now?

  • +1

    WTF is a Fingerbot?

    (This is a rhetorical question, I really don't want to know)

    • +2

      I also wondered, so had to look it up. It is a tiny box that presses a button. I am not joking.

      • +2

        In that case, I simply repeat the first 3 characters of my previous statement :D

  • Yes look on AliExpress

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