The AUAFFILIATES5% discount code that was posted applys to the AW3423DW aswell
Its on amazon for $1,574
The AUAFFILIATES5% discount code that was posted applys to the AW3423DW aswell
Its on amazon for $1,574
Yrp, fixed thanks
I don't know Amazon has acquired Dell.
Sorry, copied amazon post, its dell. Fixed. Thanks
Hmm, shame it's only such a small discount.
No panel! Dell unfortunately or fortunately for the wallet, flubbed this years BFCM
have it for 17 months now, $1,700, overall a step up from non oled.
$1,356.45 if you go for the DWF version.
You should really just get the DWF especially since it’s better and cheaper than this
What makes it better?
It's black, maybe?
I'd love to see a proper comparison between both. All I've heard is supposedly the F has worse HDR range but nothing I've seen definitively
DW version has G-Sync ultimate and also better HDR range. Which probably makes little difference
DWF free sync monitor which is always going to be cheaper. It’s also gsync compatible.
DWF has firmware updates, and quieter.
Yeah this. Everyone should watch hardware unboxed video comparing the two. The main difference is the awf is a newer model and has VESA adaptive sync which receives firmware updates. This model does not.
There’s no real reason to get this model other than marketing.
tough sell against the G8 just under $1000
Exactly this, also it is a glossy finish and you can hit 175hz @ 10 bit. Only thing dell has against Samsung is the burn-in warranty at this point.
Thats a big 'only'
Yeah, I’d still go the dell. The fact 2.5 years after owning the dell I can just swap it for a brand new monitor is worth the difference imo.
This is the exact same panel as the G8, they are both glossy
Where is the G8 for under $1000?
2 sec search only finds at $1399.
And there's the catch. Old monitor required, and signing up to Samsung spyware/marketing app. No thanks!
I appreciate your reply anyway.
For the patient and financially irresponsible, new QD-OLEDs dropping early next year. Be strong, I believe in you.
I workth for money and I shall spendth thee!!
There's always something better around the corner and then again after that, just get it and enjoy… can always sell this and get the next best thing, the new ones are just going to have a higher refresh rate which would only really be for competitive gaming and then is going to cost more. YOLO
Yes screens have been one of the biggest most successful innovative products this century (unlike cars etc which is largely still the same - where’s the self driving electric cars!). Screens have grown like x% a year and dropped massively in price. No point trying to catch up.
Do we have a rough idea of when is 'early next year'? Been looking forward to the next gen qd-oleds to take the plunge but its a bit hard to find any kind of time estimates.
JB sells this model get them to price match and use the Coles 15% off gift cards and get for $1270
Best thing ever
do you mean @ Dell?