LTE on Telstra prepaid

Hi there, a really simple question which I don't have the answer for despite reading numerous whirlpool iPhone 5 threads. If I get the Telstra Prepaid Nano Sim Card, will I get LTE or 3G speed? I want to buy an iphone 5 outright and get a prepaid service. Thanks.

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  • Both, depending on the area you're in and whether there is LTE signal or not. (the LTE service area is currently limited to inner metro only)

    I don't believe you need a special SIM to get LTE on any of the networks.
    What you do need is a handset with suitable hardware to send and receive LTE signal at the appropriate frequency.
    I think you ought to be fine buying a Prepaid SIM.

  • I did exactly what you want to do - bought an iphone 5 outright and using telstra prepaid sim.. i get LTE in the city but in suburbia i am getting 3G only. I originally had the larger sim but when i picked up the iphone they switched me to a nano sim on the spot.. Hope this helps..

  • Hey guys, great help there! Thanks! I'll just pick up a nano sim and hopefully I can get LTE where I live (near broadway nsw), if not 3g would suffice. I'm sure Telstra's 3g is miles ahead of Voda's. Now I shall battle in the iphone 5 lottery system with the apple store and hopefully get myself one very soon.

    • +1

      Picked mine up from Broadway, and there was LTE there :) I got it through their reservation page ( - I entered my details just after 7am and that same day got a confirmation that they put one aside for me, and can be picked up the next day. Good luck :)

      • Wow, lucky you! I have been reserving it at the George Street store because I want to experience buying it from an apple store with fancy glass windows. Stuff that, I'll just head to Broadway! Thanks for the tip.

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