So I negotiated a really good deal with The Good Guys on an LG C3 65" OLED television. The price was $2,500 including delivery. I received a link to make payment via text, and a copy of the purchase order via email. I purchased 2 $1,000 giftcards through Bupa rewards. I then entered entered the two gift cards when making payment, and then entered my credit card details for the $500 balance. I received a vague "0" error. Both gift cards are now showing with a balance of $0, my credit card has not been charged for the balance, and the purchase order link received via text is still showing the full amount outstanding. Help!
The Good Guys Gift Card Payment Issue

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This sounds like a good guy tech support problem. Ozbargain won't be able to help
We can get enjoyment at OP's expense. So there is that.
What a sad life you must lead.
You must be new to the forums. It's a tradition.
We can[t help, but we can get the popcorn, drinks and a chair to watch the posts.
I did call the store this afternoon. The rep said he was transferring me, but did know say who to. The place I was transferred to was closed.
Unfortunately these issues with TGG are not uncommon… Good Guys Gift Card - Buyer Beware
This comment in the previous thread may help your situation.
I personally don't shop at TGG because their CS is non existent in these scenarios so I really hope you can get your issue sorted…
This is a good reason never to buy large gift cards. There's no protection like there is on a credit card.
Bye bye giftcards.
Surely I can’t just write these off? NCAT?
Just keep trying to contact them again - you'll be right.
If I remember correctly there is a time out period, if the payment doesn't go thru, the gift card balance is 0ed out until (24?) hours later and then the card shows a balance again - similar to how a credit card will show a pending balance but if they don't settle the transaction it disappears
Managed to get through to Customer Care, and this is the issue. They can't explain why the payment failed, but they are going to expedite removal of the pending (failed) transaction.
So to all those calling for doom and gloom, keep munching on your popcorn.
When did you purchase the giftcards?
Sometimes they can take up to 24 hours before you can use them.
Purchased on Friday, but I was able to add them when trying to pay last night. They registered with the correct balance, and reduced the amount owing accordingly.
People just don't learn. I hope it was worth the $6 saving.
FF酒So someone should expect to have this happen when taking purchasing a gift card?
It's definitely becoming that way according to these forums. Google ADAGCHS and be prepared to have your mind blown.
What was the deal?
5% off TGG gift cards through Bupa Rewards.
Yeah i'm not sure this is worth risking it over a 5% discount.
In hindsight the stress definitely wasn't worth the $125 saving on a $2.5k television. But again, this was a direct TGG giftcard, not one of those TCN or multi-store redemption options, which you should (imo) be able to rely on
@TheWineFamily: Gift Cards aren't totally secure even direct from retailer. You can experience glitches like you experienced when their payment system totally screws up. Also gift cards don't offer protection if the business goes under. For example when Dick Smith went into receivership a whole lot of peoples gift cards become worthless over night as gift cards weren't included in the receivership protection.
At least when paying through credit card you've got the credit card buyers protection through the bank if the retailer doesn't do the right thing.
Call them