I'm having trouble finding online stores that sell very large heavy duty cardboard box cause most of the stores require you to buy in bulk but I only need one box. The box dimensions i need to be larger than 456×230×471mm(L×W×H) does anyone know where I can buy them online without the needing to buy in bulk?
Where Can I Buy Large Heavy Duty Cardboard Box for Delivery?

Bunnings sell them.
Here is the smallest one that's above the dimensions you listed.Dumpster
i get heaps of cardboard boxes of various sizes from dumpsters at shopping centres
If you go to your local Bunnings, they have lots of opened boxes to use at the front. You may be lucky and able to just take some to fit.
Go to Bunnings they have free boxes at the front, if not, buy two and double box if you have to if you want extra wall thickness
Bike shops, if you're handy with a Stanley knife and packing tape. I've found they're usually more than happy to give heavy duty bike boxes away. Usually in a mix of sizes if they sell kids bikes as well.
National Storage. I moved home, they have a variety of boxes and quality was better than Bunnings.
Singles @ 550 x 420 x 380mm